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Economy of the USA

The United States of America is a highly developed industrialized country. Shipbuilding, electronics, automobile industry, aircraft industry, space research are highly developed in the States.

Each region of the United States has characteristics of its own due to the differences in climate, landscape and geographical position.

Great Lakes, Atlantic Coast, Pennsylvania, New Jersey are biggest industrial regions of the country.

The United States has a lot of mineral deposits or resources such as coal, gold, silver, copper, lead and zink. The south, especially Texas is rich in oil. The coalfields of Pennsylvania are rich in coal. There are plenty of coal mines.

Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska is the richest farming region of America and it is known as the Corn Belt. The land is fertile and well watered. They grow mostly corn and wheat there. Much livestock is also raised here.

There is a lot of fruit raising area. For example, California oranges, grapefruit, lemons, as well as other fruits, wines and vegetables are shipped all over the States and to other parts of the world. The most important crops grown in the States are also tobacco, soy-beans, peanuts, grapes and many others.


2.2. Для перевірки правильності розуміння прочитаного тексту виконайте наступні ситуаційні вправи:


Ситуація 3. Складіть історію із наступних фрагментів, але ви, як оповідач, віддаєте перевагу офіційним і лаконічним висловлюванням:

coast, mining, shipped, the landscape, livestock, to research, gold, fertile land, raised

1. We need to study the market of the US East Coast.

2. A large area of countryside is dotted with the tents of campers and hikers; it is a popular US resort.

3. We have spent a nice day in the place where the land meets the sea.

4. You should buy this necklace; valuable, shiny yellow metal looks good on people with dark hair.

5. Getting coal from under the ground is one of the country’s main industries, they have also developed their specific work style.

6. In these states 800 acres of rich land are able to produce good crops and are dedicated to corn.

7. He bred cattle in Nebraska when he was young, thus he became rich.

8. Farmers of Iowa and Illinois specialize in raising animals such as cows, sheep and pigs; their families have done it for the life-time.

9. In the USA toxic waste is sent away into predesignated areas; they check carefully the process.


Ситуація 4. Людина, яка повідомляє наступну інформацію, часом, не може згадати деякі англійські слова. Допоможіть їй/йому знайти їх:

The United States of America is a highly developed (промислова) ………….country. Shipbuilding, electronics, automobile industry, aircraft industry, space research are highly (розвинуті)…………. in the States. The Great Lakes, the Atlantic coast, Pennsylvania, New Jersey are (найбільші промислові) …………regions of the country. The (вугільні поля)………… of Pennsylvania are rich in coal. There are plenty of (вугільних)…………. mines there. Illinois, Iowa, and Nebraska make up richest (сільськогосподарський)…………. region of America. The most important (культури) …………..grown in the States are tobacco, soy-beans, peanuts, grapes.


3.1. Для ознайомлення з поняттям про систему часів англійських дієслів вивчіть Units 1-4, 7-8 підручника R. Murphy “English Grammar in Use” Основна література: [3].


3.2. Щоб навчитись вживати The Present Indefinite Tense, The Present Continuous Tense, The Present Perfect Tense, виконайте наступні ситуаційні вправи:


Ситуація 5. Виберіть заперечну форму англійського дієслова:

1. The English don’t / doesn’t eat cats, they love them.

2. On the British Isles they never / often eat uncooked meat.

3. The gala don’t / doesn’t start at 7.30 today.

4. On some days in Britain, the sun doesn’t / don’t appear out of the clouds.

5. Mice don’t / doesn’t catch cats.

6. The River Thames doesn’t / don’t flow into the Pacific Ocean.


Ситуація 6. Напишіть запитання до речень. Речення починайте із питальних слів поданих у дужках:

Examples: Mr. Black plays tennis. (How often?) How often does Mr. Black play tennis?

His wife gets up in the morning to make breakfast for him. (What time/usually?) What time does his wife usually get up in the morning to make breakfast for him?

