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Exploratory task 1.3

Try to restore this gapped text. Indicate with awhat components of your own schemata help you in bridging the gaps in the text.

Gapped text Schemata components
Hundreds of years before the … of Christ, the Celts held a festival at the beginning of winter. It was the festival for the … of dead people that come back in the forms of animals. This was the beginning of the holiday called …People believed in magic and used to go to old women called … to learn about their future. The belief was that the … flew on broomsticks. The traditions of this holiday were brought to America. Americans now celebrate … The children prepare a … and put it in the garden with a lit … inside. They come up to people and shout “…! ” · Concepts · Facts · Images · Language · Assumptions · Frames · Scripts · Emotions


Exploratory task 1.4

Match the types of texts with their textual features

Type of text Textual features
1. Description of an object 2. Description of a process 3. Description of a character 4. Description of a mechanism 5. Description of a theory 6. Description of a principle 7. Description of influence 8. Description of an instruction 9. Description of a social structure 10. Description of a situation 11. Description of a system 12. Description of an event A. Traits and deeds B. Hypothesis and interpretation C. Parts and qualities D. Changes and transformations E. Guideline rule and examples F. Cause and effect G. Recommendations and warnings H. Classes and roles I. Participants and dynamics J. Elements and structures K. Happening and consequences L. Components and interaction


Exploratory task 1.5

Read the following text and write its summary in the space provided. Decide on what details are “gist-related”. Underline the words and phrases that carry the essential meaning in them. Use the underlined language as the “beam-structure” for your summary. Write your summary and share the results with the peers.

Text When I was a child, we lived in Somalia. There were nine children in our family. In the desert there was no calendar so my guess is that I am twenty-seven but I am not sure. Our animals needed water. We had to move from place to place in search of wells. When I was a teenager an old man wanted to marry me and offered my father a dowry of five camels. Camels were very expensive and my father agreed. I did not want to become this old man’s nurse and refused. I had to run away from home.


Summary (25 words only!)

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