
Part 4 Charles Babbage, Howard Aiken and other masters of invention

Word list:

message , highway digital computer device submarine engine store , digit number take apart eventually mean yell forerunner railroad flashing light lighthouse fortune-teller binary switch click on (off) () compute data knitting needle () prickly drive (drove; driven) slave equation aim ()

Exercises to the subject:

I. Listen to the text and say what you have learnt about:

1. the spheres of human activity where computer is used;

2. what the first computers were used for;

3. the essence of the words: the Information Age has jumped on the Information Superhighway;

4. those who worked over the forerunners of todays computers;

5. the other inventions except analytical engine that Charles Babbage has made;

6. the name Howard Aiken gave to his first computer and about its look;

7. the meaning of the words prickly personality.

II. Complete the following sentences:

1. You can use a computer to

2. Charles Babbage designed the first modern digital computer, but

3. In addition to designing the forerunner of todays digital computer, Babbage invented

4. Howard Aiken built the first working digital computer

5. Mark I used thousands of electrical switches that clicked on and off to

6. For 16 years Mark I was used to needed to aim the U.S. Navys big guns.

III. Put the parts in order to form a sentence.

1. live, computers, have, the, we, way, changed.

2. called, engine, Babbage, his, analytical, an, machine.

3. problems, loved, with, math, work, Babbage, to.

4. the, digital, Mark I, first, computer, was, binary, working.

5. was, than, computers, Mark I, much, later, slower.

IV. You are going to read the text about Bill Gates, a chairman of Microsoft Corporation. What words do you think you might find in the text? How many of the words have you found?

William Harry Gates III was born in Seattle, Washington, on October 28th, 1955. Bills father Bill Gates Jr. worked for a Seattle law firm and Bills mother Mary taught at school until they started their family. Bills parents were married in 1951 and two years later gave birth to their first child, Bills older sister, Kristanne. Two years after Bill was born and in 1964 the third and final Gates was born, her name is Libby. As a child Bill enjoyed rocking back and forth, today he still has a habit of rocking when he is thinking about something. Bill was very bored at school and his parents knew it, so they were always trying to supply him with more information to keep him busy. Bills parents finally decided to put him in a Private School where he would be challenged more. The Lakeside private school had just bought a new computer when Bill arrived and he was immediately hooked. In a week he knew more about the computer than his teacher at Lakeside. Learning the BASIC programming language was easy for Bill, and he was soon writing his own programmes. Bills love for computers and math led him to a new place around his neighbourhood that was renting computer time. He made an arrangement with the owners that he would get free computer time if he found things that made the computer crash.

During this time Bill met Paul Allen, his business partner for the rest of his life. Together they started a small company called Traf-O-Data, they sold a small computer with their own programme that could count traffic for the city. The company was not a big success, but it earned the two boys some money as well as good business skills. Bill also wrote a schedule programme for his school, which he changed a bit to put little Bill Gates in a class full of the prettiest girls. Bill was considered by his classmates and his teachers as the smartest kid in school.

After graduating from Lakeside Bill entered Harvard University in 1973, one of the best universities in the country. Bill was also bored here so he spent most of his time programming, playing poker and seeing how little work he could do and still get excellent marks. He told his teachers that he would be a millionaire by the time he was thirty. This was one of the few times he underestimated himself, Bill was a billionaire when he was 31.

One of Bills teachers said, He is a great programmer, but he is a very unpleasant human being. The intense life-style Bill had during his first year in Harvard made him ill for most of the summer of 1974. Bill soon left Harvard for business opportunities in programming which turned him into a multi-billionaire.

Later he met Melinda French, who he married, and they now have 3 children.

Its very interesting that even with all his money Bill drives himself to work in an average family car. Bill is a keen reader, and enjoys playing golf and bridge.

V. Read the text about Bill Gates again and put these events in the order they happened:

1. Bill started Traf-O-Data. 2. Bill got married. 3. Bill went to a private school. 4. Bill met Paul Allen. 5. Bill went to Harvard University. 6. Bills mother worked at school. 7. Bill started writing his own programmes. 8. Bill was ill for the whole summer. 9. Bill sold his first programme.

VI. Are these sentences about Bill Gates true or false?

1. Bill has 2 sisters.

2. Bill is moving when he is thinking.

3. Bill liked school very much.

4. Bill was bored in both schools.

5. Bill had higher knowledge of computer than his school teacher.

6. Bill spent a lot of money to have an opportunity to work on the computer.

7. Traf-O-Data was a waste of time and energy.

8. Bill made a programme which put him in the same class with the prettiest girls at school.

9. He had to study hard at Harvard.

10. One of Bills teachers said Bill was a nice person.

11. Bill knew he would become a millionaire.

12. Bill dropped out of Harvard.

13. Bill has a driver.

VII. Read the text about Seymour Cray quickly. Make 3 sentences summarizing the text:

Seymour Cray is the inventor of CRAY-1, which is considered to be the first supercomputer.

He was born in 1925 in Chippena Falls, Wisconsin, USA. As a child Cray was interested in chemistry, radio and electronics. In high school he spent much of his time in the electrical engineering laboratories working with electrical equipment of all types. Computers were not available for Cray at that time. He graduated from high school in 1943 and joined the army.

It was the war period, and Cray battled through Germany to reach the Russians. Next, Cray finished up in the Philippine Islands and returned home to continue his education. In 1950 Cray received his Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of Minnesota. A year later he received his Masters degree in Applied Mathematics.

In 1952 he joined Engineering Research Associates which was developing computers for the Navy. The company was new, so Cray spent a lot of time researching what computing should be and how it works. He listened to lectures from famous scientists, but soon found out that there was not much material on the subject of computers. So he had to rely on his own invention.

