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John and Mary (1) ______________ (decide) to redecorate their room in the hostel. They (2)______________ (choose) cream paint for the walls. When Tim (3)________________ (look)

in to see how they (4) __________________ (get) on, Mary (5)______________________ (mix) the paint, and John (6)____________(wash) down the walls. They (7) ___________

(be) glad to see Tim and (8) ______________ (ask) if he (9) ___________________ (do) anything special that day. He hastily (10) ___________ (reply) he (11) ________________ (go) to the theatre and (12)______________ (go) away at once, because he (13) _______________ (know) they (14) ___________________ (look) for someone to help them.

They (15) ________________ (begin) painting, but (16) _______________ (find) the walls (17) ________________ (be) too wet. While they (18) __________________ (wait) for the walls to dry, Mary (19) ____________________ (remember) she (20) _______________(have) a phone call to make. John (21)___________ (start) painting while she (22) ______________(telephone), and (23) _________________(do) a whole wall before Mary (24) ______________ (come) back. He (25) _______________(grumble) that she always (26) _____________________ (telephone). Mary (27) _______________ (retort) that John always (28) ___________________ (complain). They (29) ____________ (work) in silence for some time.

Just as they (30) __________(start) the third wall, the doorbell (31) _____________ (ring). It (32) ______________ (be) a friend of John’s who (33) ________________ (want) to know if John (34) __________________ (play) tennis the following weekend. He (35) _______________ (stay) talking to John in the hall while Ann (36) _______________ (go) on painting. At last he (37) __________________(leave).

John (38) ________________(return), expecting Mary to say something about friends who (39) _________________ (come) and (40) _________________ (waste) valuable time talking about tennis. But Mary nobly (41) ________________ (say) nothing. Then John (42) ____________ (think) he would do the ceiling. He just (43)___________ (climb)

the step ladder when the doorbell (44) ______________ (ring) again. Mary (45) _________ (say) she (46) _______________ (get) tired of interruptions but (47) ________________ (go) and (48) _________________ (open) the door. It (49) _____________ (be) the postman with a letter from her brother Jack, saying he (50) ____________________ (come) to spend the weekend with them and (51)_________________ (arrive) the next morning at 4.30.

B) Make 10 questions to the text.

C) In pairs or small groups. Take turns asking and answering your questions.

Exercise 44. a) Translate the lyrics into Russian and then sing along.

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