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Early history: in 1987, Thomas Knoll, a student at the University of Michigan, began writing a program on his Macintosh to display grayscale images on a monochrome display. This program caught the attention of his brother John Knoll, an Industrial Light & Magic employee, who recommended Thomas turn it into a full image editing program. Thomas took a six month break from his studies to collaborate with his brother on the program, named Photoshop. He worked out a short-term deal with a scanner manufacturer to distribute copies of the program with a slide scanner. A total of about 200 copies of Photoshop were sold this way. During this time, John traveled to Silicon Valley and gave a demonstration of the program to engineers at Apple and Russell Brown, art director at Adobe. Both showings were successful, and Adobe decided to purchase the license. Photoshop 1.0 was released in 1990 for Macintosh exclusively. Photoshop's popularity means that the.PSD (PhotoShop Document), Photoshop's native format is widely used, and it is supported by most competing software. The program is used to provide image editing and special effects services, such as backgrounds and textures for television, film, and the Web. Photoshop is a pixel-based image editor, unlike CorelDraw, which is vector-based image editor. Photoshop functionality can be extended by add-on programs called Photoshop plugins. They act like mini-editors that modify the image. The most common type is filter plugins that provide various image effects.
Words and word combinations: 1) to edit [ I Find the equivalents in the text: 1) графический редактор 2) в сочетании с 3) относительно высокий 4) привлекла внимание 5) краткосрочная сделка 6) приобрести лицензию 7) можно расширить функциональность 8) противодействовать 9) инструменты 10) цифровые изображения 1) графічний редактор 2) у поєднанні з 3) відносно високий 4) привернула увагу 5) короткострокова угода 6) придбати ліцензію7) можна розширити функціональність 8) протидіяти 9) інструменти 10) цифрові зображення II Correct the following statements and give the right information: 1) Adobe Photoshop is a vector graphics editing program. 2) Photoshop’s high piracy rate can be explained by its cooperation with Microsoft Corporation. 3) The first version of the program was written by John Knoll, a student at the University of Michigan. 4) About two hundred copies of Photoshop were sold with Macintosh computers. 5) Photoshop was released in 1990 for Macintosh and IBM PC. 6) The program cannot support any add-ons or plugin. 7) Photoshop has no competitors on the market. 8) Adobe Photoshop Elements is a light version of the program aimed at graphics professionals. III Make questions to the underlined words. Make the sentences negative: 1) In 1987 Thomas Knoll began writing a program on his Macintosh. 2) They act like mini-editors. 3) Soon we’ll have to release an update for this version. 4) The program was turned into a full graphics editing tool. 5) This scanner is being sold with special software. IV Transform the sentences into active/passive voice and translate them.Transform the sentences into indirect speech and translate them: 1) The art director said: “Both showings were successful and we‘ll purchase the license”. 2) The developer said: “This version is used to provide raster image editing.” 3) The chief executive officer said: “We must counter high rates of piracy of our software products”. 4) He says to his brother: “Take a six month break from your studies”. 5) She said to them: “Does your program support this format? ” V Fill the gaps and translate the sentences: Adobe Photoshop is a ___ editing program. It is the current market leader and ___ for graphics professionals. Photoshop’s popularity and high ___ price make its piracy ___ relatively high. The program was ___ by an American student in 1987. It could display ___ on a monochrome display. Later the developer ___ the program into a full image editing tool and ___ it to Adobe Systems. Photoshop 1.0 was ___ in 1990 for Macintosh exclusively. The program is also used to provide special effect services such as ___ for television, film and the Web. Add-on programs (Photoshop plugins) can ___ its functionality. To compete on this market and to ___ piracy of its products, the company introduced Photoshop Elements. It is ___ at the more casual image editor, but many professional features were ___.