Seymour Cray had a theory on creating new computers. He studied the complaints and desires of the customers who were using the previous models and considered them in making his next computer. The first computer Cray designed by himself was the 1103 Computer. He based his 1103 on simplicity. He did not include anything that was not necessary.

Later Seymour Cray co-founded Control Data Corporation to achieve the goal he had had in mind: he wanted to create fast scientific computers. His first project was the 1604 Computer, which was very successful in the market because it was the only large computer using transistors. Next came the 6600 and 7600, which were the most revolutionary projects of that time.

In 1972 Cray decided to open up a small business to take over the market for large scientific computers. It was the beginning of Cray Research Inc. Cray used the newest technology to build the Cray 1. In designing the Cray 1, Cray was able to express himself artistically by giving the Cray 1 an attractive appearance: it was conical in shape. Cray went on to design the next extremely successful Cray Research computer, the Cray 2. The Cray 3 computer could reach speeds up to 500 MHz but none were ever sold. The Cray 4 was twice as fast as the previous one, but was never completed.

On September 22, 1996 Seymour Cray had a car accident and died in hospital two weeks later after suffering serious injuries. He was 71.

By his thirties, Cray had been established as a genius in designing fast scientific computers. Seymour Crays name will forever be synonymous with high performance computing.

VIII. Read the text about Seymour Cray again and say whether the following sentences are true or false:

1. At school Seymour Cray was interested in radio, chemistry, electronics and computers.

2. Cray took part in the war.

3. He received his Bachelors degree before he joined the army. After returning from the war, he received his Masters degree.

4. Seymour Cray studied computing a lot before he started making his own models.

5. The customers desires and complaints were very important in Crays work.

6. All Crays computers were successful in the market.

7. Seymour Crays dream was to make a small-size scientific computer.

IX. Complete the following sentences about Seymour Cray:

1. The 1604 computer was successful because

2. The most successful Cray computer was

3. Crays computer had an attractive appearance.

4. Seymour Cray died after at the age of...

X. Reproduce the text about Seymour Cray using the cues below:

1. a child/interests/computers.

2. the army/the war/degrees.

3. Engineering Research Associates/customers complaints/simplicity.

4. Control Data Corporation/fast scientific computers/transistors.

5. Cray Research Inc./large scientific computers/conical.

6. a car accident/injuries/71.

XI. Read the text about Steve Wozniak quickly and answer the following questions:

1. What is Steve Wozniak famous for?

2. What are his achievements?

3. What is he doing now?

Steve Wozniak along with Steve Jobs founded Apple Computers Inc. and started a computer revolution. They introduced the Apple II which was one of the first personal computers for medium and large size business. It started the era of small powerful computers that can be found in almost every part of our daily life.

Steve Wozniak was born in 1950. All his life he has loved projects that made him think. As a child, Steve was greatly interested in mathematics and computers. He often was so occupied with mathematics that his mother had to physically shake him back to reality. In the sixth form, he built his own radio station. At age of 13, he built his first computer, and in high school he was the president of the electronics club.

After graduating from Homestead High School (California) in 1962, Wozniak attended the University of California, Berkeley, where he was studying engineering. In the mid-1970s Wozniak decided to drop out of the University and start working for Hewlett-Packard. There he designed calculator chips and cooperated with John Draper, who was working on the blue box, an illegal pocket-size telephone attachment that would allow the user to make free long-distance calls. Draper recalls that Wozniaks first call was to the Pope. He wanted to make a confession.

In 1976 Wozniak and Steve Jobs founded Apple Computer Inc. with the Apple I computer. Wozniak and Jobs designed the Apple I in Jobs bedroom, and built the first computer in Jobs garage. In six years Apple Computer Inc. grew to a $500-million-a-year company.

The origin of Apples name is not clear. Some say that it refers to the Beatles record company and others to a summer that Jobs spent picking apples in Oregon.

Later Wozniak improved Apple I and brought out Apple II or what is now known as the Volkswagen of computers.

Wozniak left Apple in 1981, got married, went back to Berkeley and finished his degree in electrical engineering and computer science. Since then, he has been involved in different business and charitable projects, focusing on introducing computers in schools and producing educational computer materials to make computers easier for students to use. It was his initiative in 1990 to place computers in schools in the former Soviet Union.

Steve Wozniak has donated computers and even computer laboratories to schools, servers and Internet access to students; laptops for students and computer training for teachers and students.

Wozniaks time is now devoted mostly to his own interests. His strong belief in learning and in encouraging free-thinking and creativity in young people continues to be his driving force.

XII. Read the text about Steve Wozniak again and say what in the text is about the following things/people:

- Apple Computers Inc; - Volkswagen; - Apple II; - engineering; - a blue box; - Steve Jobs.

XIII. Answer the following questions to the text about Steve Wozniak:

1. What were Steve Wozniaks childhood interests?

2. Why did he decide to drop out of the University of California?

3. What was he doing in Hewlet-Packard?

4. Where did Wozniak and Jobs make their first Apple computer?

5. What is the origin of Apples name?

6. What projects has Steve Wozniak been focusing on since he left Apple Computer Inc.?

7. Is he married?

8. Did he finish his higher education?

9. What is the driving force in his work?

XIV. Complete the following sentences about Steve Wozniak:

1. At school Steve made

2. Steves first long-distance call was to

3. In 1982 Wozniak and Steve Jobs were earning

4. Steve Wozniak has a degree in

5. Wozniak helped the schoolchildren in the former Soviet Union by

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