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III term

Week L. Date The theme of the lesson Vocabulary Grammar Home task
  Travelling (18 hours)
I     It’s an interesting place Hill, river, concert hall, forest, see, factory, mountain, cottage, wood, hors, theater Modal verb shout p.89 Ex.5
    What a nice weather! Fame, famous, flat. Suffixes of adverbs Write about your favorite season
II     Looking for the sun Get on, a ferry, reach, journey, shine, empty. Past Simple Regular. Irregular verbs   p.95 Ex.6
    66 days at sea Spend, whale, hit, side, yacht, tin, sink, fishing line, raw Past Simple p.203 Ex.3 write sentences
III     Future What is Jane going to do? Shower, take a shower, cook a meal, ride a bike, have lunch To be going to To be going to p.218 Ex.2, 3 write sentences
    When I’m 25 Bullfight, lucky, suitcase, room, there, their Future Simple Make up the sentences
IV     Colin is going to travel Play football, help my mother, read books, do crosswords, go shopping, play computer games, watch TV, listen to music, tiding my room Regular. Irregular verbs p.133 Ex.5(B) Make a plan
    Project work “66 days at sea” Vocabulary on the topic “Travelling” Grammar from lessons 33-39 Words to repeat
V     Test yourself, correction Vocabulary on the topic “Travelling” Grammar from lessons 33-39 To prepare for corrections
    How do you get to …? By car, by bus, by ship, by plane, by motorbike, by helicopter, by bicycle, by train, on foot Preposition of transport p.136 Ex10 write
VI     A fortune- teller I’ll be a doctor A fortune-teller, believe, tell, spacewoman, told, win Ex.3 p.140 Future Simple My interview Write an essay
    Will people live on the Moon? Different. Storey, robot, boring, channel, telephone, Moon Future Simple p.143 Ex.6 true or false
VII     Welcome to Disneyland Ceremony, knowledge, create, magical, acre Comparative and Superlative Adjectives p.154 ex2 read the text
    I want to visit Astana Visit, want, like, interesting, place Present Perfect Tense(p.221) p.223 Ex.2, 3 write
VIII     I am going to visit London Tower of London, London bridge, Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, est. To be going to Read the text
    Project work “Its an interesting place” Vocabulary on the topic “Travelling” Grammar from lessons 42-47 Words to revise
IX     Test yourself Vocabulary on the topic “Travelling” Grammar from lessons 42-47 To prepare for corrections
    Corrections Vocabulary on the topic “Travelling” Grammar from lessons 42-47 Corrections
English Speaking Countries
X     English speaking counties London, Canada, Australia, New York, (Big Apple), the USA Suffixes of nouns -tion, -sion p.23 ex 3 put a word
    London is the capital of GB Sightseeing, building, population, noisy, crowded Wh – questions p.23 ex 6 answer the questions

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