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Science in our life

Today we see the world in which social, industrial and political order has been greatly influenced by science. Science and technology have achieved great progress in space research. Many people have already forgotten what the world was like before television. Several generations of children have grown up with TV as a baby-sitter, teacher. A lot of kitchens in our flats are so well equipped that they look like a control room.

Science is important to most people living in the modern world for a number of reasons. In particular, science is important for world peace and understanding, for understanding of technology, and for our understanding of the world.

Science is important for world peace in many ways. On the one hand, scientists have helped to develop many of the modern tools of war. On the other hand, they have also helped to keep the peace through research, which has improved life for people. Scientists have helped us understand the problem of supplying the world with enough energy; using energy of the sun and of the atom. Scientists have also analyzed the world's resources. Scientists study the Universe and how to use its possibilities for the benefit of men. Scientists are also important for everyone who is affected by modern technology. Many of the things that make our lives easier and better are results of advances in technology. In some cases, such as technology of producing salt from ocean water, technology may be essential for our lives on Earth.

Scientists are learning to predict earthquakes, to study many other natural events such as storms. Scientists are also studying various aspects of human biology and the origin and development of the human race. The study of the natural world may help improve life for many people all over the world. Basic knowledge of science is essential for everyone. It helps people to find their way in the changing world.


space research – дослідження простору

to grow up – зростати

on the one hand – з одного боку

on the other hand – з іншого боку

to improve life – покращувати життя

supplying – постачання

benefit – користь

to predict – передбачати

origin – походження

Exercise 8. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements. Discuss with the class:

1. Science and technology have achieved great progress in space research.

2. Scientists have also analyzed the world's resources.

3. Today we see the world in which social, industrial and political order has been greatly influenced by science.

4. The study of the natural world may help improve life for many people all over the world.

5. Basic knowledge of science is essential for everyone.

6. Scientists are learning to predict earthquakes, to study many other natural events such as storms


*Exercise 9. Choose the best word to complete the sentences. Find out the meaning of unknown words:

cutting-edge digital native e-books ICT internet connection

outdated technophobes

1. Sometimes simpler forms of technology are more effective than….. solutions that can be less reliable.

2. One difficulty for consumers is that if they invest in new technology, it may quickly become… or obsolete.

3. Given the importance of computer literacy in the modern world, … should be compulsory in all schools.

4. The… generation has a considerable advantage people from an older generation who sometimes find it difficult to adapt to new technologies.

5. Not everyone, however, is equally enthusiastic about these advances and some… even refuse to own a mobile phone.

6. One example of how new technology can harm more traditional industries is the negative impact…are having on old-fashioned publishing.

7. This can be seen by how in just 20 years most people expect to have an….and are disappointed if it is not broaden.


*Exercise 10. Read translate the article and give the title:

Young people live in a very different situation now. They do not send letters which take days, weeks, even months to arrive. They send text messages or emails which take only minutes or even seconds to arrive. They do not search things in the newspaper. They browse the internet and find things that they are looking for. They do not ask their parents when they have problems. They ask ‘google’ when they have problems. The youngsters are very good at technology. People call them ‘digital native’. For youngsters, it takes only minutes to learn a new technology. They are born with the ability to master the technology. When we see how the youngsters play with all the gadgets they have at their hands: they are the experts! Even they create their own language when texting: b4, 2moro, gr8t, OMG, LOL, CU, TYVM. Can you mention other words that you know? Let’s learn some more about the language young people do for texting:

2DAY= today LTNS = long time no see

ASAP = as soon as possible M8 = mate (friend)

BRO = brother MU = I miss you

CUL = see you later PLS = please

HAND = have a nice day RUOK – are you ok?

HRU = how are you SIS = sister

IC = I see U = you

L8 = late U4E = you forever

L8r = later UR = your


Exercise 11. a) Read and translate the following dialogue. Guess the meaning of the abbreviations:

Ann: Mu m8. Ltns. Hru?

Pam: Oh, I’m fine. Mu2. How is ur sis?

Ann: My sis is Ok. But she’s l8 2 school 2day. Her teacher was so angry.

Pam: Ic. Hope she is OK.

It’s getting l8. I gtg b4 it’s dark. I hope I will cu asap. Mayb 2moro?

Ann: Ok! Gr8t! Hand. CUL.

*b) Make up the list of icons and abbreviations you use in your communication. Share it with your class.

**Exercise 12. Express your point of view on the following:

· You’re going to take part in a round-table discussion concerning science and technology. Give your ideas about it.

· You are interviewed by journalist about the role of science in your life. Describe the role of science in your studying. Are there positive and negative sides?

· Wise people say: “It doesn't stop being magic just because you know how it works.” What do you think about it? Is science a usual thing for you? When should it be considered as magic?


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