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Glossary. Key to references: (2) = lesson 2

Key to references: (2) = lesson 2


acknowledge (5) to transmit a message indicating that a communication has been received and understood

active (4) in use

affirmative (7) a term used to indicate assent

airspeed (2) the speed of an aircraft relative to the air through which it is moving

Air Route Traffic Control Center (5) an ATC facility that provides en-route traffic separation to IFR aircraft operating in controlled airspace

Air Traffic Control (1) a service provided to promote a safe, orderly, and expeditious flow of air traffic

airway (6) a designated route for aircraft, equipped with navigational aids

alternate airport (2) an airport, designated in the flight plan, to which an aircraft proceeds when it is unable to land at the originally designated airport

altimeter (4) an instrument used to measure altitude

altimeter setting (4) the atmospheric-pressure reading used to adjust an altimeter

altitude (1) the elevation above sea level

approach (5) the part of a flight just preceding the landing

approach control (5) an ATC service for aircraft arriving or operating within the vicinity of an airport

approach plate (6) a diagram of an approved instrument approach that includes instructions for procedures, communication, and navigation

area navigation (8) a navigational system in which aircraft fly on a desired course within the limits of navigational signals

automatic direction finder (9) a navigational radio that senses signals and indicates the direction of low-frequency beacons

automatic pilot (8) a device that flies an aircraft automatically

Automatic Terminal Information Service (4) a continuous recorded broadcast of weather, operational, and noncontrol information

base leg (10) a flight path at right angles to the landing runway off its approach end

bearing (9) the position of an aircraft in relation to a point on a compass

broken (4) descriptive of clouds that cover more than half the sky

ceiling (4) the height above ground or water where the lowest layer of cloud obscures more than half the sky

clear (5) in this sense, to free from obstruction

clear (5) in this sense, to give approval for a particular action

clearance (2) authorization for an aircraft to proceed

clearance delivery (3) an ATC service that transmits flight clearances

compass locator (8) a low-frequency transmitter that is situated at a marker-beacon site

controller (5) a person who is responsible for controlling air traffic

control tower (4) an ATC facility at an airport that controls arrivals and departures

copy (10) to receive information

correction (10) the act of freeing from error

course deviation indicator (8) an aircraft instrument that provides lateral guidance

decision height (8) the height at which a decision is made to either continue or change an approach

departure control (5) an ATC service for aircraft departing from an airport

dew point (4) the temperature at which water vapor condenses

disregard (10) to ignore

distance measuring equipment (7) electronic equipment used to measure distance between an aircraft and a VOR

downwind leg (10) a flight path parallel to the landing runway in the direction opposite to landing

estimated time of arrival (11) the time when an aircraft is expected to arrive at its destination

expect further clearance time (3) the time when an additional clearance will be issued

file (2) to submit a flight plan

final approach (9) a flight path in the direction of landing along the extended runway centerline

final approach fix (9) the position at which the final approach is executed

fix (3) a geographical position determined by visual reference to one or more navigational aids

flight level (7) a level of atmospheric pressure, stated in three digits that represent hundreds of feet

flight plan (2) specified information relating to an intended flight

flight service station (2) an ATC facility that provides flight assistance services

flight watch (11) an en-route advisory service provided by an FSS

garbled (11) unclear

glide path (8) an aircraft's descent path, which is indicated by a radio beam

glide slope (8) an electronic device that provides vertical guidance

go ahead (7) to proceed with; or, approval to proceed with

go-around (5) the act of an aircraft going around

Greenwich mean time (2) the mean solar time of the meridian of Greenwich, England, which is used as a basis for standard time throughout the world

ground control (4) an ATC facility, located in the control tower, established to regulate taxiing aircraft and other vehicles operating in the airport movement area

ground speed (6) the speed of an aircraft relative to the surface of the earth over which it is traveling

guard (11) to give constant attention to

hand off (6) to transfer radar traffic from one controller to another

heading (1) the horizontal direction in which an aircraft is pointed, expressed in angular distance from a reference point

heavy jet (5) an aircraft with a gross weight of 300, 000 pounds or more

hold (5) to keep an aircraft in a specific location

holding pattern (3) the oval course flown by an aircraft awaiting clearance to land

