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Ask as many questions to the following text about assets as you can. Translate the text into Ukrainian.


Current assets are cash and other assets that can be quickly converted into cash or that will be used within one year. Cash is the most liquid asset, so it is listed first. Following that are stocks, bonds, and so on – that can be converted into cash in a matter of days. Next are the firm's receivables.

Fixed assets are assets that will be held or used for a period longer than one year. They generally include land, buildings, and equipment.

Intangible assets are assets that do not exist physically but that have a value based on legal rights or advantages that they confer on a firm. They include patents, copyrights, and trademarks. They are of value to the firm for a number of years.


GRAMMAR: Modals – Модальні дієслова (2)

must, have to, should, ought to, need (obligation and necessity)

1 a) Must is used for strong obligations:

*rules or laws: Investors must pay taxes.

*advice or recommendations: You must take your medicine regularly if you want to get better.

*obligations that the speaker imposes on him or herself: I must get up early tomorrow.

b) Mustn't is used to express strong disapproval, or that something is prohibited: You mustn't smoke here.


2 a) Have to is used when the obligation comes from someone else or an external authority: You haveto wear a uniform - that is the company rule.

b) Don't have to is used to express the idea that there is no law, rule or requirement to make you do something: I don'thaveto get up early on Sundays.


3 a) Need, need to is used to talk about necessities, rather than obligations: I need to get my hair cut.

b) Needn't expresses the speaker's opinion that something isn't necessary:

You needn't fill in the form – the receptionist will do it for you.

4 Should and ought to are used to express milder obligations; they are often used when giving advice:

You should always keep receipts when you buy clothes.

Ex.1. Complete these sentences using the correct form of must, have to, need, should, ought to:

1 You _______ not worry about the article. - I'll translate it later. 2 The drivers in Ukraine ______ wear seat belts. 3 You _______ have medical insurance when you go abroad. 4 You _______ to buy a licence if you want to set up your own business. 5 The customers _______ not pass this point. 6 They _______ transfer money yesterday. 7 A CPA _______ pass a series of examinations, after which he receives a certificate. 8 You ______have the financial statement ready by the end of the month. 9 He ______ invite her to the meeting. 10 You _______ to fill in this application form. 11 You _______ consult an expert to identify this document. 12 You ______ not take a car to get to the office. I'll gladly give you a lift. 13 He ______ send a letter of apology. 14 This is serious, he ______ not joke about it. 15 My boss was ill and I _______ attend that press conference. 16 They ______ follow his advice.

Ex.2. Translate into English:

1 Керівництво встановлює правила, і ви повинні виконувати їх. 2 Ціна на цей новий товар дуже висока. Ви повинні знизити її. 3 Я вважаю, що він повинен піти у відставку після цього засідання. 4 Почекай трошки, я повинен продивитися ці документи. 5 Тобі не слід втручатися в їхні справи. 6 Йому довелося відповісти на багато запитань після засідання Ради Директорів. 7 Вам слід дослухатись до її порад. 8 Ви повинні вивчити попит споживачів перш, ніж розпочинати виробництво цієї продукції. 9 Ти мусиш її відвідати. Вона дуже хвора. 10 Коли я змінив роботу, я змушений був переїхати на іншу квартиру. 11 Офіціанти повинні сплачувати податок на гроші, які вони одержують від клієнтів. 12 Ви повинні приходити на роботу вчасно. Ви не повинні запізнюватись. 13 Немає потреби його проводжати. Він знає, де вихід.


must, may, might, could, can't, should, ought to (сertainty, possibility, probability)


1 We use must or can't + infinitive to say that we are certain about something; we have some evidence to reach this conclusion.

We use must to indicate " positive" certainty: She must be very happy. She has finished her experiments.

We use can't to indicate " negative" certainty: That can't be our business partner. He is arriving tomorrow.

We don't use mustn't or can to talk about certainty.


2 We use may, might or could + infinitive when we are speculating that something is possible.

She may / might / could pass her exam this time. (It's possible that she will pass her exam)

3 We use should and ought to + infinitive to show that something is probable now or in the future.

He should / oughtto pass his exams. (He will probably pass)


Ex.3. Complete the following sentences with an appropriate modal verb form:

1 You ______ be joking. The house isn’t worth that much. 2 It's not a good time to visit Italy. The weather ______ be awful at this time of the year. 3 She ______ be ill. She looks so pale. 4 It ______ be true. 5 You ______ see interesting samples at the exhibition. 6 It _______ be late as the offices are closed. 7 This contract _______ be profitable. 8 It's impossible. It _______ be the correct answer. 9 She _______ be at home. I saw her in the office ten minutes ago. 10 I _______ have some new information for you tonight. 11 He has been working all day. He _______ be very tired. 12 There _______ be another rise in the price of sugar soon. 13 He ______ get this job. He has got all the necessary qualifications. 14 I am not sure whether I can help you. I _______ not have enough time.

Ex.4. Translate into English:

1 Hе може бути, щоб ви знали всіх її співробітників! 2 Мабуть вона працює над річним звітом. 3 Я не буду заважати тобі. Мабуть у тебе є важливі справи. 4 Я зайду в наш офіс. Бос повинен зараз бути там. 5 Навряд чи я зможу скласти цей звіт. 6 Бухгалтера немає, він повинен бути у керівництва фірми. 7 Ви напевне затвердите бюджет завтра. 8 Мабуть успіх компанії буде залежати від наполегливої праці кожного з нас. 9 Мабуть вона дуже щаслива. Рада Директорів затвердила її проект. 10 Не може бути, щоб ви ще працювали над бюджетом! 11 Вже 2 години. Він може повернутися будь-якої хвилину. 12 Я не знаю достеменно, але лист можливо зараз у неї. 13 Хоча вже й пізно, він, можливо, все ще очікує нашої інформації. 14 Я нічого не чув про нього. Мабуть він де-небудь за кордоном чи вже повернувся до Києва.



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