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Would a temperature rise of a couple degrees really change the global climate.

In the last 10, 000 years the Earth's average temperature hasn't varied by more than 1.0°C. An increase of a few degrees won't simply make for pleasantly warmer temperatures around the globe. Even a modest rise of 1.5 °C could have dramatic effects. As a result the ice at the North and South Poles is going to melt, and sea levels and sea temperatures are going to rise. Both processes

* How much warmer is the Earth likely to become?; Would a temperature rise of a couple degrees really change the global climate? // https://www.wikipedia.org/

Unit five

lead to serious flooding and violent storms in many parts of the world. In other places there is going to be less rain, and the land may be turned into desert.

Scientists predict that continued global warming over the next 100 years will have a severe impact on many forests and other natural ecosystems and result in greater threats to human health.

(to be continued)

New Words

amazing [s'meizin] adj поразительный, удивительный universe ['ju: niv3: s] л вселенная, мироздание beyond [bi'JDnd] adv, prep за пределами habitability [, hsbita'bibti] n пригодность к обитанию galaxy f'gaebksi] n галактика restrict [n'stnkt] (/ограничивать inhabit [m'haebit] у жить, обитать, заселять simplify ['simplifai] v упростить property ['propgti] n 1) собственность

2) отличительная черта, особенность, свойство paradise ['pasradais] n рай, райское место greenhouse ['gri: nhaus] л оранжерея, теплица

greenhouse effect парниковый эффект prevent [pn'vent] v предотвращать, не допускать predict [pn'dikt] v предсказывать, предсказать

major ['meidjs] adj значительный, главный, первостепенной важности reduce [n'dju: s] v уменьшать, понижать, сокращать emission n выделение, выброс emit [I'mit] v выделять (свет, тепло, запах и т. п.), выбрасывать, извергать

(пепел, дым, лаву)

stabilize ['steibalaiz] у стабилизироваться) make for (phrasal verb) способствовать, содействовать melt v таять

severe [si'vig] adj строгий, суровый, зд. крупный, ощутимый impact ['impaekt] л сильное воздействие, влияние result in [п'глк] приводить (к чему-либо), вызывать

syn. cause, bring about threat [6ret] л угроза

Questions for discussion.

1. Why, according to the text, aren't there any inhabited planets except the Earth in the solar system?


2. What are the properties of a place (a planet, etc.) that are necessary
for life to emerge and evolve?

3. What is global warming?

4. What is causing harmful greenhouse gases to build up in the Earth's

5. What will happen if nothing is done to reduce greenhouse gas

6. Would the climate stabilize if we stopped the emission of heat-trapping
gases immediately? How long would it take to stabilize the climate?

7. What are the effects of global warming? Why are they called dramatic?

8. Why can global warming result in greater threats to human health?

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