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Negative Emotions

Negative emotions can take a toll on even the strong at heart. Sadness can leak out a happy spirit, just as anxiety can steal away a hopeful soul. In moments when we worry, we rob ourselves of love, acceptance and the potential for courage and self-growth. But there are things we can do about it right now. Even though you feel hopeless to your emotions, it is possible to reconnect to a stronger side of your self, the part of you that can heal what feels un-healable. It may not cause any permanent changes (you may need therapy for that). But it can temporarily alleviate what feels intolerable and lift the heavy cloud that may be weighing down on your life.

Look in the mirror. Sometimes we're not aware of how depleted we feel. The busyness and chaos of life can make us numb. Everybody else needs our attention and in giving to them, we often neglect ourself. One way to shift this outwardly perspective is to tune into what's going on with you. You don't have to literally look into the mirror, but it helps. For once, spend time finding out who you are, what you want, and what you need right now. And indulge yourself in whatever that is.

Think of a happy moment.When you think upon a happy memory, your body doesn't know it's not happening right now. Spend a few minutes remembering one of the most happiest moments of your life, see it, smell it, feel it, and you'll instantly be there.

Spend time with people who love and cherish you.This sounds like an obvious one right? But I wonder how many people realize the importance of devoting time to those they love and who love them back. When we're with people who love and accept us for who we are, we can let go just a little bit. We can loosen the grip of perfection and just be in all our humanness.


to take a toll – мати негативні наслідки

to leak out – просочуватись

happy spirit – веселий дух

anxiety – тривога

a hopeful soul – оптимістична душа

to worry – хвилюватись

to rob oneself of love – позбавляти себе кохання

self-growth – само розвиток

to heal – зцілювати

to alleviate – піднімати

intolerable – нестерпний

depleted – виснажений

numb – онімілий

to neglect – нехтувати

to shift – міняти

to tune – настроюватись

literally – буквально

to indulge – не відмовляти собі

to cherish – цінувати

to devote time to – присвячувати час

humanness – людяність


Exercise 9. Complete the sentences:

1. Negative emotions can … on even the strong at heart.

2. Sometimes we're not aware of how … we feel.

3. The busyness and chaos of life can make us ….

4. We often … ourself.

5. One way … this outwardly perspective is … into what's going on with you.

6. You don't have to … look into the mirror.

7. Spend time with people who love and … you.

8. We can loosen the grip of perfection and just be in all our ….

Exercise 10. Put the words in the right order:

1. soul can sadness out leak a happy anxiety spirit, just as steal away can a hopeful.

2. depleted sometimes aware we're not feel of how we.

3. self - growth in when worry we, we rob ourselves love of, acceptance moments and the potential for courage and.

4. you literally look don't to into the have mirror, helps but it.

5. minutes remembering life spend a few one happiest of the moments of most your.

6. you spend cherish time people with who and love.

7. it changes may permanent not cause any.

8. loosen we grip can the humanness of and just perfection be in all our.


*Exercise 11. Discuss the following questions:

1. What makes you be happy?

2. What makes you be angry?

3. Are you a hard-working person? Why?

4. Are you a scared person? Why?

5. Are you sad sometimes? Why?

6. What do you feel when you listen to music?

7. What do you feel when you watch a horror film?

8. What do you feel when you are with your friends?

9. How do you feel during exam time?

10. How do you feel when you do sport?

11. Do you believe money can buy happiness?

12. What are the qualities that you think are necessary in a person?

13. What are the qualities that are the most important for you?


**Exercise 12. Your friend works a lot and doesn’t have much time to relax. He is very depressed. Give him some tips how to get rid of negative emotions.


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