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suBiser index
Roberts, 157 Rose, 607 Rosin, 483 Romanovsky, 154 Rossolimo, 550, Rumpel, 291 Rutberg, 629 Ryss, 356 Sahli, 529 Samogyi, 591 ' Samoilov, 235 Samsonov, 26 • Santorio, 24 Sechenov, 28 Selye, 81 Schoenlein, 615 Shchetkin, 343 Shklyar, 29 Simmonds, 578 Sinelnikova, 428 Sirotinin, 321 Skoda, 53 Smith, 552 Sokolsky, 170 Starling, 276 Stellwag, 585 -Sternberg, 573 Sternheimer, 485 Stolnikov, 157 Stokes, 45 Strazhesko, 27 Sydenham, 26 Sylvius, 24 Takata-Ara, 412 Takayasu, 226 Talalaev, 286 Tareev, 511 Tawara, 260 Teleman, 383 Terrier, 406 Thompson, 485 Thorel, 257 Traube, 25 Triboulet, 385 Tugolukov, 349 Tushinsky, 292 Uffelmann, 349 van den Bergh, 408 Van Slyke, 149 Vasilenko, 29 Veresaev, 19 Vieussen, 26 Vinogradov, 229 Vinson, 550 Virchow, 78 Vishnevsky, 98 Vishnyakov, 385 Waldenstrom, 562 Waller, 607 Weber, 384 Weiss, 333 Wenckebach, 257 Werlhof, 575 ' White, 542 Widal, 25 Wilson, 398 Wintrich, 161 Wohlgemuth, 460 Yanovsky, 29 Zakharyin, 17 Zelenin, 29 Ziehl, 155 Zimnitsky, 29 abscess, pulmonary, 178 achalasia, 334 acromegaly, 578 adiposis, 593 alcoholic coma, 42 allorhythmia, 265 anaemia 46, 545 Addison-Biermer 46, 548, 552 acute posthaemorrhagic, 548 aregenerative, 548 autoimmune, haemolytic, 556 iron deficiency, 549 regenerative, 548 vitamin B12 deficiency, 552 anamnesis, 35 allergological, 39 anthropometry, 61 anuria, 470 aortic atherosclerosis, 320 aortic incompetence, 300 apnoea, 122 apparatus, Van Slyke's, 460 area, Kroenig's, 128 arrhythmia, see cardiac arrhythmia arterial pressure, 230 arterial pulse, 220 ascites, 50 asthma, bronchial, 168 atherosclerosis, 321 aortic, 320 atrial flutter, 273 ''" > auscultation, 57 techniques of, 59 avitaminosis, 574 azotaemia, 506 bacillus, Pfeiffer's, 174 ballistocardiography, 245 balloon kymography, 334 bicycle ergometer, 244 bile, parasites of, 420 bile ducts, 394 biopsy, 71 of kidneys, 493 blood coagulation of 542 gases of, 149 enzymes of, 630 blood counts, 528-539 differential, 532 normal, 627 bodies, Jolly's, 581 Botallo's duct, 292 bradycardia, sinus, 258 bradypnoea, 111 bronchiectasis, 187 bronchitis, 165 acute, 165 chronic 166 clinical picture of, 167 bronchography, 70 bronchophony, 143 bronchopneumonia, 172 bundle, JBL. Subject Index Subject Index
capillaroscopy, 71 capsule, Glisson's, 279 cardiac arrhythmia, ectopic, 259;?, : > i, respiratory, 259 sinus, 259 cardiac dullness, 202 cardiac " humpback", 196 cardiomyopathy congestive, 313 hypertrophic, 313 restrictive, 314 cardiosclerosis, 330 catheterization, cardiac, 253 cells Berezovsky-Sternberg, 573 Sternheimer-Malbin, 485 chest auscultation of, 133 classification of forms, 117 percussion of, 125 X-ray examination of, 143 cineradiography, 70 cholecystitits, 452 acute, 453 chronic, 454 cholecystography, 69 cholegraphy, 69 cholelithiasis, 447 coagulation of blood, 542 ■ colic, hepatic, 394 renal, 468 ■ colitis, chronic, 392 classification of, 392 collar, Stokes', 45, 315 colonoscopy, 71, 379 coma, 42 alcoholic, 42 apoplectic 42 definition of, 42 diabetic 42, 592 epileptic 42 hepatic 42, 435 hyperglycaemic 593 uraemic 507 complaints, 34 constipation, 367 constitution, 43 asthenic 43 hypersthenic, 44 normosthenic 44 coprology, 380 corpuscles, Malpighi's, 509 cough, 112 counter, Geiger-Muller, 581 crepitation, 141 cretinism, 61 