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Щ Real and Unreal Conditions

Examples: The forecast says it'll get warmer. If the forecast is correct, we'll go to the country.

The forecast says it'll be cooler tomorrow. That's a pity. I wish it got warmer. If it got warmer tomorrow, we would go to the country.

8. Complete the following sentences and translate them into Russian. What
is the difference between the phrases in each pair? Think of situations
when each phrase can be said.

1. If you find a wallet in the street, what...?

If you found a wallet in the street, what...?

2. If you take more exercise, you...

If you took more exercise, you...

3. If our team wins, we...

If our team won, we...

Unit five

4. If you give up smoking, you...

If you gave up smoking, you...

5. If they offer me the job, I...

If they offered me the job, I...

6. If they don't fulfill their obligations, we...

If they didn't fulfill their obligations, we...

7. If he is here right now, he...

If he were here right now, he...

9. Read the poem. Compare Conditional Sentences. WILL YOU COME? *

by Edward Thomas (1878-1917), Anglo-Welsh poet and journalist

Will you come? Will you come? Will you ride So late At my side? Oh, will you come?

Will you come? Will you come If the night Has a moon, Full and bright? Oh, will you come?

Would you come?

Would you come

If the noon

Gave light,

Not the moon?

Beautiful, would you come?

Would you have come? Would you have come

* Текст поэмы, опубликованный в издании Б.Я. Лебединской «Английская грамматика в стихах». М.: «Астрель», «ACT», 2006.

Part 2

Without scorning*,

Had it been

Still morning?

Beloved, would you have come?

If you come

Haste and come,

Owls have cried;

It grows dark

To ride.

Beloved, beautiful, come.

О. Bruce and John are neighbours and close friends. They live next to each other in typically English two-storey houses. They are both retired, so they can afford to have a friendly chat in their gardens before breakfast.

Bruce. Hello, old chap! Nice morning, isn't it? Not a single cloud in the sky.

John. Hmm. Unusual for this time of the year, eh? By the way, have you read today's paper?

Bruce. No, not yet. What do they write?

John. Well, something having to do with this unusually warm weather. Global warming! We are going to receive a 'green pledge (зд. обязательство) card' from the government.

Bruce. What is it? Why is it 'green'? A pledge to pay taxes ahead?

John. No, Bruce, not yet. This time we are asked to combat climate change and do more for the environment.

Bruce. And I've just started enjoying life without an umbrella!

John (producing a newspaper clipping out of his pocket). Well, just listen: " Families will be encouraged to drive their cars less, recycle their house­hold waste, properly turn off televisions and computers, save energy and, to make the long story short, become more 'future friendly". I think it makes sense. Do you?

Bruce. I must read it myself. Then I'll tell you what I think about it. Let's go to our dear pub this evening and listen to what other people say. By the way, old Peter will be playing the piano all the evening. This occasion can't be missed! Let's go and relax a bit. Global warming can wait. Agreed?

John. Right! Till evening then!

11. Report the dialogue, observing all the rules of indirect speech.

: Scorn v презирать, п презрение.

Unit five

2. Read the story. Guess the meaning of the words you don't know. Answer the questions following the story.

The Landing On Planet X10*

The spaceship fired its front rockets and slowed down. The flight had last­ed for five years. The crew had spent ten years training before the flight began. Now was the moment of truth. Would their work and the scientific calculations triumph, or had everything been wasted?

The crew felt tense. On the spaceship you could have heard a pin drop. The scientists had calculated that planet X10 consisted mainly of hydrogen and oxygen, was it possible that some primitive form of life existed upon it?

The spaceship was just entering X10's atmosphere. The President was speaking to the crew. He wished them good luck and a safe return home. Would they ever get home, thought the crew, as they remembered the homes and fami­lies that they had not seen for five years?

The spaceship came through the atmosphere of X10, slowed by the for­ward rockets. The scientists had told them to try to aim for a firm landing place. The scientists had also identified areas of X10 where there was a large amount of light, and they had told the crew to try to land in such an area, as it was likely to be warmer than a darker place would be. A warm place would make it pos­sible to work outside in light spacesuits, instead of the heavy insulated ones that would otherwise be needed.

The captain was looking at his radar screen. He ordered his assistants to change the spaceship's direction. " Look! " said a member of the crew, pointing out of the large window. The crew stared: they could see an X10 creature in an aircraft looking at them. Full of excitement, they rushed to the radio to tell the President that there was life on X10. Other aircraft flew along. The crew noticed red flashes coming from their wings, but the missiles they fired exploded harm­lessly against the strong sides of the spaceship.

" Full speed ahead! " ordered the captain. He thought it would be a good thing not to stay too near the aircraft in case they had more dangerous we­apons.

The captain was looking for a landing ground. He studied his instruments. He wanted a place where there was solid ground. The crew watched him ner­vously. " Ah! At last! " thought the captain. He had found an ideal place to land. He fired a side rocket. The big spaceship went into its landing and slowly began to glide towards the surface of the mysterious planet.

With a slight bump, the spaceship landed. The captain went to the radio and said proudly: " Mr President, we are on the surface of another world! "

* Evans J.F. The Landing on Planet X10 // Club, 1984.

Part 2

" Captain, I congratulate you, " replied the wise old President. " What can you see? "

Trembling with excitement, the captain replied:

" It is dark, but there are many small lights. There are many creatures star-ng at the spaceship. They seem to be hostile. They are jumping up and down. Some of them are shouting... Now they have stopped shouting. A chief or leader s approaching. He is wearing black clothes and a tall hat. He is about to speak. I will ask him to speak slowly so that our scientists can try to understand what he says.... Now he has spoken. He has said: " This is Piccadilly Circus. Parking is strictly forbidden! "

Answer these questions.

1. How long did it take the crew to train before the spaceship was

2. How long did the flight last?

3. Was there any scientific preparation for the flight?

4. How do you understand the words 'you could have heard a pin drop'?

5. What had the scientists calculated before the spaceship was

6. Which country did the spaceship belong to (Russia, China, North Korea,
Great Britain, the United States)? Justify your choice.

7. What did the President say to the crew?

8. How can you describe the emotions of the crew before the landing?

9. What was the function of the forward rockets?


10. What temperature on the surface of planet X10 did the scientists

11. What kind of aircraft, do you think, the crew saw through the large

12. Why was the captain's order " Full speed ahead! "?

13. Was the landing successful?

14. Where did they land?

15. Do you find the story humorous? If you do, say why?

1 3. Translate the following newspaper article into English.

Если бы кто-нибудь поспорил (держал пари), что ни на какой-либо другой планете, кроме Земли, нет жизни, он, скорее всего, это пари бы проиграл, потому что астрономы недавно открыли планету, которая фак­тически обладает всеми свойствами, необходимыми для существования на ней жизни.

Unit five

Планета в пять раз тяжелее Земли и вращается вокруг красного кар­лика (Dwarf), маленького «солнца». Несмотря на свой малый размер, это «солнце» выделяет достаточно тепла для того, чтобы температура на по­верхности этой планеты была подобной температуре поверхности Земли.

На планете имеется вода и, соответственно, какая-то атмосфера. Вот почему ученые не исключают возможности существования некоторых форм жизни на ней. Однако было бы чрезвычайно трудно узнать, так ли это на самом деле.

Планета находится далеко за пределами Солнечной системы на рас­стоянии около 200 триллионов километров от Земли!

The end justifies the means. Publius Syrus (42 ВС-?), Roman poet and painter


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