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Habitat in danger
Habitat degradation is currently the main anthropogenic cause of species extinctions. Habitat degradation can take the form of a physical destruction of niche ([nɪ tʃ ] ниша) habitats: the destruction of forests and replacement with open agricultural land in developing countries. Vital resources including water and food can also be limited The environment is becoming toxic that can kill off a species very rapidly. A number of organizations try to preserve species from extinction. Governments enact laws to avoid habitat destruction, agricultural over-harvesting, and pollution. Vocabulary to the text: to cause cancer – спричинити рак rainforests - тропічні ліси to absorb carbon dioxide – поглинати двоокис вуглецю burning fossil fuels – згораюче скам’яніле паливо to produce pollutants – виробляти забрудники nitrogen oxide – оксид азоту sulfur dioxide – двоокис сірки hydrocarbons- вуглеводень to release large quantities – випускати великі кількості to dissolve in water – розчинятися у воді chemical fertilizers and pesticides – хімічні добрива і пестициди to reduce our consumption of energy and raw materials – зменшувати наше споживання енергії та сировинних матеріалів to generate hydroelectric power – виробляти гідроелектричну енергію to spin in the wind – крутитися на вітрі to switch to energy-efficient bulbs – засвічувати енергозберігаючі лампочки habitat degradation - деградація, занепад природного середовища anthropogenic cause of species extinctions – антропогенна причина зникнення видів Exercise 8. Answer the questions: 1. How much do we know now about environmental problems that face the world today? 2. What is acid rain? 3. What is the Greenhouse Effect? 4. What is deforestation and how does it affect the environment? 5. What alternative forms of energy do you know? 6. What is the Ozone Layer? *Exercise 9. Make three groups, one for each statement. Discuss your statement for 3 minutes and complete it. Give your reasons. Represent it to the other groupmates. 1. We have become more dependent on chemicals. 2. Drinking water in the region became polluted with fertilizers and pesticides. 3. The accident at the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant caused nuclear pollution of a vast area.
*Exercise 10. Speak on the main ecological problems which people meet nowadays. **Exercise 11. Speak on the following: 1. Do you agree that we live on a “sick” planet? Do you think most people in our world now live healthier lives than ever before in human history? 2. Do you think it is possible to live in a world that is both industrialized and green? 3. Do you agree that environmental problems are rooted in the economy? 4. Do you think pollution (in all its forms) is just the price that we have to pay for a better standard of living? 5. What is more important in your opinion – the standard of living or the quality of life? 6. Singapore is considered to be one of the cleanest cities in the world. It is a result of the systems of fires. For example, if you throw a cigarette end on the street, you’ll have to pay $50. What do you think of this system? Do you think it could work in Ukraine?
**Exercise 12. Write an article to the newspaper about the solution of eco problems and exactly what people can do to help the environment.