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Part 1 Job hunting

Word list:

to find the right/suitable job – знаходити підходящу роботу to pursue – займатися (чим-небудь), обрати (що-небудь) своєю професією job applicants – претенденти на посаду requirements – вимоги, необхідні умови networking – пошук роботи через своїх знайомих, родичів і т.п. to provide (with) – постачати; забезпечувати; (for) забезпечувати (засобами до існування) employers – наймачі, роботодавці to withhold – приховувати; замовчувати; утримуватися (від чого-небудь) a job interview– співбесіда при прийомі на роботу to create an impression– створювати враження to highlight – надавати великого значення flaws – вади, недоліки, дефекти; слабкі місця a benefit – перевага, привілей; користь, благо; вигода to put in a good word for smb – замовити (закинути) слівце за кого-небудь to be favourably disposed to smb – благоволити employees – робітники; службовці; ті, хто працюють по найму job fairs – електронні ярмарки вакансій по роботі to be on the look out for smb – шукати кого-небудь to walk away with a job – легко отримати роботу to advertise (for) – створювати рекламу to apply for a job – подавати заяву про прийом на роботу to follow through with smth – доводити до кінця що-небудь job application – заява про прийом на роботу to wait for a reply – чекати на відповідь forethought – продуманість, обдуманість; передбачливість; турбота

Read the text to the subject and say whether it is easy to find a job.

Finding the right job does not happen overnight. It takes a while to find out what you would like to pursue, matching your qualifications to a job and finding the right location. But even with a specific list, very few job applicants will find a job that suits all of their requirements. What are some ways to go about finding a job that will be right for you?

Many people are able to find a job that they like through networking. The advantage of networking is that family or friends will be able to provide an inside knowledge of the job, the pay, daily routine and an honest opinion of what it is like to work there. They will tell you things that employers may withhold from a job interview, because they want to create the best possible impression, rather than highlight any of the flaws that the company has. An added benefit of networking is that friends and family members can inform you of a job opening soon after it becomes available and then put in a good word for you to their employer. Employers are often favourably disposed to potential employees even before they have arrived for a job interview because their friend or relative took the time to recommend them.

Job fairs are a great place to start looking for a job when you know what you would like to do. Employers will be on the look out for capable people who can help to fill positions. If you keep up to date with when the next local job fair will be held, you may walk away with a job.

Local newspapers will advertise for jobs in their classified section. Many jobs can now be applied for online, which saves the time and effort of filling in a paper application and putting your resume in the post. Make sure you still follow through with the job application. Do not just apply for the job and then wait for a reply. Fill it in by the date that is listed and then wait a few days and call the company. It is important to be pro-active and show that you are interested in the job. The job will not come to you. It requires some effort.

It is possible to find a job by simply reading through the yellow pages and calling companies directly and asking for a job. Some companies do not put out their listings straightaway, which means you may learn of a job before it has even been advertised. That shows initiative and drive for the job.

Finding a job is daunting, but with a little forethought and preparation it need not take too long to find a suitable job.

Exercises to the subject:

I. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the English words and word-combinations from the text: overnight; it takes a while; find out; a specific list; ways; an inside knowledge; the pay, daily routine; an honest opinion; to create the best possible impression; an added benefit; available; capable people; to fill positions; filling in a paper application; putting a resume in the post; to make sure; yellow pages; straightaway; daunting.

II. Give English equivalents to the Ukrainian words and word-combinations from the text: кваліфікація, підготовленість або досвід роботи; місце розташування або місце розміщення; перевага; вакансія; співбесіда при прийомі на роботу; місцеві газети; заощаджує час та зусилля; бути активним.

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