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Chapter Sixteen. Grace rolled over, realizing she was alone in bed

Grace rolled over, realizing she was alone in bed. The smell of coffee and waffles filled her senses. Logan must have risen and ordered breakfast, leaving her to sleep. And she definitely needed more sleep. They’d spent much of the night doing things that she’d only seen in porn flicks, and when she thought of her behavior, her face flushed. The clock read ten thirty, prompting her to chuckle. The last time she’d slept past nine was two years before, when a surgery ran nearly to midnight.

Her brain switched into work mode and she thought of her patients suffering in their hospital beds while she behaved like a complete hedonist. She knew Dr. Van Buren was an excellent physician but guilt curled up next to her, and she wondered if she shouldn’t go back to Phoenix immediately. She thought of Chester, her most elderly patient. He could take a nosedive at any time for any reason simply because of his age. How would Logan feel if her father died while she was pleasuring his doctor? She wasn’t sure if she could forgive herself if something happened. Acknowledging that her career was the most important part of her life, she rose from the bed with purpose and went to find Logan. She needed to be home that evening.

She found her lounging on the sofa, reading the newspaper. She wore one of the hotel robes, but she’d haphazardly cinched the belt, and the robe covered very little. She swallowed hard and thought about their bodies colliding throughout the night. The sex was amazing, and disappointment washed over her as she realized they wouldn’t spend another evening together. Logan smiled seductively at Grace, who hadn’t bothered to put on anything. “Are you up for more? ” she asked, dropping the paper to her lap. “I’m all for morning sex.”

She shook her head and perched on the sofa’s arm. “I don’t think I could handle another round. You wore me out.”

Logan arched an eyebrow. “Really? I thought you did a great job keeping up.”

She pulled Grace onto the sofa and her lips immediately landed in the hollow of her neck. How did she learn about my erogenous zones so quickly?

Determined to stay focused, Grace said, “I think I need to get back tonight. I’m a little concerned about my patients, including your father.”

Her playfulness vanished and she looked at her seriously. “Why are you suddenly worried? Did Dr. Van Buren call? Is there a problem? ”

“No, ” she said quickly. “It’s just that I don’t leave my patients very often and I worry about them.”

Logan sighed and kissed her on the cheek. “You’re so attentive, but you’re also a workaholic and that’s not good. You need to live your life, Grace. You need to have fun and take risks.”

“I think I’ve been doing a fine job of that for the last twenty-four hours.”

“I agree. But you’ve only been gone a day and you’re ready to go home. What happens when you take a vacation, like a cruise or a week long walking tour through Wales? ”

She shrugged. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d taken a real vacation. Until Logan had entered her life, she couldn’t think of anyone she wanted to vacation with. Margo would have been happy to pack her bags in a minute, but the idea of traveling with Margo scared her.

She ignored Logan’s question and headed toward the breakfast fare that sat on the dining table. Logan had ordered six different entrees, and after she’d gone back to the bedroom and slipped on the teddy, she planted herself in front of the overflowing plates, her mouth already watering. Logan eventually joined her and they ate in silence. At least she knows when to let a subject drop, she thought. She savored the crepes, gorged on the French toast and drank four cups of the most delicious coffee she’d ever tasted.

“It’s good, isn’t it? ” Logan asked, and she nodded. “I like the way you dress for breakfast, too.”

She smiled and noticed that her tiny spaghetti straps had dropped from her shoulders, revealing the curves of her breasts. The prim and proper Grace would have quickly readjusted her clothing, embarrassed by her overt display of sexuality—even in the presence of a lover. But this new Grace, the one who had apparently hijacked the old one in Phoenix, continued to nibble on her waffle while Logan’s eyes feasted on her bare skin. At one point Grace leaned back and propped her feet up on the nearby chair, spreading her legs and giving Logan a clear view. An area she’s certainly becoming quite familiar with.

Eventually Logan dropped her fork on the china plate and grabbed her hand. They went back to the bedroom until early afternoon. The phone rang just as she warmed to the idea of spending the entire day in bed, something she’d never done in her life. The soft sheets cocooned her in the most pleasant way. I have no desire to get dressed. I want to stay naked.

“That was Penny, ” Logan said after she hung up. “She wants us at the estate in an hour. Then we’ll go riding.”

She shook her head. She’d changed her mind about riding on a motorcycle, even with a helmet. At least I’ve had one clear vision. “I’m not going. You can if you want but I’m not getting on that death machine.”

“Death machine? C’mon, Grace. You’ll love it, and it’ll help you cross number one off your list.”

“I already crossed number one off my list. That happened in the pool. Remember? ”

Logan chuckled and snuggled against her. “Look, you’ll really enjoy it. And you still have two more items to go.” She reached across the bed and plucked the list from the nightstand. “According to this, you need to wear something sexy and make a public spectacle of yourself.”

Grace grabbed the paper and threw it on the floor. “As far as I’m concerned, I’ve finished the list. I’ve never worn anything as sexy as this teddy you bought me and I’m rather certain that having sex in a pool with a stranger counts as a public spectacle.”

“Oh, no, ” Logan disagreed. “You can’t do a two for one. I know your friend Margo would agree with me.”

“Well, Margo’s not here, and I make the rules. I’m not getting on a motorcycle. Margo will have to be disappointed.”