1) omitted 2) developed 3) aimed 4) turned 5) released 6) sold 7) counter 8) extend 9) backgrounds and textures 10) grayscale images 11) rate 12) graphics 13) industry standard 14) retail. VI Give the full name of the shortenings and explain the meaning: AVI; JPEG
Intel was founded on July 18, 1968, and based in Santa Clara, California, USA. Intel was an early developer of memory chips, created the first commercial microprocessor chip in 1971 and after the success of the personal computer in 1981 this became their primary business. During the 1990s, Intel invested heavily in new microprocessor designs fostering the rapid growth of the PC industry. During this period Intel became the dominant supplier of microprocessors for PCs, and was known for aggressive tactics in defense of its market position, particularly against AMD. By the end of the 1990s, Intel was one of the largest and most successful businesses in the world. At its founding, Intel was distinguished simply by its ability to make semiconductors, and its primary products were random access memory (RAM) chips. Intel's business grew during the 1970s as it expanded and improved its manufacturing processes and produced a wider range of products. Increased competition from Japanese semiconductor manufacturers had, by 1983, dramatically reduced the profitability of this market, and the sudden success of the IBM personal computer convinced then CEO Grove to shift the company's focus from memory chips to microprocessors. By the end of the 1980s this decision had proven successful. Intel was the primary and most profitable hardware supplier to the PC industry. During the 1990s, Intel was responsible for many of the hardware innovations of the personal computer, including the PCI Bus, the PCI Express (PCIe) bus, the Universal Serial Bus (USB), Bluetooth wireless interconnect. After 2000, growth in demand for high-end microprocessors slowed. Competitors, notably AMD (Intel’s largest competitor), garnered significant market share and Intel’s dominant position in its core market were greatly reduced. In the early 2000s then-CEO Craig Barrett attempted to diversify the company's business beyond semiconductors, but few of these activities were successful. Intel had also for a number of years been embroiled in litigation. During the late 1980s and 1990s Intel sued companies that tried to develop competitor chips. AMD brought claims against Intel related to unfair competition in 2004, and again in 2005. In 2005, CEO Paul Otellini reorganized the company to refocus its core processor and chipset business on platforms (enterprise, digital home, digital health, and mobility) which led to the hiring of over 20, 000 new employees. In September 2006 due to falling profits, the company announced a restructuring that resulted in layoffs of 10, 500 employees or about 10 percent of its workforce by July 2006. Faced with the need to regain lost markets, Intel unveiled its new product development model. The program was based upon annual alternation of microarchitecture innovation and process innovation. In 2006, Intel produced P6 and Netburst products with reduced die size (65nm). A year later it unveiled its Core microarchitecture to widespread critical acclaim; the product range was perceived as an exceptional leap in processor performance that at a stroke regained much of its leadership of the field. In line with the model, the following year saw a process improvement to shrink this range from 65 to 45 nm.
Words and word combinations: 1) semiconductor [
I Find the equivalents in the text: 1) производитель полупроводниковых интегральных схем/виробник напівпровідникових інтегральних схем 2) возросшая конкуренция/підвищена конкуренція 3) рост спроса/зростання попиту 4) из-за снижения прибылей/внаслідок знижки прибутку 5) сразу же восстановил лидерство в отрасли/одразу ж відновив лідерство у галузі 6) результатом которого стало увольнение/результатом якого стало звільнення 7) улучшение технологического процесса/покращення технологічного процесу. II Are the following statements true or false? Correct the false ones: 1) Intel also makes motherboard chipsets, graphic chips and flash memory. 2) Microprocessor chip manufacturing became Intel’s primary business in 1971. 3) Japanese semiconductor manufacturers helped Intel to produce memory modules. 4) Growth in demand for high-end processors increased after 2000. 5) Intel was never embroiled in litigations. 6) In 2005 the company was reorganized and it resulted in increasing profits. 7) Intel could regain its leadership in the field of the microprocessor manufacturing in 2007. III Answer the questions: 1) What kind of goods does Intel produce? 2) When and where was the company founded? 3) What was its primary production at that time? 4) Can you explain the reason of shifting the company’s focus to microprocessors? 5) What hardware innovations was Intel responsible for? 6) Why were there attempts to diversify the company’s business beyond microprocessors in the early 2000s? 7) What claims did AMD bring against Intel? 8) Was the reorganization of the company to refocus its processors on platforms successful? 9) Why could Intel regain its leadership of the field in 2007? IV Make sentences in passive voice using the following phrases: 1) to unveil the plan 2) to reduce the profitability 3) to advertize a new microprocessor V Give the full name of the shortenings and explain the meaning: ISO; WAP