crystals Charcot-Leyden, 152, 171, 383 Curschmann's spirals, 151 curve, Damoiseau, 160, 183 cystoscopy, 71, 492 deontology, medical, 17 diabetes mellitus, 588 diagnosis, differential, 89 errors in, 97 general methods of, 77 provisional, 92 synthetic 93 theory of, 87 diagnosis, types of, 87 diarrhoea, 366 diathesis, haemorrhagic, 573 digestive system, 332 diplobacillus, Friedlaender, 155, 174, 176 Pfeiffer's, 155 disease,.. Addison's, 233 Basedow's 583 Bekhterev's, 600 Bright's 512 causes of, 14 complications of, 15 definition of, 11 diagnosis of, 15 heart valvular, 292 history of, 23, 35 Hodgkin's 571 Itsenko-Cushing, 49, 316 Konovalov-Wilson, 398 of blood, 522 of bones, muscles, and connective tissues, 599 Raynaud's, 528 Simmonds', 578 Takayasu, 226 Waldenstrdm, 562 WerlhoPs, 575 double sound, Traube's, 229, 302 double tone, Vinogradov-Duroziez, 229 duct, Botallo's, 292 duodenoscopy, 71 dwarfism, 61, 578; dyspepsia, fermentative, 367 putrid, 367 dyspnoea, 111 ecchymosis, 398 ECG, 234-245 echocardiography, 246 echography, 462 eclampsia, renal, 503 emesis, 339 emphysema of lungs, 190 endocarditis, bacterial, 290 septic 290 subacute, 290 endoscopy, 71 : enterocolitis, acute 391 chronic 391.■ -.•>. enzymes, of blood, 630 of liver, 414 ■ „■ •■ ■ ■ eructation, 338 c,... erythema, 49 erythraemia, 570.. erythrocyte sedimentation rate, 538 esophagitis, 335 essential hypertension, classification of, 318 eunuchoidism, 579 examination of patient, 40 laboratory and instrumental methods of, 60 physical, 40 planning of, 82 principles of, 84 radioisotope methods of, 72 exophthalmos, 46 extrasystole, 260-265 facies Corvisart's, 45 febrilis, 45 leontina, 45 Parkinson's, 45 factor, Roller's, 541 failure renal acute, 504 fibrillation, 272 fingers, clubbed, 52 -*• drum-stick, 196 Hippocratic, 291 flotation, 155 flutter, atrial, 273 formula, Broca's, 594 friction, pleural, 141 Subject Index Subject Index
gastritis, acute, 355 chronic, 356 gastroscopy, 71, 353 genealogy, 38 gigantism, 578 Glisson's capsule, 279 glomerulonephritis, acute, 509 chronic, 512 diffuse, 508 glossitis, Hunter's 554 glycosuria, 481 goiter, diffuse toxic, 583 * ' granuloma, Aschoff-lalalaev, 286 habitus, 43 haematoblastosis, 559 haematosarcoma, 562 haematuria, 484 three-glass test in, 484 haemolysis, 540 haemoptysis, 114 heart, aortic, 255 auscultation of, 207 intrumental study of, 234 mitral, 255 murmurs, 215, 218 sounds, 205, 208-214 heart block, 266-276 heartburn, 333, 338 heart diseases, major clinical syndromes of, 256 prognosis and treatment of, 310 heart failure, 275 clinical forms of, 280 hepatitis, chronic, 249 hydrothorax, 50 hyperglycaemia, 588 hyperpigmentation, 48 hypersalivation, 333 hypersplenism, 435 hypertension, essential, 316, 318 portal, 433 renal, 500 hyperthyroidism, 583 hyposthenuria, 470 hypothermia, 69 hypothyroidism, 587 hypovitaminosis, 597 ■,; incompetence, aortic, 300 mitral, 292 tricuspid, 307 infarction, myocardial, 325 inheritance, 37 inquiry of patient, 33 inspection of patient, 41 insufficiency, circulatory, 275 exocrine, pancreatic, 463 hepatic, 435 t, vascular, 283 intestine, 364 • • ischaemic heart disease, 322; ■ isosthenuria, 471 isuria, 471 jaundice, 430, 395-397. ■ haemolytic, 431 hepatocellular, 431 obstructive, 432. A Jolly's bodies, 536 »' ^ kidney, amyloid, 515 congestive, 468 toxic, 515 Kjeldahl's