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Какой маневр будет наиболее эффективен для ликвидации ситуации неизбежного сближения судов под углом близким к 90о судну 1?

а. Дать полный ход назад

в. Дать полный ход назад и положить руль право на борт

с. Положить руль право на борт и изменить курс под корму судна 2

d. Положить руль лево на борт, лечь на курс, параллельный курсу судна 2 и застопорить ход


22.Какой маневр выполняет судно, показанное на рисунке?

а. Подходит к причалу
в. Подбивает нос к причалу
с. Подбивает корму к причалу
d. Отшвартовывается при прижимном ветре

23.Укажите, при каких погодных условиях швартуется судно

а. Отжимной ветер
в. Прижимной ветер
с. Штилевая погода

d. Попутноетечение


24.Укажите основную причину, приведшую к посадке судна на мель

а. Большая скорость течения

в. Большая длина судна
с. Крутой изгиб реки
d. Очень малая дистанция от бака до берега. Расположение носа и кормы судна в разных по направлению и силе полях течения


25.Что необходимо сделать перед крутым поворотом при самостоятельном плавании во льду?:

а. Заранее значительно уменьшить ход
в. Дать продолжительный гудок
с. Предупредить вахтенного механика

d. Застопорить главный двигатель



    In which direction will the bow of a vessel move, with a single fixed pitch right-handed propeller which is turning astern?
  A B C D To port. To starboard. Forwards. Backwards.  
    In which of these vessel types is " squat" likely to be most pronounced?
  A B C D A cargo liner. A supply or anchor handling vessel. A vessel with a very wide beam compared to length. A vessel with a high block coefficient.  
    A ship turns around a point called the ''pivot point". What is the usual position of this point when the ship is at full sea speed?
  A B C D Amidships. At the stern. At about 1/4 of the ship's length from the bow. At about 1/4 of the ship's length from the stern.  
    How should you minimize squat effect?
  A B C D Decrease the speed. Increase the speed. Transfer ballast to change the ship's trim. Do a zig-zag manoeuvre and reduce the speed.  



    Your ship is on a course of 240° True. A person has fallen overboard on the port side and, after letting go smoke and light floats, in order to carry out a Williamson Turn would you.....
  A   B   C   D go hard to port until you are heading 180° True, then hard to starboard until you are on 060° True. go hard to port until you are heading 195° True, then hard to starboard until you are on 060° True. go hard to starboard until you are heading 300° True, then hard to port until you are on 060° True. go hard to starboard to 285° True, then hard to port until you are on 060° True.  


    In the diagram, B represents the start of a turning circle of a power driven ship in deep water with 20 degrees starboard rudder. If the ship was in shallow water, the turning circle with the same rudder angle would be...  
  A B C D A B C none of the other options.  
    In ship handling terms, what is meant by " sinkage"?  
  A B C   D Sinkage is the deepest draft a vessel obtains aft when moving through the water. Sinkage is the change of draft experienced when moving through water. Sinkage is the extra draft a vessel experiences when comparatively heavily loaded both ends. Sinkage is the extra draft a vessel experiences when comparatively heavily loaded amidships.    
    In ship handling terms, which of these overtaking situations is the most dangerous?  
  A   B   C   D A small vessel overtaking a large vessel with a big difference in speed between the two vessels. A small vessel overtaking a large vessel with little difference in speed between the two vessels. A large vessel overtaking a small vessel with a big difference in speed between the two vessels. A large vessel overtaking a small vessel with little difference in speed between the two vessels.      
    You are on a VLCC and are approaching shallow water with an underkeel clearance of 15%. What speed should you have when entering the shallow water and when should you slow down?  
  A B C D Maintain normal sea-speed, no need to slow down. Reduce to slow or less in due time before entering. About 10 knots, slow down 15 minutes before entering. About 6-7 knots, slow down 30 minutes before entering .  
    A tug is connected by a line at your bow. Will the bollard pull be the same at any speed? Choose the most complete answer.  
  A B C D Yes, the bollard pull is the same at any speed. No, when the speed is increasing, the bollard pull is also increasing. No, when the speed exceeds 5 knots the tug will not be of much help. No, best use of a tug is made when the ship is going astern.    





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