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CHAPTER THIRTY-FOUR. Carly felt totally underdressed as she escorted three men in suits around the ranch

Carly felt totally underdressed as she escorted three men in suits around the ranch. They were, however, impressed with the progress she'd made on the ranch.

" Dr. Cambridge, everything is ahead of schedule. You've done a fabulous job here, " Mr. Kaplan told her.

" Thank you, but we've been blessed with great weather. This marsh will be finished in a week or so, then we can start planting. They should be through with the rest by the end of summer. In two or three years, the marshes will look almost natural."

" Is this a freshwater marsh? "

" No, this one is saltwater. See where they damned the bay, " Carly said, pointing towards the mound of earth the bulldozer had yet to move. " Once we plant the native coastal grass, we'll move the dam and let the water from the bay back in. It'll flood this whole area here, " she said, motioning to where they were standing. " The other marshes will be freshwater. But this will be the largest. This is where we hope the Whooping Cranes will winter."

" Have you had contact with Aransas? I'm sure they're concerned with losing some of their birds, " he said.

" Yes, they are. But as long as we offer protected habitat, they're all for it. Politics aside, we are all working for the same cause, " she said.

Their tour lasted another hour and by the time they walked back to the ranch house, it was nearly noon. She hoped Elsa had lunch ready.

She did. The table in the kitchen was crowded with take-out from a local restaurant in Rockport. Seafood salad and fresh shrimp, along with pasta and garlic bread. She nodded at Elsa, thanking her silently.

While the men filled their plates, she whispered to Elsa. " Have you heard from Pat? "

" No."

" Where's Martin? "

" Out at the barn."

" Doing what? "

" He talked them into redoing the shed. No extra cost."

" How in the world did he manage that? "

" He's persuasive, what can I say? "

Carly stared at Elsa, then grinned.

" Something I should know? "

" Well, he's very persuasive. Is this a good time to tell you that I think I'm in love with him? "

" What? " Carly hissed. " How in the world did this happen? And why didn't I know about it? "

" Dr. Cambridge, this is delicious, " Mr. Kaplan said. " Local seafood? "

" Yes. This is from a restaurant in Rockport, right off the marina."

" Well, my compliments."

" Thanks." Carly glanced at Elsa and rolled her eyes. She was ready for the suits to leave.

And they did as soon as the last shrimp was eaten. Carly and Elsa were watching their rental car leave as Pat's Jeep approached. Only Pat wasn't alone. Rachel Yearwood got out, her normally perfect hairdo windblown beyond recognition.

Carly watched her step gracefully from the Jeep but her eyes went to the other woman, the one with the shorts and tank top and ever-present baseball cap.

" Ella es tan hermosa, " Elsa murmured.

" What? "

" She is so beautiful, " Elsa whispered, translating.

" Si, " Carly agreed.

" Dr. Cambridge, so good to see you again, " Rachel greeted.

" Hello, Rachel. What brings you out this way? "

" Pat's been describing the ranch and I wanted to see for myself, " she said. " I hope you don't mind."

" Of course not. You're welcome any time." Carly slid her eyes to Pat and smiled, please to see that the normal sparkle was back.

" She threatened me, " Pat said. " Don't let her fool you."

Carly grinned and turned to Elsa. " This is my assistant, Elsa Sanchez. Elsa, this is one of our donors, Rachel Yearwood, Pat's aunt."

" Pat's told me about you. Pleased to meet you, " Rachel said.

" What's she told you? " Elsa asked.

" She said you were feisty. I hope she wasn't kidding. I like feisty."

Elsa looked at Pat and laughed. " Thanks." She took Rachel's arm and led her to the porch. " Come on inside. I'll show you around."

Carly walked up to Pat and lightly grasped her arm.

" Okay? "

" Yes, thanks."

" I was...worried about you, " Carly admitted.

" Don't be. I'm fine. I had half a bottle of rum and things seem much better today. Except for the slight headache."

" If I'd known it would upset you, I wouldn't have ever asked you to go with me, " Carly said. " I'm sorry."

" I would never pass up a chance to be with you. I just got a little...bummed. But I'm fine. And really, I had a good time. I enjoyed meeting your family. You're very lucky."

Carly read between the lines and her heart broke for this proud woman. She had so much to offer. For the life of her, she couldn't understand why Pat's family had deserted her. Especially for something that was totally out of Pat's control.

Without thinking, Carly took the step necessary to reach Pat. She touched Pat's lips lightly with her own. Then she turned and walked to the house.

" Wait! You can't do that and just walk away, " Pat called.

" Sure I can."

" No, you can't."

Carly turned and shrugged. " Yes, I can." She then disappeared into the house.

Pat still stood beside her Jeep, speechless. Carly had kissed her. And it had been so quick, Pat hadn't had time to react. To kiss her back. Damn.