hold short (10) to stop before the designated position

home (8) to follow the path of radio waves to the point of transmission

ident (6) to activate a feature on the transponder of an aircraft that accentuates its target on a radar screen

instrument approach (8) an approach to an airport by an aircraft, using instruments and radio guidance

instrument flight rules (2) rules that govern a flight that is being navigated using instruments only

instrument landing system (6) a system designed to provide an approach path for the exact alignment and descent of an aircraft preparing to land

intercept (6) to meet and follow a navigational course or route

International Civil Aviation Organization (1) an international organization that regulates aviation

knot (2) a nautical mile per hour

left downwind leg (10) the runway that is to the left of an airplane on the downwind leg

left-hand traffic (10) a landing pattern in which all turns are made to the left

localizer (6) an electronic beam that is part of the ILS and provides the pilot with course guidance to the centerline of the runway

marker beacon (8) a device that identifies a location by means of a transmitted signal

mean sea level (2) the average height of the surface of the sea

microwave (8) a short electromagnetic wave

microwave landing system (8) an ILS that operates in the microwave frequencies

minimum descent altitude (9) the lowest altitude allowed on the final portion of a nonprecision approach

minimums (8) weather conditions requirements established for a particular operation

missed approach point (9) the point at which the pilot decides whether to complete an approach or execute a missed approach procedure

missed approach procedure (9) the procedure to be followed if, after an ILS approach, a landing is not effected and occurring properly

Mode C (6) a type of transponder that provides altitude information

Morse code (8) a code in which combinations of dots and dashes or long and short signals are used to represent characters

negative (10) a term used to indicate denial

nondirectional radio beacon (9) a low-frequency transmitter that sends navigational signals nonprecision

approach (9) an approved instrument approach in which no electronic glide path is provided

notice to airmen (4) a notice to air personnel concerning changes in conditions, services, procedures, or hazards

omni (11) another term for VOR

out (7) a term used to indicate the completion of a radio message

over (11) a term used to indicate that a radio transmission has ended and a response is expected

overcast (4) descriptive of clouds or obscuration covering the sky

pilot report (11) information regarding conditions, given to ATC or another aircraft by a pilot

position report (7) a pilot's report of the physical location of an aircraft

precision approach (8) a standard instrument-approach procedure in which an electronic glide slope is provided

radial (9) a magnetic course extending from a VOR station

radio check (11) a test to see if a radio is functioning correctly

radio facility chart (2) a chart used for communication and navigation by radio

read (11) a term used to indicate that a radio transmission is received

release time (3) the departure time issued by ATC

roger (5) a term used to indicate that the previous radio transmission was received

runway (4) a rectangular strip on an airport used by aircraft for takeoff or landing

say again (7) a term used to request that a radio message be repeated

scattered (4) descriptive of clouds or obscuration covering less than half the sky

separation (5) the spacing of aircraft, intended to achieve safe and orderly movement

sequence (6) to arrange events in a particular order

sequence report (11) the weather report transmitted hourly to teletype stations

squawk (6) to set the transponder code of an aircraft

stand by (7) a term used to indicate that a radio message is due in a short time

target (6) the representation of an aircraft on a radar scope

taxi (4) to go at a low speed along the surface of the ground

taxiway (4) a rectangular strip used for taxiing at an airport

threshold (10) the beginning of that portion of the runway usable for landing

touch-and-go landing (10) a maneuver in which an aircraft lands and departs on a runway without stopping

traffic pattern (10) the traffic flow of aircraft landing in, taxiing on, and taking off from an airport

transmission (5) radio signals that are passed between sending and receiving stations

transponder (6) an electronic device located on an aircraft that generates a distinctive pattern on radar

vector (6) a heading issued to an aircraft that provides navigational guidance

very high frequency (2) descriptive of radio waves that range from 30 to 300 megacycles, used for navigation and communications

VHF omnidirectional range (7) a radio navigational aid that provides 360 courses using VHF radio waves

visual flight rules (2) rules controlling a flight that is being navigated using visual references

woke turbulence (5) air turbulence generated from the wing of an aircraft during flight

winds aloft (11) the winds above the earth's surface


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