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Unit 3. Network Rail company.



maintenance - техническое обслуживание

engineering - осуществление инженерно-технических работ

to require - (person) нуждаться в; (thing, situation) требовать

required by law - требуется по закону

to undertake (task, duty) брать на себя; to ~ to do обязываться

level crossings - железнодорожные переезды

to run (pt ran, pp run) - устраивать, прокладывать

traffic - (of people, vehicles) движение

schedule - (timetable) расписание, график

to schedule - (timetable) расписывать; on ~ по расписанию or графику

complicated - сложный

operation - работа (controlling) управление;

to involve - (person, thing; include, use) вовлекать

infrastructure - инфраструктура

ahead - впереди; (direction) вперёд

complex - сложный, комплексный

to affect - (influence) действовать на, влиять

enormous - громадный

demand - (request, claim) требование; (econ): ~ (for) спрос (на)

staff (workforce) - работники pl, штат

gang - банда; (of friends) компания; (of workmen) команда.

different - (other) другой, иной; (various) различный, разный

properly - (eat, study) как следует; должным образом

suddenly - (unexpectedly) внезапно, вдруг.

shift - (at work) смена

find out – узнавать, выяснять

alteration - изменение; ~s переделки

to enquire - inquire.

to inquire - спрашивать: to ~ (about) справляться (о)

enquiries – запросы

national – национальный

rail – железнодорожный

employees and contractors - сотрудники и подрядчики

behavior – поведение

to behave – поступать, вести себя

noise - шум.


Most work has to be done at nights or week-ends

We have to do most of our maintenance and engineering work on the tracks at nights and week-ends so that we can keep the trains running. In fact, we are required by law to undertake engineering work when the railway line is closed to rail traffic.

Planning and scheduling work is very complicated

The railway is a 24-hour a day, 365 days a year operation and involves a very large network with over 20, 000 miles of track, 40, 000 bridges and tunnels and 9, 000 level crossings. We have to work on the infrastructure throughout the year so that we can run a safe and reliable rail network for passengers.
Also, we have to plan and agree engineering projects with the train and freight operating companies many months ahead. And these works are usually part of a bigger and more complex programme of work. If we change one part of the project, then it would affect all the other parts.
Finally, there are enormous demands on our maintenance and engineering staff. The same gang work on different projects and their work needs to be planned properly. For example, it is not easy for a gang to suddenly change from doing night shifts to day shifts.

More information

You can find out about trains affected by engineering work and service alterations on the National Rail Enquiries website.

You can find more information about employee and contractor behaviour, noise and major projects on this website.

What to do if you have a problem caused by the railway or have more questions

If you have a problem caused by maintenance and engineering work or any other part of the railway or if you simply want more information, please get in touch with us.


Answer the questions:

1. What is the text about?

2. When does most of the maintenance and engineering work have to be done?

3. How does the company work on the infrastructure?

4. What for does the company work on the infrastructure?

5. Where can you find more information about the company?


1) Find English equivalents to the Russian phrases in the text above:

1. Обеспечивать движение поездов

2. Проведение инженерно-технических работ нашей службой требуется по закону.

3. Планирование и составление расписания проведения работ – очень трудоемкий процесс.

4. В наши обязанности входит работа над инфраструктурой, обеспечивающая ее нормальную деятельность…

5. Это нелегко для компании производить замену ночных смен на дневные смены.


2) Match the words to their meanings:


  words ********   meanings
  inquire A требовать
  require B поведение
  run C шум
  complicated D спрашивать
  behavior E смена
  noise F прокладывать
  shift G сложный


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