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Ex. III Read and translate the following conversation.

Mrs Godley is showing Mr Bellamy round her garden.

Mrs Godley: That’s a lovely rose, ‘isn’t it?

Bellamy: Yes, it certainly is.—And look at that yellow one. Isn’t that


Mrs Godley: Well, as a matter of fact I’m not very keen on yellow roses.—Do

you have a garden Mr Bellamy?

Bellamy: No, I’m afraid not. I live in a flat you know.

Mrs Godley: I suppose it’s very convenient living in a flat.

Bellamy: Yes, I suppose so, but I often think I’d rather like to live in a

country cottage with a nice little garden.

Mrs Godley: Country cottages can be very cold in winter.

Bellamy: Oh, I don’t know. Surely you can fit some sort of central-

heating system pretty cheaply nowadays.

Mrs Godley: I doubt it. A friend of mine bought a cottage last year, and

had to spend over three hundred pounds putting in central

heating—and the place is still like a refrigerator in winter.


Ex. IV Read the examples under Disagreement and agree with them, e. g.

The Beatles are wonderful, aren’t they? —Yes, they certainly are.

Ex. V Read the following and answer them with one of these remarks.

Note where more than one remark would be suitable:

Oh, do you really think so? Actually, I quite like it. Oh, surely not. Oh, I can’t agree with you there. Well, personally I don’t care much for it. Well, as a matter of fact I didn’t think much of it. Oh, I don’t know.

(a) This is a nice place, isn’t it?

(b)That was a good speech, wasn’t it?

(c) I don’t care much for the food here, do you?

(d) I don’t believe Arsenal has a chance.

(e) It’s very warm today, isn’t it?

(f) What a charming old-world city Birmingham is, isn’t it?

(g) I don’t like the conductor much, do you?

(h) Looks as if it’s going to rain, doesn’t it?


Ex. VI Read and disagree politely with the following.


(a) That’s a pretty tune, isn’t it?

(b) I’m afraid we’ll be late, you know.

(c) Don’t you think she looks a fright in that dress? (not ”safe”)

(d) What a lovely fur coat Jill has on.

(e) It is cold today, isn’t it?

(f) Of course, he’s a very intelligent man.

(g) I don’t care much for sport, do you?

h) Anyone who doesn’t like sport must have something wrong with his head,

(not “safe”)


Ex. VII Reply to the following, using a “so” ending (both affirmative and

Negative where possible). Remember to stress correctly.

(a) Do you think we’ll get in?

(b) It’ll rain today again.

(c) There’ll be a lot of trouble over this business.

(d) I don’t think he’s got a chance, do you?

(e) Do you think we ought to book tickets?

(f) They haven’t announced their engagement yet, have they?


Ex. VIII Compose some dialogues of your own.

Практичне заняття № 4

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