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Appearance and Character

Ann is a student at the College. She is 15. She is a pretty girl. Ann looks like her mother. The main traits of her character are such as:

She is inventive. She always knows many interesting stories and games. The girl can also think of something interesting.

Ann is active. She takes an active part in the life of our College. She goes in for sports. This student takes part in sport competitions.

She is brave. She is not afraid of anybody. Ann defends the smaller children.

She is frank. She always tells the truth. Her friends know what ideas she has. The girl is true in friendship.

Ann is independent. She always takes her decisions herself. She is also ready to help and to support everybody. But she is not disposed to force her thought upon anybody.

The girl is industrious. She likes to work very much. She usually helps her parents about the house. She washes up, washes the floor, waters the flowers, feeds her parrot.

She is very clever. She has a good memory. The girl has a permanent interest for new knowledge. She reads a lot of fiction literature. Ann is treated with respect by her groupmates.

Ann is interested in music news. She is fond of modern music, especially of English-speaking countries.

This student is also very well bread, kind-hearted, tactful, polite, modest, cheerful, just, self-confident, serious, sociable and lively.


inventive – винахідливий

brave – хоробрий

frank – щирий

independent – незалежний

industrious – працьовитий

tactful – тактовний

sociable – товариський

lively – жвавий


Exercise 4. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the main traits of Ann’s character?

2. Why do you think so?

3. What is she interested in?

4. What traits of her character are the best for you?

Exercise 5. Match up the expressions:

1. She never brags about her success. 2. She would never do anything stupid like that. 3. You have to be careful what you say to him. 4. She often shouts at people for nothing. 5. He’s always doing nice things for people. 6. She’s very up and down. 7. She’s very sure of herself. 8. He’s often looking in the mirror. 9. He always tells the truth. 10. He only thinks about himself. Sensitive Thoughtful Honest Moody Self- confident Modest Sensible Selfish Aggressive Vain

Exercise 6. Write an opposite for each word below:

e.g. happy – unhappy; rich – poor.

1. honest 4. clever 7. lazy 10. friendly

2. generous 5. reliable 8. pleasant

3. kind 6. broad-minded 9. optimistic

Exercise 7. Match two columns to make up sentences:

1. He will not give you anything. He is incredibly.... 2. She is never grumpy, always.... 3. He is always buying me things. He is very.... 4. She never helps with the housework. She is very.... 5. He has made lots of new friends. He is very.... 6. I shall do whatever everyone else wants. I am.... 7. He is never happy, always.... 8. She doesn’t talk to people she doesn’t know. She is very.... 9. He will never change his mind. He is very.... 10. She takes work home with her. She is very.... hard-working lazy shy generous miserable stubborn out-going easy-going cheerful mean

Exercise 8. Complete the sentences with words from the previous exercise:

1. She is very.... She never does any work but still passes her exams.

2. My daughter is very.... She is always talking to people wherever she goes.

3. He just won’t do it. You know how... he can be.

4. She is the one who does everything around here. She is extremely....

5. He’s far too.... He always does what the rest of the family want.

6. She’s always smiling and.... Lovely to be around.

7. He only gave me ten dollars for my birthday. I thought that was very....

8. My parents are very.... They are going to buy me a car.

9. If you speak to her, she blushes. She is terribly....

10. I think he enjoys being.... If not, he’d change the things that make him unhappy.

Exercise 9. Match 1-6 with a-f to form compound adjectives or common phrases:

1. common 4. self a) fun d) sense

2. easy 5. good b) confident e) going

3. narrow 6. hard c) working f) minded


Exercise 10. Match the following adjectives with their antonyms:

1. boring a) greedy

2. hard-working b) agreeable

3. stupid c) indifferent

4. idealistic d) cowardly

5. active e) ill-natured

6. generous f) clever/smart/intelligent

7. punctual g) docile

8. offensive h) exciting

9. ambitious i) passive

10. obstinate j) lazy

11. brave k) pragmatic

12. kind-hearted l) careless/unreliable

*Exercise 11. Read and translate the text:

What is Character?

Abraham Lincoln said, “Reputation is the shadow. Character is the tree.” Our character is not just what we try to display for others to see, it is who we are even when no one is watching. Good character is doing the right thing because it is right to do what is right.

Everyone has character. People sometimes think of character as something a person either has or doesn’t have. They may say “He has character” meaning he has good character. We intuitively recognize the truth that everyone has “character” and we distinguish between “good” and “bad” character.

Our character is the foundation for true success. A person may have money, position, or power, but unless he has “good” character he or she is not truly successful. Our character is what really determines our success in any area of life. Our character is what guides any situation of our life.

We do not often think of character as having such a direct effect on our success or failure. But when we consider the individual qualities that together make up a person’s character, we can easily see that it does. Abraham Lincoln, for example, became President after repeatedly losing elections. His principle was: “Never give up”.

The world today needs better characters. We must work toimprove our own character, teach good character to our children, and help those around us to improve their character!

Character development is essential for success of our society. That is why character is the key to success!


success – успіх

failure – провал

to consider – вважати

toimprove – покращувати


Exercise 12. Complete the sentences to the text:

1. Abraham Lincoln said, “… is the shadow. … is the tree.”

2. We do not often think of character as having such a direct effect on our success or ….

3. Our character is what really determines our … in any area of life.

4. We must work to… our own character.

5. When we … the individual qualities that together make up a person’s character we can easily see that it does.


*Exercise 13. Discuss the following statements. Agree or disagree with the class:

1. Character development is the way to success.

2. There are no people without character. Every character is unique.

3. Tell about the situations when your character helped you or interfered you to get success. Describe this situation and name the trait of character.

4. We look for people who have similar characters with us. Tell how much in common you have with your friends.

5. Character is much easier kept than recovered.

6. Character can’t be developed in ease and quiet. You need everyday “struggle and fight” to develop it.


**Exercise 14. Tell about your best friend. Use these questions to help you:

1. Is your friend usually in a good mood?

2. Is it important for your friend to be successful in whatever he/she does?

3. Does your friend notice your feelings?

4. Does you friend often give presents, or pay for lunch or a coffee?

5. Does your friend work hard?

6. Does your friend become angry or annoyed if he/she has to wait for something or someone?

7. Can you trust (довірити) your friend with a secret?

8. Does your friend listen well when you are speaking?

9. Does your friend keep his/her feelings to him/herself?

10. Is your friend usually not worried by things, no matter what happens?

11. Does your friend think the future will be good?

12. Does your friend often change his/her opinion about things?

13. Does your friend often postpone things he/she has to do?

14. Is your friend happy one moment and then sad the next?

15. Does your friend like to be with people?


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