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Exercise 12. Translate the sentences from English into Russian.

1. When did you get married? 2. Max left the house for college, walked to the bus-stop, got on the bus, and after some stops got off, had a sandwich in a café … and decided to go back home. 3. I saw the sea long ago, in my childhood. 4. She waited for half an hour and then left. 5. Julia often gets up late and she got up late this morning. 6. She ate some cornflakes and drank some tea.

Exercise 13. Fill in with the correct form of the verb in Past Simple.

1. He _____ (be born) in a big American family. 2. The students_____ (be busy) preparing for the exam. 3. I ______ (be shy) in my childhood. 4. Mrs. Swone _______(teach) geography at school. 5. We _______ (do) all the work on time. 6. The scouts _______ (hear) something strange. 7. My father ________ (read) all the detective stories from the public library. 8. It _____(start) raining a few minutes ago. 9. Our group _____ (like) the new teacher. 10. My little sister _____(have) a kitten.

Exercise 14. In pairs. Ask each other when you did the following.

When did you go to the theatre? – I went to the theatre a couple of days ago.

have lunch; go to the gym; do your homework; go camping; call your friend;

go for a walk; see a thought-provoking film.

Exercise 15. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Где она была вчера?

2. У нас на прошлой неделе было две репетиции.

3. Он утром не приходил, не так ли?

4. Они были там позавчера, да?

5. Я не видела днём на съёмочной площадке реквизитора.

6. Почему он не просматривал вчера отснятый материал?

7. Где вы жили два года назад?

8. Он ведь рассказывал тебе об этом на днях, правда?

9. Сколько ей было лет, когда она сыграла свою первую роль?

10. Когда вы были у зубного врача последний раз?

11. Кто из них произвёл на тебя самое большое впечатление?

12. Когда я увидел ее, я понял, что она настоящая леди.

13. Вчера был прекрасный день! Мы поздно встали, долго катались на лыжах по парку, а

вечером смотрели телевизор и говорили о жизни.

Exercise 16. Write the sentences in the past tense and translate them into Russian.

On Tuesday I get up at half past six. I go to the bathroom, wash my hands, face, and clean my teeth. Then I dress, go to the kitchen, and cook breakfast for my family. At half past seven my son gets up and has breakfast. I have breakfast, too. My son eats eggs and drinks a cup of tea. I don’t drink tea. I drink coffee. After breakfast my son leaves home for school. I don’t leave home with my son. On Tuesday I don’t work in the morning. I work in the afternoon. In the evening I am at home. My husband and my son are at home, too. We rest in the evening. My son watches TV, my husband reads newspapers and I do some work about the house. At about 11 o’clock we go to bed.



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