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Unit 2. Network Rail company.



maintenance - техническое обслуживание

management – управление

disruption - (interruption) нарушение

scale - масштаб

engineering - осуществление инженерно-технических работ

to improve - улучшать

improve the safety and reliability- повышение безопасности и надежности

backlog - недоработки

to replace - заменить

to upgrade - усовершенствовать

infrastructure - инфраструктура

reliability - надёжность

measures - мероприятия

to require - требовать

employees and contractors - сотрудники и подрядчики

to behave – поступать, вести себя

considerately – заботливо

to Position – размещать

lighting and generators - освещение и генераторы

silenced - заглушенный

equipment - оборудование

to aim- нацеливать

to aim to do ставить своей целью

to send out - разослать

notices - уведомления

to notify - уведомлять

to notify sb (of sth) уведомлять кого-н (о чём-н).

appropriate - подобающий, уместный

up-keep - обслуживание; ремонт

cost of up-keep-расходы по содержанию

to put in order - приводить в порядок.

Maintenance and engineering work.

Maintenance and engineering work can be noisy – but we try hard to keep noise and disruption to a minimum.

· Maintenance is the general day-to-day upkeep of the railway which keeps the trains running, such as looking after tracks, signals and power supply. Engineering is the larger scale infrastructure work, such as track replacement.

When Network Rail* began to run the railway in October 2002, we faced a huge backlog of engineering work. Over the last three years, we have replaced and upgraded much of the infrastructure and significantly improved the safety and reliability of the railway.

We try to minimise noise and disruption from work

We use a range of measures to minimise noise and disruption including:

· Requiring our employees and contractors to behave considerately towards people who live and work near the railway

· Positioning lighting and generators away from homes

· Using silenced equipment where possible.

For large engineering projects, we also:

· Aim to send out notices to local people 10 days before work begins

· Notify local authorities, as appropriate

· Distribute information about the project to local people, where appropriate.

We give advance notice of engineering works – where possible

When we are planning engineering works near residential areas, we aim to send letters to local people 10 days before the work begins. The letters explain what we plan to do and when we expect to start and finish the work. When a large engineering project is planned, we also tell local authorities and other community representatives such as members of parliament, local councilors.

For maintenance work (such as emergency repairs or general up-keep), it is not possible for us to tell the people who live nearby. This is because maintenance work takes place every day and night of the year which makes it impractical to give advance notice to all the people affected by every job.



Answer the questions:

1. What is the text about?

2. What is Engineering?

3. How does Network Rail company try to do to minimise noise and disruption from work?

4. What else does Network Rail company try to do for large engineering projects?

5. What makes it impractical to give advance notice to all the people affected by every job?



1) Find English equivalents to the Russian phrases in the text above:

1. Обеспечивает движение поездов

2. Проведение инженерно-технических работ включает в себя не только замену рельс и шпал.

3. Повысили безопасность и надежность железно - дорожного транспорта.

4. Мы принимаем ряд мер для снижения шума и нарушений

5. ставим своей целью рассылать уведомления местным жителям за 10 дней до начала инженерно-технических работ.

2) Match the words to their meanings:


  words ********   meanings
  Management A надёжность
  reliability B мероприятия
  notices C заботливо
  measures D управление
  considerately E заглушенный
  Equipment F оборудование
  silenced G уведомления


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