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Exploratory task 1.2

Read the text in the left column and tick off the criteria that this text meets in choosing it for the teaching purposes. Give our comments in the space provided on what makes the text authentic, readable, suitable and resourceful.

Text Criteriaa Comments
The American schoolboys, aged 11 and 13, killed four girls and one teacher, wounding nine more girls and one other teacher. An 18-year-old at High School shot and killed a student three days before they were to graduate, because they had argued about a girl. A 14-year-old boy opened fire at a dance killing a teacher and wounding two students and another teacher. A 14-year-old boy shot and killed three girls at while they took part in a prayer circle. Five others were wounded. A 16-year-old stabbed and killed his mother, before going to school where he shot nine students. A study by the Department of Education in March found that as many as 10% of US schools suffered serious incidents of violence in the year 1996-1999. In that year alone, schools recorded 11, 000 armed assaults and 4, 000 rapes. Is America a country of violence? Authenticity   Readability Suitability Resourcefulness Usability  

The process of reading can be text-oriented and/or readier-oriented. Text-oriented theory views texts as the sources of information that are “tapped” by the reader. Reader-oriented theory views texts as devices that trigger off thought processes in the reader (Forrester, M. 1996. Psychology of Language. SAGE Publications. P.162-164). A reader is considered an equal resource of information interacting with the text and pertaining to the outcome of reading. Reader as an information resource is studied by the “schema theory”. Schema theory is important in teaching to read. A schema (plural “schemata”)is prior knowledge in the learner’s mind. It is not only storage of data but also a frame for organizing knowledge which can be structured as a series of slots plus fillers (T.Harley. The Psychology of Language.Psychology Press. 1995 P.193). This means that a schema is an active phenomenon in the reader's mind, containing both the scope of questions a reader can ask, and the answers that the reader can give. Schemata can include information in the following forms: concepts, i.e. notions familiar to the reader, facts, i.e. events known to the reader, images, i.e. mental pictures in the reader's mind, language, i.e. vocabulary and grammar available to the reader, assumptions i.e. formulas of opinions, frames, i.e. stereotypes to describe things, people and situations, scripts, i.e. repeated sequences of behavior that the reader knows, emotions a reader is likely to recognize while reading due to one's emotional past (T.Harley. The Psychology of Language. The Psychology Press. 1995. D.Nunan. Language Teaching Methodology. Phoenix. 1991. M.Beaumont. The Teaching of Reading Skills in a Second Language. The University of Manchester. 1996 and in many other sources)


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