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Переведите диалоги на английский язык. A Я в восторге от спектакля.
A Я в восторге от спектакля. B Да, это было просто великолепно!
A Поздравляем Вас с днем рождения. Желаем удачи. B Большое спасибо.
A Уезжаете? B Через час. A Желаем Вам счастливого пути. B Спасибо.
A Сегодня идем на новоселье к Марку. B Желаем хорошо провести время.
A Я слышал, тебя повысили. B Да. A Поздравляю. B Спасибо.
Письменные поздравления. 20.1 Season’s Greetings* We extend our best wishes for a Happy Holiday Season. From the staff of the Stark Ltd.
* В силу наличия различных вероисповеданий, многие компании, не желая затрагивать эти сложные вопросы, часто направляют поздравления с Рождеством и Новым годом в компании других стран как просто поздравления по случаю праздников (Season’s Greetings).
20.2 Dear Adam, Congratulations on this happy day! Many happy returns of the day. With love, Maria
20.3 Dear Mr. Gibbs, It was with great pleasure that my colleagues and myself heard of your appointment to the position of the Finance Manager. We should very much like to offer you our hearty congratulations. May we add that, in our opinion, no one deserves the honor more that yourself! With warmest good wishes for the future. Yours sincerely, The staff of the Globe Inc.
Выразите свои поздравления и пожелания по случаю а) Рождества или Нового года, в) дня рождения, с) продвижения по службе и т.д. Прочитайте и прослушайте стихотворение. There’s a room in my house Anonymous
There’s a room in my house. It’s a very fine room, It’s a very fine room indeed. There’s a bed in a room. In a room in my house, It’s a very fine bed indeed. There’s a lamp by the bed. In a room in my house, It’s a very fine bed indeed.
There’s a cupboard by the lamp. By the bed in a room in my house, It’s a very fine cupboard indeed. There’s a table by the cupboard. By the lamp, by the bed In a room in my house, It’s a very fine table indeed. There’s a chair by the table, By the cupboard, by the lamp, By the bed in a room in my house It’s a very fine chair indeed. There’s a person on a chair, By the table by the cupboard, By the lamp, by the bed In a room in my house, It’s a very fine person indeed. There’s a person on a chair By the table, by the cupboard, By the lamp by the bed In a room, in my house. That person on a chair is me. Теперь Вы умеете 1. описать жилище 2. расспросить об условиях найма жилья 3. высказать комплимент и восхищение в различных ситуациях 4. поздравить и выразить пожелания в устной форме 5. написать поздравление и пожелания
СКРИПТЫ Урок 1 Ex. 7 Listen to the dialogues and fill in the missing words. 7.1 AHello. My name’s Nick Warwick. B Sorry, what’s your surname again? A It is Warrick. B How do you spell that, please? A It’s W-A-R-W-I-C-K. B. Oh, here is your programme. A Thank you. 7.2 A Good morning. I’m Lydia Spasskaya. B. Sorry. How do you spell your surname? A S-P-A-double-S-K-A-Y-A. B Thank you. And how do you spell your first name? A It’s L-Y-D-I-A. B Oh, yes. Here’s your badge. A Thank you. Ex.13 Finland Finnish Burma Burmese Belgium Belgian Portugal Portuguese Macedonia Macedonian Scotland Scottish Ireland Irish Byelorussia Byelorussian Turkey Turkish
Ex. 37. Listen and repeat Peter, meet, this, president, in, dinner, leave, middle, keep, creature, dream Autumn, clock, watch, morning, sorry, daughter, doctor, for, office, shop, course, headquarters
A sailor went to sea To see what he could see, And all he could see, Was sea, sea, sea.
Урок 2