She walked inside, finding the three women engrossed in conversation over some bird. She rolled her eyes. Get birders together and they never shut up.

" Mrs. Davenport claims they've nested on her property for years, " Rachel said. " Oh, Pat, there you are. Tell Dr. Cambridge about the Ruddy Turnstones."

Pat met Carly's amused eyes and gave a half-smile.

" And what should I tell her? " Pat asked. " They had four young to start with. The last time I was there, only two were left. I suspect Mrs. Davenport abducted the other two and sold them on the black market."

Rachel's eyes widened and Elsa stared. Only Carly laughed outright.

" Patricia! "

" Patricia? " Carly murmured.

" Okay. We can blame owls if you like, " Pat said. " But I still suspect Mrs. Davenport."

Carly laughed again, loving Pat's sense of humor.

" You are so bad, " she said.

" You've not yet seen bad, Dr. Cambridge, " Pat replied as her eyes locked on Carly's.

" Why don't I show you the Visitor's Center, " Elsa offered to Rachel. " I'm sure these two can find something to argue about."

" I would love to see it. And what about the egret nest Pat's been talking about? "

" No, " Pat said. " They're nervous. We don't want to scare them. No visitors."

Carly was surprised at Pat's possessiveness over the nest but she agreed. If they wanted to build a colony, they couldn't chance disturbing the first nesting pair.

" Well, then I'll settle for the Visitor's Center. Ms. Sanchez, if you would? "

" Thank you, " Carly said to Pat when the door closed.

" It's ours, " Pat said, referring to the nest. " No one else needs to know where it is."

Carly nodded, resisting the urge to go to Pat. At that moment, she wanted nothing more than to wrap her arms around the woman and hold her.

" But, there is the little matter of what you started outside...and didn't stay to finish, " Pat said.

" I thought I had finished, " Carly said.

" No. You barely got started."

Pat took a step towards her and Carly stood her ground, swallowing nervously as Pat neared.

" Why did you kiss me? " Pat asked quietly

" I would hardly call that a kiss, " Carly said.

" You're right, of course. You want to try again? "

Carly got lost in Pat's eyes. She was actually drowning, she realized. Her feet refused to move, even as Pat drew nearer.

" You have no idea how much I want you to kiss me again, " Pat murmured.

" Yes, I do, " Carly whispered.

They were but a breath apart, their bodies moving together without thought. Carly closed her eyes, wanting Pat's kiss like never before. She simply could not resist this woman. She realized she no longer had control of her feelings.

But just as their lips met, just as Carly felt the softness of Pat against her, just as she opened her mouth to Pat, Martin called to her.

" Dr. Cambridge, do you... Jesus, yo estoy tan arrepentido."

" Shit. Can I not get a break here? " Pat whispered.

Carly turned scarlet and moved away from Pat, putting a safe distance between her and the woman she could no longer resist.

" Martin, it's okay. What? " she asked sharply.

" Ah, the ah, the..."

" Martin? "

" The shed. Do you want water and electricity run in there? "

" Yes, if it's possible. We'll use that for rehabilitation, if we need it. And I'm sure at some point, we will, " Carly said, all business now. She moved farther away from Pat. She seemed to have her body under control again. At least for the moment.

" I'll go with you and have a look, " she offered.

Pat finally found her voice. She walked over to Martin and playfully punched his arm.

" Thanks a lot. Perfect timing, " she murmured.

Carly glanced once at Pat and returned her smile, then followed Martin out the kitchen door. They walked the short distance to the barn and adjoining shed.

" I thought you couldn't speak Spanish. What the hell did you say in there? "

" I'm really sorry, Dr. Cambridge, " he said. " I never would have just barged in on you like that if I'd known..."

" It's Carly. And I'm sorry, Martin. I'm sure this must be a shock to you. I never discussed my...personal life with you. Actually, I didn't plan on having a personal life to discuss, " she said.

" No, it's not that. Elsa told me already. I just..."

" Elsa told you what? " Carly asked.

" She...she told me about you and Pat, " he said, now embarrassed himself.

" About me and Pat? What exactly did she tell you? " Carly demanded. She would kill her later, she decided.

" She just said...look, it's none of my business. I'm sorry. I'll be sure to knock next time, " he said.

" You will not knock, Martin. That's our office. I will try to keep my...personal life out of it."

Jesus, she couldn't believe Martin had walked in on them. And she regretted it. Not because Martin had seen, but because of what he'd interrupted. She doubted she and Pat would have another moment alone today. Perhaps it was best. One kiss would lead to another and soon, she would be in over her head. And she definitely was not ready for that kind of intimacy with Pat. Oh, her body was ready, of that she was certain. But her mind was still locked on the past.

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