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Vocabulary bored – нудьгуючий, набридливий despair – відчай, розпач envy – заздрість doubt – сумнів to mope – нудьгувати annoyed – надокучливий ashamed – присоромлений betrayed– зраджений confused – збентежений cheated– обманутий cross– роздратований depressed– пригнічений disappointed– розчарований envious– заздрісний embarrassed– збентежений furious– несамовитий horrified– нажаханий irritated– роздратований lazy – лінивий tense– напружений upset– засмучений
Exercise 1. Search for the words. They are hidden left to right and down: angry, bored, happy, cold, hot, sad, scared, sleepy, surprised.
Exercise 2. Translate the sentences into English using new words: 1. Я не можу знайти гроші, я у відчаї. 2. Чому ти такий збентежений? 3. Роби щось, не можна бути таким лінивим. 4. Я засмучений тому що у мене померла собака. 5. Люди бувають дуже заздрісними коли чогось не мають. 6. Ти дуже напружений, тобі варто сходити на масаж. 7. Я дуже сердитий на тебе, ти не зробив те що я тебе просив. 8. Моя дівчина почала зустрічатись з моїм кращим другом, я почуваюсь зрадженим. Exercise 3. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian: 1. I am very angry when I play football. 2. I am very happy when I read a good book. 3. I am surprised when I watch a TV program. 4. I am scared when I watch a horror film. 5. I am in despair when I watch a soup opera. 6. Pop music makes me feel happy. 7. I feel tired when I learn English. 8. I feel sad when I work in garden. 9. Bad news on TV makes me feel scared and angry. 10. I am polite and honest. 11. I am a hard-working person because I like to help my mother about the house 12. I am friendly because I have a lot of friends. 13. I am a romantic person, I like to watch good films and listen to classical music.
Exercise 4. Read and translate the text: Dealing With Anger: The Fire Inside Angry, mad, furious and peeved. Whatever you want to call it, it's one of the most common and basic human emotions. Have you ever made it through an entire day without getting angry at something or someone? Probably not and that's totally normal. Just like other emotions such as happiness and sadness, there are many different levels and types of anger. " I'm so angry that I missed that question on the test" is different from " I'm so angry at my friend because she betrayed me." Because we're all unique, each of us deals with our anger on our own terms. Sometimes we express it in a way that feels good in the moment, but causes more problems afterwards. Sometimes we keep our anger inside because we don't want to make trouble but that just seems to make us feel worse. As you can probably tell from looking at the adults in your life, everyone struggles with how and when to express anger. But anger isn't something we should ignore or avoid. In fact, when we get to know our anger, what causes it, how we react to it, and then learn how to manage it, it's a chance to get to know ourselves a little better and improve our relationships with other people. Vocabulary mad – лютий furious – розлючений peeved – роздратований to get angry at something or someone – злитись на щось або когось anger – злість to ignore – ігнорувати to avoid – уникати to manage – управляти
Exercise 5. Answer the questions to the text: 1. What synonyms of the word “angry” do you know? 2. Is it normal to get angry with something or somebody? 3. Are there any types of anger? 4. Are you always angry in the same way? 5. Does anger cause a lot of problems? 6. Is it good to keep our anger inside? 7. Can we learn how to manage our anger?
Exercise 6. Agree or disagree with the following statements according to the text: 1. Anger is one of the most common and basic human emotions. 2. Just like other emotions such as happiness and sadness, there are many different levels and types of anger. 3. " I'm so angry that I missed that question on the test" is just the same as " I'm so angry at my friend because she betrayed me." 4. We're all unique, each of us deals with our anger on our own terms. 5. Sometimes we keep our anger inside because we don't want to make trouble but that just seems to make us feel better. 6. Anger is something we should ignore or avoid. 7. It is impossible to learn how to manage anger.
Exercise 7. Say what makes you feel very angry/happy: College life, pop music, bad news on TV, church ceremonies, insects in general, a good exam result, to learn English, vampire films, Monday mornings, Friday afternoons, to fly by plane, Chinese food, peak hour traffic, to jog, to study for an exam, to ride a bicycle, women drivers, domestic pets, mathematics.
*Exercise 8. Read and translate the text: