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Microsoft CorporationСтр 1 из 13Следующая ⇒
PC WORLD Навчальний посібник з дисципліни «Англійська мова (за професійним спрямуванням)» для студентів денного відділення спеціальностей: 5.05010301 «Розробка програмного забезпечення» 5.05010201 «Обслуговування комп’ютерних систем і мереж»
Склали: Войченко В.А, Гутаревич Л М.
Посібник розглянуто та затверджено на засіданні циклової комісії гуманітарних дисциплін „___” ________ 2010 р. Протокол № ________ Голова ЦК ______________ Закорчевна Т.Л.
Луганськ 2010 Pc world Unit 1 BRANDS AND NAMES IN PC WORLD Texts: Microsoft Corporation Google Inc Adobe Photoshop Intel IBM PC
Unit 2 HARD’N’SOFT Texts: Basic Computer System Organization (part 1) Basic Computer System Organization (part 2) Hardware (part 1) Hardware (part 2) Types of personal computers Software Operating systems Malware and computer crimes Antivirus software Internet Software piracy and copyright infringement
Unit 3 CAREERS IN COMPUTERS Texts: Programmer System administrator Cyber crime investigator
The company was founded by Bill Gates in 1975. Microsoft rose to dominate the home computer operating system market with MS-DOS in the mid-1980s, followed by the Windows line of operating systems. Its products have all achieved near-ubiquity in the desktop computer market. The company also markets both computer hardware products such as the Microsoft mouse as well as home entertainment products (the Xbox, Zune and MSN TV). Throughout its history the company has been the target of criticism, including monopolistic business practices and anti-competitive strategies. DOS (Disk Operating System) was the operating system that brought the company its first real success. On August 12, 1981, IBM awarded a contract to Microsoft to provide an operating system for the upcoming IBM PC. The company rose from a small player to one of the major software vendors in the home computer industry. In 1989, Microsoft introduced its flagship office suite, Microsoft Office. The software bundled separate office applications, such as Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. In 1990 Microsoft launched Windows 3.0 that soon became the favored PC platform. Microsoft Office also became the dominant business suite, with a market share far exceeding that of its competitors. In 1995 Microsoft released Windows 95, a new version of the company's operating system which featured a completely new user interface, including a start button. The company also released its web browser, Internet Explorer. In 2001, Microsoft released Windows XP, the first version that encompassed the features of both its business and home product lines. XP introduced a new graphical user interface, the first such change since Windows 95. In late 2001, with the release of the Xbox, Microsoft entered the multi-billion-dollar game console market dominated by Sony and Nintendo. On June 27, 2008, Bill Gates retired from day-to day activities in the company but remained the company's chairman, head of the Board of Directors and would act as an adviser on key projects. In January 2007 Microsoft released Windows Vista and Office 2007 and sold 300 million copies by December 2008. In 2008 Microsoft announced that it will share information about its products and technology to make it easier for developers to create software.
Words and word combinations: 1) headquarters [ 12) market [
I State tense forms of the predicate. Make questions to the sentences: 1) Microsoft Corporation is headquartered in Redmond, Washington, USA. (Where...?) 2) The company was founded by Bill Gates in 1975. (Who/Whom...?) 3) DOS (Disk Operating System) brought the company its first real success. (What...?) 4) Microsoft Office suite bundled separate office applications such as MS Word and Excel. (What kind of...?) 5) Microsoft will share information about its products and technology. (What...about?) II Correct the factual mistakes in the sentences and give the right information: 1) The company’s most profitable products are the Xbox360 game console and Zune media player. 2) The Microsoft mouse brought the company its first real success. 3) In 1989 Microsoft introduced its office suite and web browser, Internet Explorer. 4) In 1981 the company could get a contract to provide an operating system for a new model of the Apple computer. 5) In 2008 Microsoft promised to release Windows 7 operating system as a freeware. III Fill the gaps and translate the sentences:: Microsoft corporation is a multinational _______ corporation that develops and supports software products. Its most _______ products are the MS Windows operating system and MS Office suite. The company was founded by _______ in 1975. Its products have all achieved near ubiquity in the _______ computer market. Throughout its history the company has been the _______ of critisism for monopolistic business practises. OS Windows XP is the favoured _______. Microsoft Office is also the dominant business _______. In 2008 Bill Gates retired from day-to-day _______ in the company. He acts as an _______ on key projects now. Microsoft promised to share ______ about its products and technology to make it easier for ______ to create software. 1) information 2) activities 3) computer technology 4) PC platfofm 5) target 6) desktop 7) advisor 8) profitable 9) suite 10) Bill Gates 11) developers. IV Give the full name of the shortenings and explain the meaning: AMD; IBM
Google is an American corporation specializing in Internet search. It also generates profits from advertising on its free-to-user e-mail, online mapping, social networking and video-sharing services. Google has developed an open source web browser and a mobile phone operating system. Its headquarters is located in Mountain View, California It runs thousands of servers across the world, processing millions of search requests each day. Google began in January 1996, as a research project by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while students at Stanford University. They developed an Internet search engine with a new algorythm. They founded Google Inc. on September 4, 1998 at a friend's garage in Menlo Park, California. Google has been repeatedly named Number One Best Place to Work and most powerful brand in the world. Google is listed as the Internet's most visited website. The Google search engine attracted a lot of Internet users, who liked its simple design and useful results. In 2000 Google began selling advertisements associated with search keywords at 5 cents per click. While the primary business interest is in the web content arena, Google has begun experimenting with other markets, such as radio and print publications. The Google web search engine is the company's most popular service. Google has also developed several desktop applications, including Google Earth, an interactive mapping program that covers the vast majority of the planet. Google Translate is a server-side machine translation service, which can translate 35 different languages to each other. In 2008 Google released Google runs its services on several server farms, each comprising thousands of low-cost computers running stripped-down versions of Linux. The company has about 24 server farms around the world of various configurations. Google is known for its informal corporate culture. Google's corporate philosophy embodies such principles as " you can make money without doing evil, " " you can be serious without a suit." Google has been criticized for having salaries below industry standards. For example, some system administrators earn no more than $35, 000 per year. Google's headquarters in Mountain View, California (Googleplex) is a complex of buildings. The hallways are full of exercise balls and bicycles. Each employee has access to the corporate recreation center. Recreational amenities include a workout room with weights and rowing machines, washers and dryers, a massage room, video games, foosball and ping pong. There are snack rooms stocked with various foods and drinks. As a motivation technique, all Google engineers are encouraged to spend one day per week on projects that interest them. Some of Google's newer services, such as Gmail and Google News originated from these independent endeavors.
