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Fill in the text with English equivalents of the words.


Food for Thought

The World Health Organization (занепокоїна) _____________ about what we eat. After (дослідження) _____________ the problem, it has calculated that by near 2230, the entire population of the USA will be dangerously (важити більше норми) ______________. (Неповноцінна їжа) ________________ is now (доступна) _________________ world-wide. Everyone knows that food like this can make you (важити більше норми) _________________, but recently (вчені) _______________ have been (попереджали) _________________ of other dangers of a (неповноцінної їжі).

If you live in the USA, your (бургер з яловичини) ____________________ probably comes from a cow that has been (годувалась) _______________ special (гормони) _______________ to make it grow faster. (Вчені стверджують) __________________ that meat-eaters are 40% more likely to get (рак) ____________ than (вегетаріанці) _________________, partly because of food (добавки) ________________.

Many of the tastiest foods like (чіпси) ____________, (тістечка) ____________ and (шоколад) ______________ contain very high (рівень) ______________ (жиру) __________. However, American (вчені) _____________ recently announced that they had (винайшли) _____________ a (жир) ____________ that you can eat forever without (набираючи вагу) _________________. Olestra is (унікальна) ____________ because it (містить) ___________ no (калорій) __________ but looks, feels and (смакує) ____________ exactly like the real thing. You can even (готувати) ___________ with it.


22. Which are the odd men out?

1. Herbs: artichoke bay leaf chicory garlic
  marjoram marrow mint oregano
  rosemary sage thyme turnip


2. Spices: cayenne pepper chilli cinnamon ginger
  horseradish pimento nutmeg vanilla
  vinegar white pepper    


3. Pasta: lasagne macaroni macaroons noodles
  pies ravioli spaghetti  


4. Poultry: boar chicken duck goose hen turkey


5. Shellfish: cockerel cockles crab kipper
  lobster mussels oysters prawns
  prunes shrimp    


6. Game: barley grouse maize partridge
  pheasant pigeon venison  


7. Fish: cod deer eel haddock
  herring mackerel plaice salmon
  sole trout    


8. Alcoholic drinks: ale bourbon brandy
  cider gin ginger beer
  mead rum Scotch
  shandy squash whiskey


9. Kinds of meals: banquet barbecue breakfast
  feast lunch picnic
  refreshment sandwich snack


10. Kinds of wine: bourbon burgundy champagne
  chianti claret liqueur
  port shandy sherry
  Tokay vermouth  

Complete the table by giving examples for each category.

Types of Food

fruit oranges,
vegetables carrots,
pulses lima beans,
cereals oats,
dairy products milk,
meat beef,
poultry chicken,
fish salmon,
shellfish lobster,

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