1. Their daughter Ann watches television all day long. (How often a week?) ……………………..

2. Mrs. Black complains to her parents about her children. (How often?) ……………………..

3. I have dinner in the evening at their place. (What time/usually?) …………………….

4. Mr. Black works in one of the banks in the City of London. (Where?)


5. I go to the swimming baths with Mrs. Black twice a week. (How often?) ……………………..

6. Mrs. Black does stupid things, her husband thinks so. (What?) ……………………….

7. Mr. Black’s car breaks down. Mrs. Black thinks it is because of her husband (Why?) ……………………..


Ситуація 7. Доповніть речення про досягнення та події в житті американців, використовуючи словосполучення “so far”, оскільки вони повідомляють про все що трапилось до сьогоднішнього дня:

Examples: I saw Tom yesterday on our Miami beach, but I haven’t seen him so far today.

It rained a lot last week in the mountains but it hasn’t rained much so far this week.

1. We drove a lot yesterday but we…………… much so far today.

2. It rained a lot last summer but it……………. so far this summer, so you can come to us.

3. He played the guitar a lot at yesterday’s party but………….. today, probably, he’ll do it.

4. The students of the college worked hard last term but…………..this term.

5. Diana surfed with Bill yesterday evening but…………….. this evening, the sea is rough.

6. Gerry’s favourite “Californian Giants” soccer team won a lot of matches last season but they …………………. many matches so far this season.


Питання для самоконтролю

1. In the past English knew much about coal, why?

2. UK cars are very good, is it true? Give your reasons.

3. Why young British people dream about high technology industries?

4. Why people in the world watch what the British do on their land?

5. Do British need many people in agriculture?

6. What crop fields can you find in the UK?

7. Why many farmers want to buy British cows and sheep?

8. Is it true that the USA has a lot of mineral deposits? What are they?

9. What region of the USA is rich in oil? What else do you know about it?

10. Why is the richest farming region of America known as the Corn Belt? Give your reasons.

11. Why do people of the world like California? Is it for resort or work opportunities?

12. What crop fields can you find in the USA? What is produced from them?


Завдання до самостійної роботи

Роботу над завданнями самостійної роботи з теми 1 слід здійснювати паралельно, виконуючи всі завдання, надані в методичних рекомендаціях. Завдання самостійної роботи необхідно виконувати в спеціальному зошиті. Загальна сума балів за виконання ситуаційних вправ самостійної роботи - 20.


Ситуація 1. Деяким людям до вподоби точні формулювання, у такому разі наступні вислови вони запишуть по-іншому. (Оцінюється в 3 бали)

вугільна промисловість, електротехнічна промисловість, легка промисловість, суднобудування, текстильна промисловість, важка промисловість, авіаційна промисловість, швейна промисловість


1. Industry that makes cloth is ….

2. Digging coal out of the ground is ….

3. The part of industry that involves the production of steel, coal, or large goods such as aircraft is called ….

4. Industry that designs and makes electrical equipment is ….

5. Businesses that produce planes, helicopters and other vehicles that fly is ….

6. Industry in which small goods are produced, for example things that you use in the house is ….

7. The process of manufacturing things that people wear, such as shirts, dresses, trousers etc. is ….

8. The industry of making ships is ….


Ситуація 2. Заповніть англійські речення поданими нижче словами. Ви можете використовувати слова більше, ніж один раз. (Оцінюється в 3 бали)

get, become, change, rise, improve, fall, increase

Example: The population of the world is rising very fast.

1. The number of people without jobs in Glasgow ………at the moment.

2. The proprietor of the firm is still ill but he …………………… better slowly.

3. At the seaside resorts food …………. more and more expensive.

4. The English speaking world ……………. Things never stay the same.

5. The cost of living in London………. Every day things are dearer.

6. Mr. George has gone to work in China. When he arrived, his Chinese wasn’t very good but now it ………………..

7. The economic situation in shipbuilding areas is already very bad and it ……………worse.


Ситуація 3. Прочитайте розмову між містером Бобом і містером Потом. Поставте подані у дужках дієслова у потрібній формі. (Оцінюється в 3 бали)

Mr. Bob and Mr. Pot meet in a pub:

Mr. Bob: Hello, Pot. I haven’t seen you for ages. What (1) are you doing…(you/do) these days?

Mr. Pot: I (2) …………….. (train) to be a shop assistant.

Mr. Bob: Really? (3) ………………. (you/enjoy) it?

Mr. Pot: Yes, it’s quite interesting, especially when there is nothing else to do. How about you?

