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Do men and women spend their free time differently?

Do you like gossiping in your free time?

Are there any activities that you used to do but don't do anymore?

Do people's leisure time activities change as they get older? How?

What are hobbies?


Discuss with a partner what typical leisure activities are for each of the following age-groups:

16-24 years 45-64 years

25-44 years 65 +

Compare your views with the table below

The leisure ages of men and women in Britain

Age-group Leisure activities
16-24 Social activities, listening to records, eating and drinking out, active sport, entertainment.
25-44 Gardening, open-air outings, family holidays  
45-64 Sightseeing, clubs, holidays abroad, gardening.
65 + Reading, sightseeing, clubs, holidays

Read the text and do the tasks


immense [ɪ 'men(t)s] – величезний

tension – напруження

monotonous [mə 'nɔ t(ə)nə s] – одноманітний

serenity [sɪ 'renɪ tɪ ] – безтурботність

tranquility [træ ŋ 'kwɪ lə tɪ ] – спокій

to acquire [ə 'kwaɪ ə ] – набувати

synchronize ['sɪ ŋ krə naɪ z] – упорядковувати

to explore [ɪ k'splɔ ː ] – досліджувати, відкривати

innumerable [ɪ 'njuː m(ə)rə bl] – численний


There are certain activities and hobbies that give us immense pleasure and can even make us forget the tensions of everyday life. Hobbies, in fact, add some colour to our monotonous lives. Listening to music is probably one of the most common hobbies and interests. There are very few people in the world who don’t enjoy music. When you are tired after a long day at work, only music can transport you to the world of serenity and tranquility. The best way to acquire wisdom is by cultivating the habit of reading books. A good book can help us to understand this world better. Knowing how to play a musical instrument not only gives us a talent but also keeps away from bad habits. Writing a diary is another habit which many people in the world have. It is also a very good hobby; it helps us to synchronize our thoughts. The internet is magic as a hobby. You can date online, download music and play the best games. Thousands of people across the world have the habit of collecting stamps and coins. Some people enjoy knitting, fishing, watching cartoons, collection different items, travelling and exploring new places. There are innumerable hobbies and interests to choose from.

Write out all hobbies and interests from the text

Find the equivalents in the text

Величезне задоволення, одноманітне життя, найбільш поширені хобі та інтереси, світ спокою і безтурботності, погані звички, упорядковувати думки, відкриття нових місць, численні хобі.

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