The original line of PCs was part of an IBM strategy to get into the small computer market then dominated by the Apple II and Tandy Corporation. IBM's first desktop microcomputer, introduced in 1975, was a complete system, with a built-in monitor, keyboard, and data storage. It was also very expensive—up to US$20, 000. It was specifically designed for professional and scientific problem-solvers, not business users or hobbyists. А special team was assembled with authorization to bypass normal company restrictions and get something to market rapidly. The team consisted of twelve people. They developed the PC in about a year. To achieve this they first decided to build the machine with " off-the-shelf" parts from a variety of different original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). Previously IBM had always developed their own components. The unique IBM PC industrial design elements were relegated to the system unit and keyboard. They also decided on an open architecture, so that other manufacturers could produce and sell peripheral components and compatible software without purchasing licenses. IBM also sold an IBM PC Technical Reference Manual which included complete circuit schematics, a listing of the ROM BIOS source code, and other engineering and programming information. Other manufacturers soon reverse engineered the BIOS to produce their own non-infringing functional copies. The first IBM-PC compatible computer was introduced in June 1982. In November 1982, the first portable IBM PC compatible was announced. The first models were shipped in March 1983. The most commonly used storage medium was the floppy disk. The IBM PC was available with one or two floppy drives or without any drives or storage medium. A hard disk could not be installed into the system unit without retrofitting a stronger power supply. IBM later offered the Expansion Unit, which not only provided more expansion slots, but also included a 10MB hard drive powered by its own separate 130-watt power supply. The system unit had five expansion slots; the expansion unit had eight. However, unlike modern personal computers, some of the slots had to be occupied by display, disk, and I/O adapters, as none of these were available on-board. The only on-board external connectors were the keyboard and cassette ports. The processor was an Intel 8088 (second-sourced AMDs were used after 1983) running at 4.77 MHz (4/3 the standard NTSC color burst frequency of 3.579545 MHz). Some owners replaced the 8088 with an NEC V20 for a slight increase in processing speed. The original PC proved too expensive for the home market. At introduction a PC with 64 kiB of RAM and a single 5 1/4 inch floppy drive and monitor sold for US $3, 005. The cheapest configuration ($1, 565) that had no floppy drives, only 16kiB RAM, and no monitor (users should connect their existing TV sets and cassette recorders) proved too unattractive even for its time. While this model did not become a top selling home computer, its floppy-based configuration became an unexpectedly large success with businesses. Less than four months after IBM introduced the PC, Time Magazine named the computer " man of the year".
I Match a word in section A with a word in section B: A -1) progenitor [ B -а) производитель изначальной комплектации (виробник первинної комплектації) б) устройство для хранения данных (засіб для збереження даних) в) передавать, направлять (передавати, спрямовувати) г) предшественник, прародитель (попередник) д) обратная разработка (зворотна розробка) е) оказаться (виявлятися) ж) ограничения (обмеження) з) разрешение, полномочия (дозвіл, повноваження) и) совместимый (сумісний) к) доступный, имеющийся в наличии (доступний) л) покупать, приобретать (купувати, придбати) м) нарушать, не соблюдать (порушувати, не додержуватися) н) доводка, подгонка оборудования (підгонка, налаштування устаткування) о) выставлять на продажу (виставляти на продаж) п) блок питания (блок живлення) р) стандартне компоненты, имеющиеся в свободной продаже (стандартні компоненти, які є у вільному продажу) c) достичь (досягти) т) обходить (обминати). II Find the equivalents in the text: 1) команда инженеров и конструкторов (команда інженерів та конструкторів) 2) не приобретая лицензии (без придбання ліцензії) 3) плата расширения (плата розгалуження) 4) со встроенным монитором (з вбудованим монітором) 5) энтузиасты, любители (аматори) 6) даже для своего времени (навіть для свого часу) 7) неожиданно большой успех (неочікувано великий успіх). III Are the following statements true or false? Correct the false ones: 1) IBM first desktop was designed for business users and hobbyists. 2) The team of engineers and designers consisted of 12 people. 3) IBM never developed its own components. 4) IBM sold no Technical Reference Manual with engineering and programming information. 5) Other manufacturers produced their own functional copies of the BIOS by infringing the copyright laws. 6) IBM PC was available without any drives or storage medium. 7) Users could connect their TVsets and cassette recorders to the PC. 8) The cheapest configuration of the PC had no monitor and only one floppy drive. 9) In January Time magazine named the computer “man of the year”. IV Answer the questions: 1. When and where was the IBM PC created? 2. What kind of authorization was given to the team of engineers and designers? 3. What parts were used in building the PC? 4. What did an open architecture of the IBM PC mean for hardware manufacturers and software developers? 5. Was it possible to install a hard disk into the system unit of the first model of the PC? Why? 6. Why did some owners replace the original Intel processor with a NEC V20? 7. Why is the cheapest configuration of the IBM PC considered unattractive even for its time? V Make questions to the underlined words: a) IBM 5100 was designed for scientific problem solvers. b) Other manufacturers were trying to reverse engineer the BIOS. VI Give the full name of the shortenings and explain the meaning: HDD; SSD
Unit 2