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Exercise 34. Find the English equivalents

    1. принуждение
    2. сотовый телефон
    3. одинокий
    4. моментально (2)
    5. предоставлять
    6. стирать различия
    7. обижать
    8. вмешиваться в разговор (особ. с непрошенными советами)
    9. производить, приносить, давать
    10. нить, линия, связь
    11. видимость, различимость
    12. оттенок
    13. собеседник
    14. особенный, своеобразный
    15. лекция, речь, рассуждение
    16. предвидеть, предвосхищать
    17. разъяснять
    18. улучшать, усовершенствовать

Exercise 35. Match the words to make collocations. Translate them into

Russian and use them in your own phrases

1. to afford A. a questionable aspect

2. to blur B. solitary

3. to miss C. one’s position

4. to feel D. smb’s blog

5. to chime in E. nuances

6. to anticipate F. under a pseudonym

7. to clarify G. opportunities

8. to yield H. instantaneously

9. to respond I. the distinctions

10. to improve on J. by-products


Exercise 36. Fill in the gaps with the words from the text, translate the expressions into Russian and then use them in your own examples .

      1. … to communicate
      2. … opportunities
      3. to feel …
      4. … the distinctions
      5. to pick up …
      6. … of associations
      7. … form
      8. … discourse
      9. … information
      10. anticipate …
      11. clarify …
      12. … Internet pseudonym
      13. to make a significant …
      14. the visibility of …
      15. … phones
      16. share the same space as your …
      17. completely …

Exercise 37. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give your arguments.

1. Being human in the Age of the Electronic Mob allows people to feel connected and solitary at the same time.

2. Internet criticism is instantly available all around the world and it is free.

3. The mood of frustration with print criticism is fully justified.

4. There is no “new” form of criticism on the Internet but a new delivery system.

5. A “conversational forum” gives you the chance to share the same space as your interlocutor.

6. There is no difference between criticism and writing.




Exercise 38. a) Read the information on E-scriptwriting below and find the answers to the following questions.

1. What new avenues has Internet opened up for scriptwriters?

2. Who is the target audience for e-scripts?

3. Are screenplays normally thought of as publishable? Why?

4. What is the background of the person who thinks he’s solved the problem?

5. What made Ken Miyamoto create eScriptsHub.com?

6. What is unique about screenwriters as compared to people of other film majors?

7. How did new scriptwriting format come to him?

8. How is an eScript different in format from a regular script?

9. Why and when would ordinary people read eScripts?

10. Why would screenwriters like their un-produced scripts to be published as eScripts?



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