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B: // SORRy // (homework)// THURSday

3. A: // Well, let’s go on Friday after work.

B: // I CAN'T // (phone call)// on FRI day//

4. A: Could you manage Saturday, then?

B: // I'm afraid NOT // (theatre)// on SAT urday//

5. A: // Oh dear, Sunday perhaps?

B: // It’s im POSS ible // (visit/sister)// on SUN day//

6. A: Well, that just leaves Monday...

B: // SORR y // (thing to do) // on MON day //

I need some time for myself.

4.2 Listen to this example.

B: // I'm GOING to the THEA tre // on SAT urday //

This is a suitable response in a context like this:

A: Let’s go to the theatre.

B: // I'm GOING to THEA tre // on SAT urday //

And " the theatre" is an idea already shared by A and B.

Now go on in the same way.

A and B have finally arranged to meet. But they haven't decided what to do. Whatever A suggests B has either done already or is going to do it soon.


1. A: Let’s go to the sport centre then.

B: // // to MORR ow //

2. A: Would you like to see a film?

B: // // this EVE ning//

3. A: Shall we visit Janet? She keeps inviting us.

B: // // next MON day //

4. A: We could try the new Italian restaurant.

B: // // last SAT urday //

5. A: Why don't we drive to the coast?

B: // // on THURS day //

6. A: Well, let’s just stay in and listen to some music.

B: // // LAST night//

That's what we always do in the end.

4.3 Listen to the following utterances, which you will hear twice. In each case mark the tones in the transcript and decide which of the questions (a) or (b), provides a suitable context for what you hear.

1. // I met ROB ert // this MORN ing //

a) Who did you meet today?

b) When did you meet Robert?

2. // He TOLD me // he was in LOVE //

a) What did he tell you?

b) How do you know he is in love?

3. // She's started to WORR y// about e XAMS //

a) How does Sue feel about her exams?

b) What is Sue worrying about?

4. // I learned SPAN ish // at SCHOOL //

a) Where did you learn to speak Spanish?

b) Did you learn any language at school?


4.4 In this example the same words are used as responses in two different contexts. First listen and then practice making the responses in the two different ways.

A: There's a very good fish restaurant where we could have dinner tonight.

B: // I had FISH // for LUNCH //

A: We won't have time to eat later. So I hope you've had something already.

B: // I had FISH // for LUNCH //

Now you go on. Use the same words to make suitable responses in the two different contexts.

1. A: My cousin's coming to stay in April I'd like you to meet him.

A: So - you're going to France and Italy for your holidays next year. Paris is lovely in May and June.

B: // I'm going to FRANCE // in AP ril//

2. A: I always meet John when I go to the swimming pool. He must be going every day there I think.

A: I don't know how Alan is going to keep in shape, working such long hours in the office.

B: // He's ta king up SWIMmin g // to keep FIT //

3. A: I think I should write to the managing director but I don't know where to send the letter.

A: I complained to me shop in the High Street but the letter I got in reply came from London.

B: // The firm's head OF fice// is in LON don //

4. A: His exam results were good. What did he do when he got them?

A: So, he's hoping to go to University. Has he applied yet?

B: // He applied for Uni VER sity // when he KNEW he had PASSED //


º 1. Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.

a) What is the key issue of the dialogue?

b) What cases were discussed in detail?

c) Why is it necessary to know these things?

2. Listen and find the examples of telling and referring, at least three, and explain the speakers’ choice of nuclear tones (falling and falling-rising)

I = Interviewer

C = Dr. Clerk

I: Dr. Clerk, when accident happens the people present are much more likely to be people of the general public and not members of the medical profession. (Mmm). Now, how good are we? Would you say that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing? If we’re not sure what to do is it actually best not to do anything at all?

C: Well, there’re, obviously, interesting and important questions. Yes, first aid is terribly important and can save lives if the right action’s taken. I would say that …mm… 90% of first aid is common sense and only 10% is specialist’s knowledge. If someone isn’t breathing you must give them artificial respiration and I think most people know how to do that…er… if the person is bleeding, the bleeding must be stopped. I … I think these things are obvious. Erm… medical help must, of course be sought and someone must decide whether the victim can be taken to hospital or whether, given the nature of that particular accident the victim should be left alone.

I: Yes. Can we talk about…er…road accidents er… more specifically in a moment?

C: Yeah.

I: Is there one particular kind of accident there generally we get it wrong. We follow our common sense but it lets us down, and we do the wrong thing.

C: Yes. I think there’re two things associated with that. On the subject of burns, for example. Erm…Some people put cream or grease, or butter on, and this in fact makes the burn hotter. And the other thing…

I: I’m sorry to interrupt. What should we do about burns then?

C: Well, you need to decide, first of all, how bad it is. If it’s a minor burn the best thing to do is put the burnt area under the cold tap or slowly pour on iced water. (I see) It should be done for about 10 minutes, and it stops the heat from spreading. However if it’s a bad burn, what we call a third degree burn, don’t touch it. Erm… you really should get for this kind of burn expert help immediately. Cover the burn very lightly with something clean like a sheet or…or a handkerchief and then go straight to hospital. Er… the…the …other thing people do is to give drinks, especially alcoholic drinks, which means that if the patient needs an operation we can’t give an anesthetic.

