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accelerate accurate apathy approach assailant bureaucrats challenge confrontation consciousness debris designations devastating erosion flexible fraud heritage hiss humanity impoverished indubitable insight interrelated intuition manage moderate motivation optimistic perception pessimistic phenomenology plagiarism preservationists reflecting reflexive relevant remorse resentment ridiculous significant sin tension unethical behavior upheavals values violent   to admit to cheat to deceive to defraud to forgive to insult to plagiarise to slap


Module 2. Mass Media

Lesson 1. Aspects of Media

Mc Millan. U.8 p.90-100 The Media

Mc Millan. Test 1, p.8, 44 R

Mc Millan. U.8 p. 48-50 Gr/V

Instant Discussions. p.25 Newspapers

Lesson 2. Moving Images

New Gold Proficiency. Coursebook U.3 p.38-51

Conversation Inspirations. p.79 Television

Lesson 3. Movies and Television

Perspectives. New Popularity for Movies U.13 p.147-157

Perspectives. Turning Off TV: A Quiet Hour p.159-168

Lesson 4. Media and Censorship

Taboos and Issues. p.27 Is this news?

Gold Proficiency. p.80

Speaking Effectively. Ch.6 p.81-97

Lesson 5. Objectives of Advertising

The Language of Advertising and merchandising in English. U.5 p.47-55

Momentum Developing Reading Skills. Advertising. p.147-151

Lesson 6. Methods of Advertising

Market Leader I. U.6 Advertising L.6.1, 6.2 p.46-51

Lesson 7. Methods of Advertising. Revision

Reader’s Choice. Book 1 U.3 p.50-52

Lesson 8. Current test



AIDA billboards boob tube brand loyalty by word of mouth camcorder celebrity endorsement censorship commercial competitor documentary editor editorial (n) emotional appeal execution eye-catching footage free samples hardback book heading headline hype in-depth analysis inspiring journal leaflets magazine news / daily bulletin newsflash obituary objective outdoor advertising paperback book poster questionnaire (sales) pitch slogan strategy subliminal advertising subplot subscription to survey tabloid target audience   to broadcast to come on to come out to comment to convince to deny to edit to issue to launch to look up to promote to refuse (flatly) to refute







▪ Study Skills for Academic Writing, J. Trzeciak S. E. Mackay, Prentice Hall International, 1994, p.19-55


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