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" I think that was taken in my front yard, " she told Rachel. " I wonder why it's not mentioned in the caption? " Pat glared at Mrs. Davenport as she made her way around the Visitor's Center, looking at the framed prints that adorned the walls. " It was taken here, " Pat insisted. " You probably don't even know what it is." " I most certainly do. It's a..." Shit! What was it again? Sandpiper something or other. Oh, goddamn it! They all looked alike. " As I suspected, you have no idea. It's a Long-billed Dowitcher. They often winter in my yard, by the pond. And this looks suspiciously like it. " Now, Pat, " Aunt Rachel said. " Is that any way to talk to Mrs. Davenport? After all she's done for you? " Pat looked appropriately chastised as she glared at the old woman. It wasn't enough that four of the prints mentioned Mrs. Davenport's pond. Now she wanted to claim credit for others. " I apologize. The ones I took at your pond are farther down the hall there, " she said as sweetly as she could. She let them walk off without her, then glanced around the crowded Visitor's Center. It would be opened to the public next week, but today they had invited the local birders who had helped them throughout the last year and a handful of donors who had contributed large sums of money to this project. She walked to a window, looking out at the bright sunshine. The old road to the bay was now paved, as was the road to the new marshes. And the marsh looked good, she had to admit. The native grasses they had planted had taken hold, as had the reeds. She spotted two white birds and she smiled. Their egrets, no doubt. They had released them back at the pond and she and Carly both cried when the parents returned. They had spent nearly every evening out there watching the four birds, watching as the parents taught the young to fish. The two young had finally moved to the marsh but the parents stayed at the pond. She turned back to the room, scanning the crowd. She found Elsa and Martin talking quietly in one corner. She smiled as she caught the sparkle of Elsa's engagement ring. She moved away from them, her eyes searching, finally finding Carly as she talked to three men in suits. Board members. And they looked completely out of place among the birders. Carly glanced up, feeling Pat's eyes on her. She smiled warmly at her lover, then excused herself. She hadn't talked to Pat since early that morning. " Hi, love, " she whispered. " Having fun? " " Mingling with birders...my very favorite thing in the world, " Pat teased. " I've missed you, " Carly said. " Have you been showing Mrs. Davenport around? " " God, yes. Much more of this and I'll need therapy. I'm convinced the woman is trying to drive me insane." " You may be right. She certainly enjoys baiting you." " How much longer? " Pat asked, glancing again at the suits. " Not long. I'm sure they'll be heading back in an hour or so." " Well, that's too long, " she murmured. " I haven't kissed you all day." She took Carly's hand and pulled her behind the counter and into the storage room. She shut the door firmly behind her. " Well, this is subtle, " Carly teased. " I'm sure no one has a clue." " Hush, " Pat said, silencing Carly with a kiss. Carly melted into her embrace, her fingers sliding into Pat's silky hair. When Pat grabbed her hips and pulled her against her, Carly felt the now familiar stirring of desire. It had been nearly a year and she still couldn't keep her hands off this woman. She let her hands slip lower, cupping Pat's breasts. Pat moaned into her mouth and Carly squeezed gently. " Don't tempt me, " Pat threatened. " I just wanted to kiss you." " Then you shouldn't have touched me, " Carly whispered into her mouth. She pushed Pat against the counter, her hands moving lower, resting on the heat between Pat's thighs. " Carly, don't, " Pat said but her hips moved against Carly's hand anyway. God, this woman could drive her to the edge in seconds. " But I want to." She unbuttoned Pat's shorts and slipped her hand inside, finding the wetness she knew would greet her. " Always so wet for me." She slid her fingers against Pat, moving through silk to reach her goal. " I love you so much, Pat, " she whispered. Pat met her thrust as Carly slipped inside her. She tried to stifle her groan but couldn't. Her hips moved faster now against Carly's hand. She pulled Carly into her arms, settling her lips against Carly's mouth, trying to muffle the sounds of pleasure that she could no longer keep in. Carly's wet fingers found her clit, swollen and ready. Pat jerked against her, her teeth biting gently into her neck and Carly was lost. She groaned as she moved faster over Pat, stroking her to orgasm. She felt Pat arch and her mouth went to Pat's, catching her screams. They stood leaning against each other, both breathing heavily. She finally pulled her hand away, moving under Pat's shirt and wiping the wetness against Pat's skin. Like always, she wished they had more time. " Please let me touch you, " Pat whispered, her hands sliding to Carly's waist. " I know you want me to. I know how wet you are." Carly tilted her head back as Pat's lips moved over her neck. Yes, she was wet. Yes, she wanted Pat to touch her. But there was no time. " No. I've got to get back, " Carly said, stopping Pat's hands before they went inside her shorts. " That's not fair. You can't just do that to me and then walk away." " Of course I can." Carly kissed her quickly, the pulled away. " Carly..." " Hmm? " " I love you." Carly stopped at the door, a soft smile on her face. Then she walked back to Pat and kissed her again. " I love you, too. You're my hero, " she whispered. " And tonight, we'll turn off the phones? " " We'll turn off the phones, " Carly promised. Pat pulled Carly into her arms once again. " Good. Because tonight, you're mine." Carly smiled. " I'll be yours forever."