method, 412 Klebsiella organisms, 159, 165 Krebs' cycle, 436 Kroenig's area, 128 kyphoscoliosis, 119 kyphosis, 119 laparoscopy, 71, 429 leucoplakia, 48 leucosis, 562 acute, 563 chronic lymphoid, 568 listening point, Botkin-Erb, 302 liver, 394 auscultation of, 441 cirrhosis of, 441, 446, 447 detoxicating function of, 416 echographic study of, 427. enzymes of, 414 excretory function of, 416 palpation of, 403 percussion of, 400 scanning of, 426 radioisotope study of, 424 X-ray study of, 424 liver palm, 398 lordosis, 119 lungs, auscultation of, 133 emphysema of, 190 respiratory mobility of, 132 ventilation of, 145 volumes of, 145-146 lymphogranulomatosis, 571 Malpighi's corpuscles, 509 manometer, Riva-Rocci, 230 Medusa head, 399 melaena, 363 metabolism, 577 basal, 580 carbohydrate, 410 pigmentary, 407 protein, 410 meteorism, 366 methods, Anderson's 607 Duke's 542 Fuld-Goss, 460 Hagerdon-Jensen, 591, 628 Hess', 606 Jendrassik's, 628 Kjeldahl's 412 Lee and White, 542 Leporsky's 346 McCarthy's, 607 Roberts-Stolnikov, 157 Sahli's 529 Telemann's, 383 Tugolukov's, 349 Wohlgemuth's, 460 miosis, 47 mitral heart, 255 mitral nanism, 296 murmurs, extracardial, 219 Flint's 302 heart, 218 pericardial friction, 219 Vinogradov-Duroziez mydriasis, 47 myeloleucosis, chronic, 565 myocardial infarction, 325 myocarditis, 311 nanism, 61 mitral, 296 nausea, 339 needle, Manghini, 428 nephrolithiasis, 517 nodes, Aschoff-Tawara, 260-263 Heberden's 52 nycturia, 471 obesity, 593 obstipation, 367 Oddi sphincter, 419
oedema, 50, 471 allergic, 611 hypernatraemic, 497 Quincke's, 496 oedema, renal, 495 oesophagoscopy, 71 oesophagus, 332 oliguria, 470 ophthalmoscopy, 71 organisms, Klebsiella, 159 osteoarthrosis, 614 oxyhaemography, 251 oxygen deficit, 149 pain, 114 palpation, 53, 371 Obraztsov-Strazhesko, 371 pancreas, 456 examination of, 457 pancreatitis, 464 acute, 465 chronic, 466 paper electrophoresis, 411 percussion, 54 comparative, 56 main rules of, 57 topographic, 56 ' • perforation of stomach, 363 pleurisy, 181 dry, 182 Wi* '; ■ with effusion, 182 ; A pleurocentesis, 150 pleurodynia, 34 pneumobacillus, Klebsiella, 165 pneumococci, Frenkel's, 174 :! t> pneumonia Subject Index acute, 171 < chronic, 186 focal, 172 lobar, 174 pneumoperitoneum, 70 pneumotachymetry, 148 point, Botkin-Erb, 207 pollakiuria, 470 polyuria, 469 posture of patient, 42, 44 prognosis, definition of, 99 errors in, 106 forms of, 100 hereditary factors and, 103 methods of, 108 protein, Bence-Jones, 481 proteinuria, 480 pulmonary syndromes, 158 pulse, arterial, 220 palpation of, 221 pressure, 223 Quincke's, 301 venous, 227 volume, 223, 230 purpura, 49 thrombocytopenic, 575 chronic, 520 pyrosis, 338 Quincke's oedema, 496 pulse, 520 rales, 139-141 reaction, Rivalta's, 157 Uffelmann's, 349 Waller-Rose, 607 reagent, Ehrlich's 483 rectosigmoidoscopy, 379 reflex, Dagnini-Aschner, 259 Euler-Liliestrand, 162 Kitaev's, 294 Meltzer-Lyon, 419 respiration, abdominal, 120 Biot's, 122 Cheyne-Stokes, 437 costal, 120-122 Kussmaul's, 437 ',; tfr; ; rhythm of, 122 thoracic, 120 • respiratory arrhythmia, 259 > respiratory murmurs, 134 rheumatism, 286 rheumatoid polyarthritis, 600 ring, Cabot's, 536 Kayser-Fleischer, 398 Newtonian, 529 Riva-Rocci manometer, 230 roentgenokymography, 70 roseola, 49 rule, Obraztsov-Strazhesko, 458 saber shins, 53 saddle nose, 47 scanning, 