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The Geographical Position of Ukraine. to border on – межувати з


Europe - Європа

state - держава

border - кордон

to border on – межувати з

to consist of – складатися з

to be washed by - омиватися

to occupy the territory – займати територію

sq. km. - кв.км

to be rich in – бути багатим на

mineral resources – мінеральні ресурси

twice as big as – вдвічі більший за

to stretch for – простягатися на

to be situated in – знаходитися у

area- площа

flat - плоский

montainous – гористий

peak - найвища точка

plain - рівнина

to be located in - бути розташованим

population - населення

deep - глибокий

shallow - мілкий

bordering countries – прикордонні країни

a trade - торгівля

international links – міжнародні зв’язки

to divide the country into – поділяти країну на

right-bank (left-bank) – правобережний (лівобережний)

to flow into - впадати

the Crimean Mountains – Кримські гори

the Carpathian Mountains – Карпатські гори

resort – курорт

steep / gentle slope – крутий / пологий схил

flat summit – плоска вершина

the largest freshwater lake – найбільше прісноводне озеро

extremely fertile black soil – надзвичайно родючий чорнозем

to grow a lot of crops – вирощувати багато зернових

currency - валюта

anthem - гімн


Exercise 1. The first that comes to our mind when we are speaking about any country is its geography. Now give your associations to this word:


Exercise 2. Read, translate and learn the main information about Ukraine:

Ø Ukraine is an Eastern European state washed from its South with the Black and Azov seas. Ø Its length from West to East is 1316 km, from North to South - 893 km. Ø The extreme border locations are: Northern - Petrivka village (Chernihiv oblast); Southern - Cape Sarych (Autonomous Republic of Crimea); Western - Chop city (Zakarpattya oblast); Eastern - Chervona Zirka village (Luhansk oblast). Ø Ukraine's neighbouring countries are: Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Belarus and Turkey on sea. Ø The biggest rivers are: Dnipro - 1121 km, Dnister - 925 km, Pivdennyi Buh - 806 km, Siverskyi Donets - 700 km, Horyn’ - 577 km, Desna - 575 km, Inhulets - 549 km, Psel - 520 km, Sluch - 451 km, Styr - 424 km, Zakhidnyi Buh - 401 km, Oril’ - 384 km. Ø The biggest lakes are: Yalpuh (Odeska oblast) - 149 sq.m.; Kagul - 82–93 sq.m.; Sasyk-Syvash - 71 sq.m. The deepest lake of Ukraine is Svityaz (Volynska oblast) (its maximum depth is 58.4 m). Ø The highest mountain peaks are: in the Ukrainian Carpathians - Hoverla (2061 m), in the Crimean Mountains - Roman-Kosh (1545 m).

Ø The capital is Kyiv (Kiev).

Ø The total area is 603 700 sq km. (It is 5, 7% of the area of Europe or 0, 44% of the world area).

Ø It is located in Central-Eastern Europe, on the part of the East-European plain.

Ø Population is about 48 million people.

Ø The state currency is hryvnia.

Ø The official language is Ukrainian. (However Russian is widely spoken especially in southern and eastern Ukraine).

Ø The Day of Independence is celebrated on August, 24.

Ø Ukraine is the largest state in Europe.

Ø The geographic centre of Europe is on the territory of Ukraine not far from Rakhiv in Zakarpatska region (oblast).

Ø The symbols of Ukraine are: the national flag (two stripes of blue and yellow), the national emblem (the Trident) and the national anthem.

Exercise 3. Look at the map in the Appendix and match the sentences halves:

1. The Black Sea is in 2. Kyiv is in 3. The Carpathians are in 4. Odesa is in 5. Dnepropetrivsk is in 6. Kharkiv is in 7. Dnister is in a) the West b) the North of Ukraine c) the South of Ukraine d) the North East of Ukraine e) the North West of the Crimea f) the South West of Mykolaiv g) the South East of Kyiv


*Exercise 4. Read and translate the text and complete the sentences:

1. Ukraine borders on …

2. Ukraine is one of the …

3. The population of Ukraine is..

4. The Black Sea and the Sea of Azov …

5. The geographical position of Ukraine is favourable for …

6. Many Ukrainian people and people from abroad come to …

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