Mr. Bob: Well, I (4) ………….. (not/work) at the moment, but I’m very busy. I (5) ……… (build) a house and …………. (grow) the garden.

Mr. Pot: Really? (6) ………………. (you/do) it alone?

Mr. Bob: No, some friends of mine, especially girlfriends (7) ………………… (help) me.


Ситуація 4. Деяким людям до вподоби точні формулювання, у такому разі вони наступні вислови замінять на інші. (Оцінюється в 3 бали)

суднобудування, сільськогосподарський район, вугільний басейн, космічні дослідження, вугільна шахта, родючість, географічне положення

1. A special investigation into space in order to collect information about the conditions there is called…………..

2. The industry involved in building ships is known as ………………...

3. Location of the countries, oceans, rivers, mountains and cities on the land surface is generalized by the word……………….

4. An area where there are layers of coal under the ground that are suitable for mining has received the name of ………….

5. A place where coal is dug up from under the ground is usually called ………...

6. A large area of land for growing crops or keeping animals is known to be ……………….

7. …………..is the name for the ability of the land or soil to produce a lot of good crops or plants.


Ситуація 5. Напишіть запитання до речень. Речення починайте із питальних слів поданих у дужках. (Оцінюється в 2 бали)


In New York, we have a lot of relatives and you are eager to know about their lives.

Example: (you hear from George recently?) Have you heard from George recently?

1. (My nephew/make a report at the conference recently?)………………..

2. (Jill/visit/Tom in the past few days?)…………………………………….

3. (Kevin/buy/a new car recently?)……………………………………….....

4. (You/write/a letter today?)…………………………………………….….

5. (Bill/see/any good films lately?)…………………………………….….…

6. (They/have/a holiday at the seaside this year?)…………………………..

Ситуація 6. Виберіть правильне закінчення таких повідомлень (Оцінюється в 3 бали):

1. What time does the train leave? I think it has already left /l eaves at 2 o’clock.

2. Have you seen any films lately? Yes. Actually, I have seen / see two this week.

3. Liz and I are good friends. We know / have known each other for four years.

4. Jane has finished / is finishing cleaning her room, and now she is going out with her friends.

5. I didn’t recognize Tom. He looks / is looking so different in his suit.

6. I don’t need to wash my car. Jim washes / has washed it for me already.

7. Claire’s train arrives / has arrived at 3 o’clock. I must go and meet her at the station.

8. Sophie is very clever. She is speaking / speaks seven different languages.

9. What are you doing? Nothing. I just finished / have just finished my lunch.

10. Samantha plays / has played tennis with friends every weekend.

11. Tim and Matilda being / have been married since1991.

12. Uncle Bill has just decorated / decorates the bathroom.

13. Pauline and Tom sing / have sung in the school choir twice a week.

14. Sara is very happy. She wins / has won a poetry competition.

15. They usually change / have changed jobs every five years.


Ситуація 7. Перекладіть англійською мовою наступні речення про повсякденне життя американських людей. (Оцінюється в 3 бали)

1. Роберт попросив офіціанта (the waiter) принести йому чек.

2. Ми хочемо побудувати краще майбутнє для наших дітей в цьому районі невеликих ферм.

3. Дерево мокре (wet) і не горить, це звичайна проблема на полюванні.

4. Дамба (the dam) щойно зірвалася, спричинивши (causing) сильне затоплення (flooding).

5. Зараз ви можете вивчити процедуру як купувати і продавати акції (shares) за прийнятними законами.

6. Спортсмен-професіонал завжди ловить м’яч ще до того, як він досягає (hits) землі.

7. Мій стиль завжди ретельно (carefully) добирати слова коли говориш.

8. Повідомте мене (Let me know) коли ви прийдете, так буде зручніше для всіх.

9. Новий комп’ютер коштує близько (around) £ 1, 000.

10. Поріжте яблуко на маленькі шматочки (pieces), їх так краще подати до столу.

Рекомендована література

Основна література 1, 2, 3.

Додаткова література: 1, 3, 8.



Тема 2. Загальні поняття про гроші Британії та США

План вивчення теми


1. Загальне поняття про гроші Британії.

2. Загальні поняття про гроші США.

3. Поняття про систему часів англійських дієслів. The Past Tenses.


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