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Unit four. 1. He must give up smoking though I understand it isn't easy.



1. He must give up smoking though I understand it isn't easy.

2. He has to get up early because he lives very far away.

3. Must I find it out today? - I'm afraid, you must. It's very important.

4. Must I see them off? - No, you needn't. They can take a taxi.

5. Do you have to go to work in the rush hour? - No, I can come in a little
later. My boss doesn't mind if I come by 11 o'clock.

6. Which of your family has to do the shopping?

7. You've had to work hard this month, haven't you?

8. His plane was two hours late and I had to wait at the airport.

9. I won't be able to see you at the weekend, because I'll have to prepare
for my exam.

10. He'll have to go on business next week.

11.1 don't like to put off things till some other time, but sometimes I have to.

12. We must thank them for their hospitality.

1. The children mustn't play computer games for so long!

2. You don't have to come again. You may just call.

3. He mustn't go out today. He is still ill.

4. You mustn't tell anybody about it!

5. He doesn't have to wear a suit at work, but he usually wears a suit and
a tie.

6. I've promised to be on time. I mustn't be late!

7. I'm not working tomorrow, so I won't have to get up early.

8. I must remember to call him tomorrow. It's his birthday.

Keys 7.

Elvis Presley

Elvis Presley was born on January 8th, 1935 in Tupelo, Mississippi. His first musical experience was singing gospel songs in church. He was the first white singer to sing 'black' songs, with their origins and rhythm in gospel music and blues.

His career consists of three clear parts. In the 1950s, he was a wild performer, producing a combination of rhythm and blues and rock and roll, which delight­ed American teenagers and shocked their parents. In 1958, Presley was called up for military service. He spent two years in Germany and was 'the perfect sol­dier'. American parents decided that perhaps he wasn't so dangerous after all!

In the 1960s, he rarely appeared in public, but made about 25 almost iden­tical films, each one worse than the one before. From 1968 until his death in 1977, he returned to public performing, but more and more as a cabaret singer to older audience.

Elvis died on August 16th, 1977. He had recorded more than 400 songs, and sold (before his death) more than two hundred million records.


1. It's cold outside. Put on a hat and a scarf so as not to catch cold.

2. Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

3. It must be difficult for his wife to put up with his manners, but she has to.

4. - Can I speak to Mrs. Jones? - Certainly. Just a moment! I'm putting you

5. Hold on a moment, please. Let me take a pen and put down your name
and phone number.


1. After his father's death he took over the company and now he is the
brains behind all the new projects.

2. They watched with delight the huge plane taking off.

3. - His cello takes up too much space in our room!

- Leave him alone and take your words back. Your brother is going to be a great musician!

4. Mother asked the children to take the toys away before they go for a walk.

5. They say she took after her father.

6. In London there are a lot of restaurants where you can order a takeaway.

7. He is a professional musician and everybody was surprised when he
took up painting.

8. " Please, take off your coats, come into the room and make yourselves comfortable! " - said the hostess to her guests.

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