As the cab pulled up to the McWhirter estate, Grace realized it was probably a mistake to let Logan talk her into leaving the hotel. While she had no intention of straddling a hog, Logan and Penny had coaxed her into spending the day by the pool while they motored across the highways outside of Vegas. Penny had assured her that she owned a swimsuit that would fit her slim frame, and she’d grudgingly agreed because she didn’t want to spend the day alone in an isolated hotel room. At least at the estate she could stroll about the grounds and reflect on her past behavior. And you’ve got a lot to think about, Gracie.

They wandered into the garage and found Penny dressed in tight jeans and a black T-shirt.

“You look fabulous, ” Logan said, enfolding Penny in her arms and kissing her cheek.

“You’re pretty hot yourself, gorgeous, ” she replied.

Dressed in jeans, a tank top and a leather jacket, Logan looked equally attractive. A twinge of jealousy surged through Grace, who couldn’t believe the woman she’d fondled and sucked for the past twelve hours was openly flirting with someone else. Let it go. They’re spending the rest of the day together. They’ll probably ride for an hour and get a hotel room on the strip. It doesn’t matter.

Penny grinned at her. “Change your mind? ”


“Let me show you something, ” Penny said, taking her hand and leading her to the row of motorcycles against the wall.

Two of the newer models had been brought from the line and she assumed Penny had chosen them for the afternoon’s ride. Her gaze fell on the shiny chrome immediately and the studded saddlebags of the bike to her right.

Penny stroked the seat. “It’s a nineteen ninety-seven Harley Softail Classic. It looks old-fashioned, but it’s not.”

“Cool, ” Logan said. “How does it ride? ”

“Smooth. It’s quiet, and it’s got the rear suspension. That’s why they call it a softail.”

She patted the small second seat perched over the back wheel. “This would be your spot, Grace. You’d be able to see everything.”

“I don’t think so. I’ll stay here and enjoy the pool.”

“Um, that’s not going to work.” She lowered her eyes, a guilty expression on her face. “The pool’s being resurfaced. Sorry. They just started this morning.”

“On Sunday? ” Grace asked suspiciously.

Penny shrugged. “What can I say? When Linus McWhirter wants something done, it happens. I’m sorry. They just showed up.”

She frowned. Penny didn’t look sorry at all. She glanced at the tiny seat, wondering how she would ever stay upright. She pictured herself clinging to Penny, her arms clutching her middle. She was stuck.

“Don’t worry, Grace, ” Logan said. “I’ve ridden my whole life. It’s perfectly safe. You can ride with me if you want.”

Her gaze immediately shifted to Penny, who looked away. She shook her head and sighed. “No, if I’m going to do this I’ll need to ride with the expert.”

Penny grinned broadly and her eyes probed Grace’s body. “You’re gonna need a different outfit. I can help you with that.”

She glanced down at the beautiful silk blouse and linen pants she wore. She looked fabulous but it didn’t matter. She longed to return to the hotel but it was thirty minutes away, and she couldn’t ask Logan and Penny to take her back.

“Let’s get you dressed, ” Penny said, taking her hand and leading her through the house to the familiar spiral staircase.

Her eyes lingered on the Pollock as they headed into Penny’s vast bedroom.

“I know exactly what you need, ” Penny said, throwing open her walk-in closet. She disappeared and returned with a pair of jeans, a Harley-Davidson tank top and riding boots.

“These are my old pair, but your feet look like they’ll fit.”

She accepted the pile of clothing and looked for the bathroom. “Where can I change? ”

“Why not right here? ” Logan asked seductively. They fell onto Penny’s bed to watch, lewd smiles on their faces. “Honey, it’s not like we haven’t seen you in the buff.”

Her gaze settled on what she thought was the bathroom door and she headed in that direction.

“You’re no fun, ” Penny called after her.

The bathroom was immense, complete with dressing area, Jacuzzi tub and twin sinks. She changed quickly, thinking that the longer Penny and Logan were alone the more likely it was they would start having sex—and then expect her to join them.

She found a full-length mirror inside the bathroom door and appraised herself with a critical eye. Everything fit snugly, and she estimated Penny was a size smaller than she. The jeans hugged her like a second skin and the waistband sat far beneath her belly button, almost to her pubic bone. She’d never worn such low-cut pants. She removed her bra since its lavender straps looked tacky underneath the spaghetti strings that held up the tank top. The Harley-Davidson logo spread across her chest in sequins, exposing deep cleavage and much of her midriff. She hoped Penny had a jacket to wear over the tiny top or everyone would see her bouncing boobs. She pulled out the comb in her hair and struck a pose with her hands in the jeans’ back pockets. Maybe I do look hot.

She reached into her purse and pulled out the vial. A quick dose of Root of Passion, and she felt ready for anything. The vial was almost empty and she wondered when Margo would return to South America. She leaned against the wall, laced her fingers behind her head and closed her eyes for a few seconds, allowing the river to rush past her once more. When she blinked, the woman in the mirror was someone she didn’t know. She checked out her backside, pleased at the way the jeans hugged her bottom.

She found Logan and Penny still lounging on the bed, whispering to each other. They whistled and hooted as she crossed the room, and Penny leaped up and yanked her onto the bed with them.

“Let’s just stay here and have a threesome, ” she said.

Logan stared at her and she found she couldn’t take her eyes away. She suddenly wished they were alone, free of Penny and the commitment to go riding.

“You are absolutely hot, ” Penny said. “What do you think, Logan? ”

“I agree, ” she answered. “I think you can cross off number four. This outfit definitely has sex appeal.”

Grace’s face immediately reddened.

Logan jumped up and headed for the door. “Let’s ride.”


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