Words and word combinations: 1) to advertize [ I Match a word in Section A with a word in Section B: A 1) to generate profits from 2) search request 3) research project 4) search engine 5) search keywords 6) a stripped down version 7) desktop application 8) to sell ads 9) low-cost 10) weight and rowing machines B 1) тренажер 2) продавать рекламу 3) извлекать прибыль из/ отримувати прибуток від 4) исследовательский проект/ дослідницький проект 5) поисковый запрос/ запит 6) ключевые слова для поиска/ ключові слова для пошуку 7) недорогой/недорогий 8) приложения для ПК/прикладне ПЗ для ПК 9) поисковый движок(система)/пошукова система 10) урезанная версия/ урізану версія. II Are the following statements true or false? Correct the false ones: 1) Google is famous for its Internet search engine with a new algorytm. 2) Google never began selling ads associating with search keywords. 3) The company is going to develop an open-source operating system. 4) The company personnel can play foosball or ping-pong during breaks. 5) You can use Google service for translating texts from/to English without installing special software. III Turn the following sentences into the Passive Voice and translate them: 1) Google has developed a mobile phone operating system Android. 2) This version of the program will attract a lot of Internet users. 3) At present the company is not selling ads on its sites. 4) This interactive mapping program covers the majority of the planet. 5) The authorities criticized the company for monopolistic business practices.
IV Translate into English using the text: 1) Гугл – американская корпорация, специализирующаяся в интернет-поиске. 2) В 1996 г. Пейдж и Брин разработали систему для поиска в Интернете с новым алгоритмом. 3) Это была их студенческая учебно-исследовательская работа. 4) В 1998 г. они основали компанию «Гугл» и начали продавать рекламу, связанную с ключевыми словами для поиска. 5) Поисковая система «Гугл» привлекла много интернет-пользователей, которым понравился ее простой дизайн и результативность. 6) Это – самый популярный сервис компании и самый посещаемый веб-сайт. 7) Гугл также получает прибыль с рекламы на сайтах электронной почты и социальных сетей. 8) Компания разработала несколько прикладных программ для ПК, браузер с открытым исходным кодом и операционную систему для мобильных телефонов. 9) Сервис «Переводчик Гугл» может переводить с/на 35 языков. 10) Каждый сотрудник компании имеет доступ к корпоративному центру отдыха, который включает в себя тренажерный зал с душевыми, видео игры, настольный теннис и настольный футбол. ● 1) Гугл - американська корпорація, що спеціалізується в інтернет-пошуку. 2) У 1996 р. Пейдж і Брін розробили систему для пошуку в Інтернеті з новим алгоритмом. 3) Це була їхня студентська навчально-дослідницька робота. 4) У 1998 р. вони заснували компанію «Гугл» і почали продавати рекламу, пов'язану з ключовими словами для пошуку. 5) Пошукова система «Гугл» залучила багато інтернет-користувачів, яким сподобався її простий дизайн і результативність. 6) Це - найпопулярніший сервіс компанії і найбільш відвідуваний веб-сайт. 7) Гугл також отримує прибуток з реклами на сайтах електронної пошти і соціальних мереж. 8) Компанія розробила кілька прикладних програм для ПК, браузер з відкритим вихідним кодом і операційну систему для мобільних телефонів. 9) Сервіс «Перекладач Гугл» може перекладати з / на 35 мов. 10) Кожен співробітник компанії має доступ до корпоративного центру відпочинку, який включає в себе тренажерний зал з душовими, відео ігри, настільний теніс та настільний футбол. V Give the full name of the shortenings and explain the meaning: TFT; USB