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Irina Ivanova
Assessed Lesson 2
Lesson plan
Date and time: 14.12.2011/11.30 – 12.15. Lesson duration: 45 minutes
Level of class
| Intermediate
| No of students in class
| Time studying English
| In school (10 years) and
in the Academy since the 1st of September 2010
| Average age
| Aims of the lesson
| By the end of the lesson the students will have had practice in skimming and detailed reading 2 texts in the context of “Mass media”.
| Materials
| Teacher-made materials
Cunningham S., Moor P. Cutting Edge. Student’s book. Longman, 2000
| Timetable fit
| During the previous lessons the students were presented lexis on the topic " Mass media", practiced the lexis. The most logical next step is to consolidate the material and to give students some practice in reading texts on the topic.
| Assumptions
| Students will probably know some of the text vocabulary as they have met some of the words in the previous texts, though their meanings were not emphasized. Students will be able to guess the meaning of some words they don't know from the context.
| Anticipated problems and solutions
| - Some weaker students may have comprehension problems. It might be difficult for some students to guess the meanings of some words they don't know but which are essential for understanding the text. I'll put them together with stronger students who'll be able to help them. If students after that still have comprehension problems I'll provide them with pre-arranged definitions.
- Some strong Ss might finish the tasks earlier than others. I am going to use some extra tasks for strong Ss.
- It might be difficult to fit the timing of the lesson. I will monitor the students in-process and adjust the tasks in accordance with my time limits.
| Needs analysis
| Since the beginning of the course the students have made some progress in reading, but they still have some problems with skimming and detailed reading. They also need to further develop their vocabulary, so I have planned this lesson to give them a portion of reading and vocabulary development.
| Personal aim
| To improve learners' self-confidence.
To be more facilitator than controller.
To integrate reading into speaking skills at the post-reading stage.
To talk less and try to make the lesson more student-centered
| …
Stage. Time Interac
| Procedure
| Stage aims
| Comments
| Warming-up
8 min
| 1. Teacher asks Ss to name different categories of newsinterests. Then teacher gives Ss HO 1 with the list of possible categories of newsinterest and offers Ss to carry out a survey. After summarizing the results Ss report.
| To activate Ss' schemata To make up a link with the next stage.
| Pre-reading
4 min
| 2. Teacher gives each pair of students HO 2 with headlines of 4 articles and asks students to predict from the headlines the possible contents for the articles. Then the teacher asks what their ideas are.
| To raise readers' interest in what they are about to read.
| While-reading
4 min
10 min
4 min
| 3. Teacher divides Ss into 2 groups, gives out 2 articles (HO 3: articles without headlines) and asks to read them quickly, skimming them to get the main idea, match each group’s article to the appropriate headline and see if the articles are about what students predicted. (Students A read the article " Woman Banker stole £ 100, 000 for clothes", students B read the article «Who’s the weaker sex now? "). Students in groups discuss and then one of each group reports.
2. 4. Teacher asks to read the article again more carefully to be able to answer five questions (HO 4). Both A and B groups have the same 4 questions, the last (the 5th) question is different for each group. When reading each student puts down in his worksheet the words he doesn't know but which are essential for answering the questions.
5. The next step involves students' negotiating in their groups to choose a final list of words which impede text understanding but are essential for answering the questions. Students from the same letter group are allowed to consult one another. If they can't guess even working together they will be offered to use HO 5 (words with definitions).
| To develop skimming skills
To develop detailed reading skills.
To make reading more communicative.
To give students practice in guessing from the context.
| Post-reading
6 min
7 min
| 6. Students A are put in pairs with students B. They ask and answer three comprehension questions to share the information found in the articles they read.
7. Students are divided into 4 groups. They ask and answer comprehension questions #4 and 5 to share their opinion. Then one representative of each group answers.
| To integrate reading into speaking skills
To encourage Ss to produce a monologue
| Summing-up
2 min
| 8. The teacher elicits the conclusion that it's often possible to guess the meaning of a word you don't know from the context and from your language experience especially when assisted by a team.
The teacher asks the students about the main task of the lesson, if it has been achieved. The teacher thanks students for their performance, evaluates them and gives the homework: (Students A read the article " Who's the weaker sex now? ", students B read the article " Woman Banker stole £ 100, 000 for clothes ").
| To improve students' self-confidence as readers.