I: So it’s better not give any drinks at all

C: Well, certainly not alcoholic drinks. Erm… If the patient complains of thirst… er… he should wash his mouth with water and …erm…not swallow.

I: So useful. (Mmm) Now, back to road accidents. Erm… Could you give us some general advice on what to do with the scene of a car accident?

C: Yes. Erm… Three things. First of all, you should check that the victim’s a breathing. I mean, if there not – give artificial respiration. Most common injuries in car accidents in fact – fractures and bleeding. So the second thing to do is to stop the bleeding. Thirdly, er…, very important, don’t move the victim unless it’s absolutely necessary. I mean, if any bones are broken the injury could be made much worse (Mmm) by …by moving (Mm) the victim. You should keep them warm, loosen any tight clothing and try to reassure them they’ve been probably suffering from shock. So, just to stay with them till expert help arrives is a (right) very good thing to do.

I: I see. Now, ’cause there’re lots of accidents we haven’t had time to talk about, but do you think it’s worth while for the general public to find out about them, and find out how they can help?

C: Sure. (And) Sure. Yes, yes. Yes I do indeed. I mean, I would advise people to find out as much as they possibly can. Erm… I mean, many of us freeze in panic when face with a crisis. Er… So, you know, why not learn about basic first aid?

I: Dr. Clerk, thank you very much.


4. Find in the dialogue the sentences with Falling and Falling-Rising tones. Explain their usage and modal meanings.

5. Listen to the dialogue and try to define the stressed syllables and the pitch movement within the nuclear tones.

6. Prepare the dramatic reading of the dialogue. Try to imitate the speakers.

7. Be ready to act out the first part of the dialogue.



Student A: You work in the Tourist Information office in Tonbridge, a town in south-east of England. Student B is staying in Tonbridge for a few days and wants to visit the university places in the area. He will bring a map and ask you

a) to give him / her some information about towns and cities;

BODIAM A large medieval castle.
BRIGHTON A seaside town with many holiday attractions.
CANTERBURY Ancient walled city with magnificent cathedral and many historic buildings. Nearby is a zoo.
HASTINGS Holiday town and fishing port. A ruined castle and smugglers’ caves.
HEVER A lovely village with a large castle, which was once owned by King Henry 7. Beautiful gardens.
LULLINGSTONE Remains of fine Roman villa with baths and mosaic floors.
ROCHESTER Historic city with cathedral and \Norman castle. Charles Dickens wrote here ‑ Dickens Centre
RYE Pretty old town. Many artists live here.

b) where certain things can be found.



Student B. You are staying in Tonbridge for a few days and have gone to the Tourist Information office. Student A works there and is going to help you.

TASKS: 1. Prepare a conversation between a clerk from the Tourist Information office and a tourist in Tonbridge. Try to make suitable responses and to use suitable tones in different contexts (the Fall - " telling smb. smth.") and the Fall-Rise - " referring to smth."):


e.g. B: // I'm thinking of going to RO chester //

A: // there's a ca THEDRAL // and a CAS tle in // RO chester //

e.g. B: // Can you TELL me // WHERE I can find a ZOO? //

A: // YES // There's a ZOO // near CAN terbury //

Record your conversation on the tape.




º Listen and read

The Return of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

In all the stories about the famous detective Sherlock Holmes, the storyteller is his assistant, Dr Watson. Inspector Lestrade is a detective from Scotland Yard.

1 Listen to this extract from The Six Busts of Napoleon and answer the questions.

Does it take place during the day or night?

How many people are involved in this part of the story?

2 Listen again and mark these statements T (true) or F (false).

1 Holmes and Watson know the situation will be dangerous..

2 They got wet while they waited.

3 A man comes out of the house after five minutes Watson recognises the man

4 The man climbs into the house through a window.

5 The man steals something from the house, then breaks it

6 The man attacks Sherlock Holmes


Lestrade and I woke up at half past ten. Holmes was waiting for us. He told me to bring my gun and I saw him pick up his favourite strong walking stick before we left the house.

We quickly drove to Chiswick, and Holmes took us to a large house in a dark street. I thought that the people inside must have already gone to bed because the house was so dark and quiet.

'I'm glad it's not raining, ’ said Holmes quietly. 'We may have to wait a long time. We mustn't smoke and we must be very quiet, but I hope we are going to discover something tonight.'

We waited for five minutes but we didn't have to wait much longer. The garden gate suddenly opened and a man ran quickly down the garden path towards the house. It was so dark and he moved so quickly that it was impossible to see his face. He disappeared into the darkness and we waited in silence.

The next thing we heard was the sound of a window opening very slowly, then we saw a small light inside the front room of the house.

'Let's go to the open window, then we can catch him as he comes out, ’ said Lestrade.

But before we could move, the man had come outside again. In the light we could see that he had something white under his arm. He looked round to see if anyone was watching him. Then there was a sudden crash as he broke the thing against the wall. He was so busy that he didn't see the three of us coming towards him. Holmes jumped on his back and he fell to the ground heavily. Lestrade and I quickly ran to help Holmes. I had my gun ready and soon it was impossible for the man to escape.

Listen to the text and analyse it from the phonetic point of view:

1. Divide the text into intonation groups, determine their structure in each case.

2. Watch the Nucleus in each of them and the tone used.

3. Analyse the head in each intonation group: type, number of rhythm groups

4. Practise its reading.




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