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Industry and agriculture of the UK

In the past English industrial prosperity rested on a few important products, such as textiles, coal and heavy machinery. Now the UK has a great variety of industries, for example heavy and light industry, chemical, aircraft, electrical, automobile and many other industries. The United Kingdom is considered one of the world’s major manufacturing nations. Now high technology industries are more developed than heavy engineering. Heavy engineering and other traditional industries have experienced a certain decline.

Certain areas are traditionally noted for various types of industries. For instance, Newcastle is famous for coal industry, the county of Lancashire for its textile industry. The Midlands, or the central counties of England, are famous for the production of machinery, coal, motor cars and chemicals. In recent times regional industrial distinctions have become less clear as more and more new factories are built in the different parts of the country.

Speaking about the cities of the United Kingdom the first mention should be made of London, the capital of the UK. It is a big port on the River Thames, a major commercial, industrial centre.

Leeds is a centre of clothing industry producing woolen articles. Glasgow is a major port on the River Clyde where shipbuilding industry is developed. Liverpool on the River Mersey is a flour milling and engineering centre. Birmingham is an iron and steel centre. Manchester is famous for textile manufacturing.

Three-quarters of the United Kingdom’s land is dedicated to agriculture. About two per cent of the population of the United Kingdom are engaged in agriculture, but the yields of English farms and pastures are very high. Wheat, barley, oats and potatoes are the most important crops grown. Sheep, cattle and pigs are the most numerous types of livestock.

Sheep is a source of both wool for textile industry and mutton for food industry. Mutton is the best liked English meat.


1.2. Для перевірки правильності розуміння прочитаного тексту виконайте наступні ситуаційні вправи:

Ситуація 1. Складіть історію із наступних фрагментів, але ви, як оповідач, віддаєте перевагу офіційним і лаконічним висловлюванням:

industry, agricultural, prosperous, a variety of, a major, manufacture, experience, area, distinction, to dedicate

1. She got a job in the production of goods from raw materials.

2. The UK three-quarters of the land is only to be used for farming needs.

3. The towns and cities of Midlands are increasingly rich.

4. Students in English colleges are offered a lot of different courses.

5. Britain played an important role in negotiations.

6. Cost of English goods will determine the methods of production.

7. Many people all over the world will have problems as the result of retirement.

8. My family has lived in this part of England for years.

9. The New Act of the Parliament makes no difference between children and adults.

10. Andy Smith wants to devote more time to academic work.


Ситуація 2. Людина, яка промовляє наступні фрази, часом, не могла згадати деякі англійські сова. Допоможіть їй/йому знайти їх:

In the past English industrial (багатство)……………… rested on a few important products, such as textiles, coal and heavy machinery. Now high (технологічні)……………. industries are more developed than heavy engineering. Heavy engineering and other traditional industries have (переживали)………….. a certain decline. The Midlands, or the central (графства)……………. of England, are famous for the production of (машинобудування).......…, coal, motor cars and (хімікатів)……………...

London, the capital of the UK, is a big (порт) …………… on the River Thames, a major (комерційний)…........., (промисловий)………………… centre. Leeds is a centre of (тканинної)……. industry producing woolen (вироби)………...

Liverpool on the River Mersey is a (мукомельний)…………. …………. and (машинобудівний)……… centre. Birmingham is an (заліза)……….. and (сталі)………….. centre. Manchester is famous for (текстильною)………… manufacturing.


2.1. Прочитайте текст 2, намагаючись зрозуміти його якомога точніше та повніше.



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