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VIII. Choose the correct option


1: The next train leaves from that _________.

a). shelf b). platform c). walk d). table


2: That guy is travelling without a ticket. He hasn't paid! He's a fare __________.

a). bandit b). dodger c). waster d). thief


3: This train is always ______ time.

a). exact b). on c). down d). at


4: I'm coming back today and so could I have a ________ ticket?

a) come back b). single c). one way d). return


5: I'm late because my train was _________.

a). delayed b). early c). on time d).tomorrow


6: Trains ___________ between London and Paris through a tunnel.

a). run b). track c). leave d). send



IX. Complete the sentences below with the best answer:


1. During rush hour, there are so many people on the train that all of the seats are taken, so it's ______________ if you want to ride.

A. empty B. fare C. standing room only


2. The conductor just made ______________ that the train would be delayed for about 15 minutes due to an accident.

A. an announcement B. a reservation C. a train pass


3. These seats are reserved for senior citizens and the physically impaired, so you might have to ___________ your seat if needed.

A. take B. give up C. remove


X. Choose the correct question for the answer that's given. What did the person ask to get this answer?

1. It's the standard charge for the seat reservation. a. Why did you charge me €5 more?
b. Did you give me back my change?
c. Do I have to change trains?
2. No, only regular seats. a. How much is the ticket?
b. Does this train have sleeper seats?
c. Do I have to change trains?
3. Yes, it's 10% cheaper if you have you International Student Card. a. Can I get a student discount?
b. Is there a discount for seniors?
c. Is there another train to London today?
4. No, it's a direct train. a. Does this train have sleeper seats?
b. How much is the ticket?
c. Do I have to change trains?
5. No, we'll put them in the bus' baggage compartment. a. Did you find my bag?
b. Do I have to bring my bags on the bus?
c. Is this the only bus station in this city?
6. Yes, there are three stops before the station. a. Is this the only bus station in this city?
b. Are there any buses going to Charleston today?
c. Does the bus stop anywhere before the central bus station?
7. Yes, if it's not expired you'll get 70% of the ticket price back. a. Can I get a refund (= money back) for an unused ticket?
b. Can I get a discount if I buy my ticket in advance?
c. Do you have a schedule I could look at?
8. If you buy your ticket one week in advance, it'll be 20% cheaper. a. Can I get a discount if I buy my ticket in advance?
b. Can I get a refund (= money back) for an unused ticket?
c. Do you have a schedule I could look at?
9. Yes, there's one at 10: 00 AM, and another at 5: 45 PM. a. Can I get off before the central bus station?
b. Are there any buses going to Charleston today?
c. Is this the only bus station in town?
10. No, they leave from Victoria Station. a. How much is a ticket to Brussels?
b. How long is the trip to Brussels?
c. Do trains to Brussels leave from this station?

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