375 scoliosis, 119 semiology, 16 shadow, Botkin-Gumprecht, 535 ■ shock, anaphylactic, 609 sign, Courvoisier-Terrier, 406 Graefe's 584 Guyon's, 476 Konchalovsky-Rumpel-LeedCj 291, Moebius', 585 Mussel's, 44, 197, 301... Stelwag's 585 skin, colour, 48 eruptions, 49 ■ turgor, 48 solution, Lugol's, 155, 383 sopor, 41 space, Traube's, 126, 130, 184, 345 sphincter, Oddi, 419 sphygmography, 221 spider angioma, 398 spirals, Curschmann's, 151 splashing sounds, 344 spots, Filatov-Koplik, 47 sputum, 151 staining, Papanicolaou, 158 Romanovsky-Giemsa, 154, 350, 532 Ziehl-Neelsen, 155, 487 stenosis, aortic, 304 of stomach, 363 Stokes' collar, 45 stomach, 334 perforation of, 363 stenosis of, 363 stupor, 41 succussion, 143, 344 symptom, Bittorf-Tushinsky, 616 definition of, 32 Homer's, 573 Korte's, 458 mallet, 543 Mussy-Georgievsky, 450 Obraztsov-Murphy, 454 Ortner's, 454 Pasternatsky's 477 Shchetkin-Blumberg, 454 Sirotinin-Kukoverov, 321 Vasilenko's, 344, 361, 453 Zakharyin's, 44 Zakharyin-Head, 454 ; syndrome, Bernard-Horner, 47 ■ ■; ' syndrome, Subject Index Subject Index
clinical pulmonary, 159 Conn's, 316 Courvoisier-Terrier, 452 definition of, 93 Gilbert's, 432 hepatolienal, 434 inadequate digestion, 387 Kimmelstiel-Wilson, 589 malabsorption, 389 Mallory-Weiss, 333 Marie's, 586 Meniere's 45 morgagni-Adams-Stokes, 270 myeloplastic, 557 nephrotic, 498 Shchetkin-Blumberg, 343 synovitis, 614 system, blood circulatory, 192 examination of, 195,; ; ,? tachycardia, paroxysmal, 265, 267 sinus, 257 tachypnoea, 111 taste, perverted, 338 telangiectasia, 50 telecardiography, 244 test, acetic acid, 480 Addis-Kakovsky, 488 Aschner's, 245 atropine, 245.. bilirubin, 416,, Bittorf-Tushinsky, 292 Bogomolov's, 485 bromsulphthalein, 417 Cooms', 557 cupping glass, 543 dilution, 488 ether, 251 exercise, 244 fat, 413 formol gel, 412 Frey's, 527 Fuld-Goss, 460 functional, for kidneys, 487 galactose tolerance, 410 glucose oxidase, 482 Gregersen's, 384 Haines', 482 heparin tolerance, 544 indocyanine green, 417 insulin clearance, 513 Kay's, 346 ketone bodies, 482 Lange's, 483 ■ ■ lobeline, 251 ; • test, Lucaerini's, 157 magnesium sulphate, 602 McClure-Aldrich, 495 Mantoux, 602: Nechiporenko's 487 .; Neubauer's, 483 notatin, 483 Nylander's, 486 Pettenkofer's, 421 Pirquet's, 602 protein sedimentation, 412 prothrombin consumption, Rehberg's, 490 Rosin's, 483 Samogyi-Nelson, 591 sodium benzoate, 416 sulphasalicylic acid, 480 Takata-Ara, 412 Thompson's, 485 three-glass, 484 turbidimetric, 481 Triboulet-Vishnyakov, 382 urine concentraton, 488 Weber's, 384 Wohlgemuth's, 461 Zimnitsky's, 488 thermography, 69, 583 thermometry, 63 thermovision, 69 thoracoscopy, 145 tomography, 70 toxaemia of pregnancy, 473 tracheobronchoscopy, 71 triangle, Einthoven's, 240 Garland's, 183 Rauchfuss-Grocco, 182 tricuspid incompetence, 307 typhlitis, 365 ulcer, peptic, 358 ultrasound echography, 7% urinalysis, 478,, urinary system, 468 urine, 479 proteins, in, 480 reaction of, 480 specific gravity of, 479 Van Slyke" s apparatus, 460 vasculitis, haemorrhagic, 615 vectorcardiography, 245 veins, auscultation of, 230 venous pressure, 233 ventilation of lungs, 147 ventricular fibrillation and flutter, 272, 273 vitamin deficiency, 595 vitiligo, 48 vocal fremitus, 124.,, vomiting, 339 weals, 49 xanthomatosis, 398 X-ray studies, 69 zone, Zakharyin-Hea4, 323»j; 467