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At the cash desk.

- 5pounds, please.

- Take your change.

- Thank you.

- You are welcome.


- Any problems, ma’am?

- No, thank you. It’s all O.K.

- You are welcome.



1. Excuse me, please, Dasha Svyrydovska, the first national channel. May I ask you some questions?

2. What did you buy?

3. Where did you buy it?

4. Why did you buy it?

5. Do you like to go shopping?

6. Who goes shopping in your family?

7. Do you like a new shopping mall?

8. Your wishes to our customers.


- I was at the bookstore.

- I bought books, two parts of Harry Potter by J. Rowling.

- I’m fond of reading. It’s my hobby.

- I saw a film about Harry, and I like it very much. I know that Harry was very smart, intelligent, honest, curious, lively and cheerful. He learnt to become

a wizard. He fought against evil and got victory. He was always careful and

noticed everything that was happening around him. He got on well with all his


- OK! Read books! Love books! Novels, stories, science fiction, poems, fairy tales, fables, legends, myth or encyclopedias! Books are our friends! They teach us, help us to solve the problems you are faced with.


- I bought a toy at the toy store because of my little sister. She will be 5 at Easter. She likes soft toys very much, so I want to give her a present on her birthday.

- She is smart and full of questions. She can play the ball and draw. I love my sister very much, so I think she’ll be satisfied.

- Of course I like the toy store very much. It’s great! There are different kinds of toys – for babies, for juniors and boys and girls of 12-14.

- Teach your little sister or brother to love the world around us. Be kind, helpful and sociable!


- I visited the greengrocer’s. I like to do shopping I do it with pleasure.

- I bought some apples, an orange and a banana because there are a lot of vitamins in fruit. Beside I like these fruit very much. They are tasty!

- Eat fruit and vegetables! It makes your body strong and healthy. They have got a lot of vitamins which are necessary for your eyes, skin, bones, hair and other parts of your body. Eat the right food! Remember the proverb “Good health is above wealth”.


- I like to do shopping in the shopping mall because the prices in the shopping centre are quite reasonable. Malls become popular because people like to shop and to do things in one place. People feel safe in supermarkets because there are militia stations and private security guards.

Interviewer. People like malls because they are places where dreams come true.

It was Dasha Svyrydovska with own reporting for the first channel.

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