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Modals in Passive Voice

6. Rewrite these questions using the correct Tense of the Passive Voice.

1. We must fulfil all our obligations under the contract.

2. You should learn the dialogues by heart.

3.1 have to send this message off immediately.

4. We can make all the necessary arrangements very easily.

5. They had to interrupt their discussion.

6. They may cancel all the flights because of the terrible storm.

7. They might have cancelled the flights because of the weather.

8. We'll arrange everything in good time.

9. They can't settle the matter yet.


10. They must have settled the matter yesterday.

11. They can't have settled the matter so soon.

12. They couldn't have changed the plans without letting us know.

Some verbs (give, ask, offer, pay, show, teach, tell, etc.) can have

two objects, so two passive sentences can be made:

Active: The guests gave the boy a lot of nice presents for his birthday.

Passive: The boy was given a lot of nice presents for his birthday.

A lot of nice presents were given to the boy for his birthday.

However, most often the passive sentences begin with the person:

The boy was given a lot of nice presents for his birthday.


Unit eight

Rewrite these sentences using Passive Voice.

1. They asked me some very difficult questions at the interview.

2. Have they shown you all their new models?

3. Nobody told me what had happened.

4. They haven't invited Jane to the party.
5.1 don't think they'll offer her the job.

6.1 think they should have offered the job to Tom.

7. They are going to pay the workers $1000 for their job.

8. They should have given the role to a younger actress.

Translate the following into English using Passive.

1. «Пигмалион» был написан Бернардом Шоу в 1913 году.

2. Название было выбрано удачно.

3. Пьеса была основана на известном мифе о кипрском короле Пиг­
малионе, который создал прекрасную статую женщины и влюбил­
ся в нее, когда работа была завершена.

4. Пьеса была сразу же высоко оценена театральными режиссерами
и долго успешно шла на сценах Англии и за ее пределами.

5. Лернер был потрясен игрой Рекса Харрисона в роли профессора
Хиггинса, и эта роль была предложена Харрисону в мюзикле.

6. Но кто был приглашен на роль Элизы Дулиттл?

7. Должно быть, эта роль была предложена Джулии Эндрюс.

8. Не может быть, чтобы эта роль была отдана другой актрисе.

Phrasal verbs with 'keep'

keep... back (from) - keep secret (скрывать (от кого-то))

keep on - continue doing (продолжать)

keep up - maintain, not allow to end or fall (поддерживать (в хорошем


keep up (with) - go at the same speed (не отставать)

Rewrite these sentences using phrasal verbs with 'keep' instead of the words in italics.

1. I got the feeling he was trying to keep something secret from me.

2. The little boy complained that he couldn't walk as fast as his father.

3. A lot is being done to maintain the old traditions.

4. The little girl continued reciting the poem monotonously without paying
any attention to her listeners.



0. Translate the following into English using the phrasal verbs with 'keep'.

1. Я не хочу, чтобы кто-нибудь узнал об этом происшествии. Пожа­
луйста, никому не говори об этом.

2. Шоу попытался воспроизвести манеру речи кокни, но смог про­
держаться всего несколько страниц.

3. Мода меняется так быстро, и я даже не стараюсь поспевать за ней.

4. «Не сдавайся, продолжай тренироваться, и ты добьешься успе­
ха!» - часто говорил ему тренер.

Complete the text by choosing the words from the box.

valuable, wherever, antiques, generations, predominant, enough, mon-archs, originally, extremely, refer, handful, variety, exist, hardly

Who are the Cockneys? *

A Cockney is a Londoner born within the sound of Bow Bells that ring out from a church, called St. Mary-le-Bow, in the East End of London. The East End, which lies to the north and east of the City of London, has always been the home of the native London working class.

Quite apart from their accent Cockney people have, over many..., evolved a colourful, slangy mode of speech that is uniquely their own. How it all began and how far it goes back is... difficult to say. But books on English slang... to it and Bernard Shaw must have known it very well.

The slang derives from several sources. The most... is rhyming slang: a word is replaced with a phrase of two or three words that rhymes with it. For example: ear - bottle of beer; dress - more or less; dog - London fog; mate (friend) - china plate; good - Robin Hood, etc. So... rhyming slang might well have been a kind of code used by criminal groups to pass on secret information to each other.

Most native English speakers only know a... of Cockney phrases and use them to add a bit of fun and... to their speech.

You can hear a lot of Cockney spoken at London street markets, such as Portobello [, po: t9u'bebu] where they sell... and less... things for collectors, and Petticoat Lane, situated in the City of London. If you go there on a Sunday morn­ing, you may be lucky... to see a Pearly King and a Pearly Queen. They are the Cockney....On important days they wear special costumes, which have thou­sands of pearl buttons on them.

The Covent Garden fruit and vegetable market, that used to be next to the world-famous Covent Garden Opera House, and where Eliza Doolittle sold

* Who are the Cockneys? // Mozaika, 1974.

Unit eight

her flowers, doesn't... any longer, so you can... hope to hear any Cockney spoken in that place. But... you go in Cockneyland you will be given a friendly welcome.

12. Here are a few anecdotes about Bernard Shaw*. Read them and look up the words you don't know in your dictionary. Then retell them using both direct and indirect speech.

A young Irish actress asked Shaw why he'd come to England instead of seeking his inspiration in Ireland, the land of his birth. " I could not stay there, dreaming my life away on the Irish hills, " he explained. " England had conquered Ireland, so there was nothing for the Irish to do but come over and conquer England. Which, you will notice, I have done rather thoroughly."

" Oh, Mr Shaw, what made you ask me to dance? " a lady, who was neither young nor pretty, said to Shaw.

" This is a charity ball, isn't it? " Shaw replied.

The stout novelist G.K. Chesterton thought he had scored when he told the skinny vegetarian, " Looking at you, Shaw, one would think there was a famine in England."

" Looking at you, " Shaw replied, " one would think you caused it." To go on with the verbal duel, Shaw said to Chestertone, " If I were as fat as you I'd hang myself." Replied the corpulent Chestertone in his shrill little voice, " And if I had it in mind to hang myself, I'd use you as the rope."

One perhaps well-known story has it that Eleanora Duse wrote to Shaw tell­ing him that every genetic principle cried that they should have a baby. " Think what a child it would be, " she added, " with my body and your brain! "

Wrote Shaw in reply: " Think how unfortunate it would be if the child were to have my body and your brain."

* Hendrichson R. Book of Literary Anecdotes. Wordworth Reference, 1997.

Part 2

Shaw came across a book of his in a second-hand bookshop. The volume had been inscribed to a friend, beneath whose name Shaw had written: " With the compliments of George Bernard Shaw." Shaw bought the book and sent it back to his friend, writing under the original inscriptions: " With renewed compli­ments, G.B.S."


Read the text and make sure that you understand it. The list of new words on p. 202 will help you.

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