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Computer Technologies


a mobile phone– мобільний телефон

answer phone – автовідповідач

telephone dictionary – телефонний довідник

to ring, to call – дзвонити

to be engaged – бути занятим (про телефон) (the phone line is engaged)

to be on the phone – говорити по телефону

You have got the wrong number – Ви помилились номером

to leave a message – залишити повідомлення

to phone back – передзвонити

to connect – зв’язуватись

computer, laptop– комп’ютер, нетбук

laser printer – принтер

monitor, screen, keyboard, mouse – монітор, екран, клавіатура, мишка

floppy disk – дискета

to use the Internet – використовувати Інтернет

to go online – виходити в Інтернет

to open, to save, to print, to cut, to copy, to paste a document – відкрити, зберегти, видрукувати, вирізати, скопіювати, вставити документ

to send e-mail, to check e-mail – відправити електронне повідомлення, перевірити електронну пошту

to click, to press on the button – нажимати на кнопку

to type on the keyboard – клацати по клавіатурі

to switch on, to turn on – включити

to switch off, to turn off – виключити

to have a virus – мати вірус

to crash a computer – поламати комп’ютер

a back-up copy – резервна (додаткова) копія на диску

to make a back-up copy – створити додаткову копію

to send secret information – відсилати секретну інформацію

to break the codes – ламати коди

to become a computer addict – ставати залежними від комп’ютера

computer addiction – комп’ютерна залежність

to have a harmful effect – мати шкідливий ефект

to have a harmful influence on – мати шкідливий вплив на


Exercise 1. Translate the following word-combinations:

Дізнаватись секретну інформацію, ламати секретні коди, необхідний пристрій, клацати по клавіатурі, вимикати комп’ютер, купляти колонки, завантажувати музику, шукати багато цікавої інформації, мати багато недоліків, помилитись номером.

Exercise 2.a) Read and translate the following dialogue:


Marry: Hello! How are you?

Jane: Hi. I’m fine. And you?

Marry: I’m OK. What are you doing?

Jane: I’m writing an essay.

Marry: What is the essay about?

Jane: It’s about the role of computers in our life.

Marry: Oh, it’s interesting. Is it positive or negative?

Jane: Of course it’s positive. Personally, I think that computers have only advantages.

Marry: To be honest, I don’t agree with you.

Jane: Why? Nowadays we can’t imagine our life without them. They are our brain.

Marry: Don’t forget computers are dangerous to our health. The monitors are harmful for eyesight. Moreover working with computers for a long time can cause epilepsy.

Jane: Due to them modern medicine can diagnose diseases faster and more effectively. They control all data on hard disks. Imagine how much paper would have to be used, how many trees would have to be cut just to store information.

Marry: But computers have different viruses. The biggest problem is when your hard disks break down and you lose your documents.

Jane: Ok, tell me, please, how you can watch movies, listen to the music, play games without computers?

Marry: It’s the main threat. Because of this you can be computer addict. Moreover teenagers have access to pornography and violent games.

Jane: With the help of computers we get access to the Internet. There are free call calls from different countries which make the world smaller. Nowadays, it takes just a minute to buy a ticket and check in hotels of other countries. You can easily shop online everywhere. Also they are wide-spread in education. Furthermore architects, designers and engineers can’t do their work properly without computers. And they…..

Marry: Stop, please. I understood you. You are right that computer is an essential part of our life. I just want to prove you that they have disadvantages as well as advantages. It will be better to mention them too.

Jane: Do you want to say that I should write two essays?

Marry: Just write down pros and cons of computer in one essay while comparing them.

Jane: Good idea! Thank you very much!

Marry: Not at all!

*b) Make up a list of advantages and disadvantages of using computers. Discuss them with the class:


*Exercise 3. Complete the following sentences with the necessary words:

1. Computers, mobile phone, servers, cables and switches are all types of ….

2. When a copy of all the data and files of a computer is saved/stored on a different computer, it is…..

3. A powerful computer that is used on a computer network to store/save other computers' data and files, is called a…

4. A device/machine on a computer network that is used to move data between the different computers and servers, is a…

5. A type of computer network that is normally used in an office or school, is called a…

6. A cable that is used to transport data from one computer to another on a computer network, is called a …

7. Computer applications and programs are both types of …

8. A 'hard drive' or place on a computer where applications or files are stored/saved, is also called a …

9. The 'small parts' which an email is divided into to be transported on the network, are called…

10. When a person's files and applications are stored on the computer network and not on their local drive/computer, they are on a …

11. The name of the software that stops viruses from entering into a computer network, is called a…

12. The 'computers' on computer network are often called …

13. A device/machine where all the data entering a computer network goes through, is called a …

14. The unique name/address that every computer in the world has, is called an…

15. If we want to print out the information in the computer, we use a….

16. A… is a small object which you move with your hand to give instructions to the computer.

17. If we want to upload our pictures onto the computer, we use a…

18. While chatting on the web we usually use a…. to see each other's faces.

19. It is smaller than a desktop computer and you can carry it with your hands. It is a…


*Exercise 4. Read and translate the text:

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