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Will responding to global warming be harmful to the economy.

Investing in green practices and technologies may mean that additional expenditure taken on by the businesses will have a negative impact on the economy in the short term. But no action now will mean catastrophic consequences in future. Scientific research carried out recently by several independent environmental organizations calls this problem crucial.

Unit five

Developed countries should seize the opportunity to take the lead in developing new, clean, energy-efficient technologies and help developing countries take a greener path to economic prosperity. All of this can be done in a cost-effective manner by creating jobs and new business opportunities.

Never in the history of mankind has its future been dependent on the actions of one generation on such a scale. We must act quickly and responsibly to ensure the future for us and people who will live after us.

New Words

depletion [di'pli: Jan] n истощение

separate ['seprat] adj отдельный

refer (to) [птз: ] v относиться

troposphere ['tropasfia] n тропосфера

due to [dju: ] в результате, из-за

stratosphere ['straetasfta] n стратосфера

concern [kan's3: n] n отношение, озабоченность

crucial ['krurjal] ad/ключевой, решающий

destruction [di'strAkfan] n разрушение, уничтожение

layer ['leia] n слой

eliminate [I'hmmeit] v уничтожать, ликвидировать

adopt [a'dDpt] (/принимать

namely ['neimli] adva именно

renewable [ri'nju: abl] (/способный к восстановлению, возобновляемый

carbon dioxide ['ka: ban dai'Dksaid] углекислый газ

fossil ['fbsl] n (природное) ископаемое

fuel ['fju: al] n топливо

efficient [iTiJant] adj эффективный

expenditure [ik'spenditfa] n расход(ы), расходные статьи бюджета

consequence f'kDnsikwans] л (по)следствие

seize [si: z] v схватить, не упустить, зд. воспользоваться

generation [^ana'reijan] n поколение

responsibly [n'spDnsabli] adv ответственно

ensure [т'/иэ] v обеспечивать

Questions for discussion.

1. Why do you think global warming and ozone depletion are two separate
but related threats?

2. What are the lower and the upper parts of the atmosphere called?

3. Why is the loss of ozone in the stratosphere of serious concern to the

Part 2

4. What, according to the text, can governments, individuals, and
businesses do about global warming?

5. What do you yourself do to help solve environmental problems? Do you
feel your responsibility to future generations?


Find English equivalents in the text for the following (you may think of better Russian translations).

1. Глобальное потепление и истощение озонового слоя - две раз­
личные, но взаимосвязанные угрозы.

2. Это вызывает серьезную озабоченность...

3. Потребуются также и усилия для снижения всех видов вредных

4....поощрять использование возобновляемых источников энергии...

5....увеличить налоги на использование нефти и угля...

6....охранять и восстанавливать леса, которые естественным обра­
зом поддерживают баланс углекислого газа в атмосфере.

7....меньше пользуясь автомобилем и используя более эффектив­
ные и менее загрязняющие среду автомобили...

8....используя энергосберегающие бытовые приборы.

9....в большем масштабе.


10....будет оказывать негативное влияние на экономику в ближайшей

11. Но бездействие сейчас будет иметь катастрофические послед­
ствия в будущем.

12. Все это может быть сделано экономичным способом, путем со­
здания новых рабочих мест и возможностей для бизнеса.


Read and translate these sentences into Russian so as to have a better idea of how these words can be used.

deplete v, depletion n

1. To 'deplete' means to reduce something that is available.

2. If we continue to deplete the Earth's natural resources, we will cause
serious damage to the environment.

3. Thecountry'sfinancialreserveswillberapidlydepletedifthegovernment
ignores recommendations given by outstanding economists.

Unit five

4. The last holiday has seriously depleted my bank account.

5. The depletion of food reserves caused starvation and diseases among
the first settlers in America.

separate v, separate adj, separately adv

1. On two separate occasions I've had to ask my lawyer for advice.

2. He had his public life and his private life, and as far as possible he tried
to keep them separate.

3. You can't separate (consider independently) morality from politics.

4. Her parents separated when she was six and officially divorced a couple
of years later.

5. These two problems should be dealt with separately.

refer v, reference n

1.1 referred to a history book to find out all the necessary dates.

2. He spoke for an hour without once referring to his notes.

3. In her autobiography she often refers to her schoolteacher of

4. (business) With (further) reference to our previous correspondence we
wish to inform you that...

5. Academic books and articles usually have a list of references at the end
to tell you where the author found the information.

6. I'm applying for a new job and I hope my ex-boss will give me a

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