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Chapter one

Kate Winters, author of the popular mystery series The Masters, finds herself in a bit of a predicament – she doesn’t seem to be able to write any longer. So when her old friend and wealthy widow Brenda invites Kate to spend the summer in Coyote, New Mexico, Kate decides that a summer in Coyote might be just what she needs to clear her writer's block. Leaving behind the Dallas heat – and her girlfriend Robin – Kate retreats to the high mountain desert and soon finds herself surrounded by Brenda's eccentric friends and artists. But it's the local sheriff, Lee Foxx, who soon grabs her attention. It doesn’t take long for Kate to discover that Lee has a penchant for dating the young tourists that flock to the river canyon each summer – and that Lee has no intention of ever settling down. Then an unexpected visit by Kate's girlfriend sends everyone scrambling. Torn between safety and desire, Kate has no idea which way to turn. And as for Lee -- she can't quite believe that she's actually fallen in love… for the very first time in her life.


Kate sat in traffic wondering why on earth she'd attempted a trek across Dallas during rush hour. She adjusted the AC, took a deep breath and tried not to think of the pack of cigarettes she kept with her—just in case.

" If it wasn't so damn hot, " she murmured, pointing the vent toward her. It was only mid-May, but already the summer heat was showing itself. She glanced affectionately at the cigarettes then forced her eyes back to the road. She didn't know why she tormented herself with them. She'd been in various stages of quitting for the last two years, finally able to count days between cigarettes instead of hours. And this time, it had been four days. Well, three days, nine hours and a handful of minutes. But who's counting?

Her cell rang, thankfully distracting her from the nicotine fit she was about to have. She smiled when she saw the number displayed. Brenda had been gone nearly tree months and Kate was surprised how much she missed her friend.

" Hi! " she greeted.

" Hey, kiddo."

Kate grinned. " You can't call me kiddo. I'm thirty-seven."

" Yes, and I'm fifty-seven, so that makes you a kiddo, darling."

Kate laughed. Brenda had been calling her kiddo since they'd first met, eight years ago. She pretended to be offended, but honestly, she'd miss the affectionate name if Brenda stopped.

" So, how is the desert? Do you miss the city yet? "

" I told you, this is not the desert. In fact, I'm not even in Santa Fe anymore. I've moved farther up in the mountains and right now I'm staring across a canyon, seeing the beautiful sandstone cliffs that inspired Georgia O'Keefe. Oh, Kate, you should see it in the mornings. It's breathtaking."

Kate nodded. " So, I guess that means you're painting. How's it coming? "

" Oh, darling, I absolutely adore the freedom to express myself this way. It has been so uplifting to be here, I can't even describe it."

Kate shook her head. She had met Brenda Granbury in a writing class eight years ago when the wealthy widow decided she was ready to write her first novel. A bit eccentric—okay, very eccentric—but they had hit it off despite their twenty-year age difference. And over the years, Kate had watched as Brenda tried her hand at writing, sculpting, pottery and now painting. " There's an artist inside, just waiting to break free, " Brenda said on many an occasion. So, Kate encouraged her in all her pursuits, even though she knew that Brenda didn't have one ounce of artistic talent. It made Brenda happy to try and that's all that really mattered.

" Well, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself." Kate inched along in traffic. " Do you have plans to return soon? I miss our weekly dinners."

" Oh, I miss you, Kate, but I don't miss the city at all. In fact, I've moved from the lodge here in Coyote after only a few days, moved to one of the summer homes up the mountain a ways." She paused. " An interesting group of people live here, Kate. Artists all. And, I seem to have found myself in a lesbian mecca."


" Oh, Brenda, please! Your gaydar is nonexistent." Kate turned the AC up again as the traffic came to another stop. " You thought I was straight for the first month you knew me."

" That's not fair. You were pretending to be straight. That should be illegal."

" I wasn't pretending to be straight! "

" Kate, darling, you still pretend to be straight! "

" I do not! Just because I've not announced publicly that I'm gay doesn't mean that I'm hiding. For God's sake! Is it necessary that people know everything about you? "

" Of course not. Now tell me, how's the book coming? "

Kate closed her eyes and leaned her head back, silently shaking her head. " It's coming."

" I guess that means you still have writer's block."

" I hate that term, Brenda. There is no such thing as writer's block. You either have a story to tell or you don't. It has nothing to do with so-called writer's block."

" And? "

Kate crept along in traffic, her eyes staring ahead. " And I guess I don't have a story to tell."

" Darling, why don't you take a break? "

" A break from what? Not writing? "

" A break from there, from the city. Come stay with me for awhile, " Brenda suggested. " Coyote is a lovely little town."

" In New Mexico? In the summer} Brenda, the Dallas heat is enough, I certainly don't want to go to the desert."

Brenda laughed. " It was forty-one degrees when I got up this morning. It was lovely. What was it there at eight a.m.? Seventy-five and humid already? "

" Oh, Brenda, it's not just that." She looked wearily out at the traffic. " What am I supposed to do with Robin? "

" Good Lord, is she still in the picture? "

" She lives with me, Brenda. Of course she's in the picture."

" Something I still fail to comprehend. It's not like you're in love with the woman."

" I'm sorry you don't see it, but I do love her, Brenda."


" You love chocolate too. I said in love, darling."

Sadly, Kate knew she was right, but she refused to give Brenda any more ammunition where Robin was concerned. After two years of casual dating, Robin's apartment complex was sold and her rent nearly doubled. Kate did what she felt any friend would do. She offered her place until Robin could find something else. Robin moved into Kate's bedroom, not the spare, and now, six months later, Kate assumed she had stopped looking for a place of her own.

And it wasn't so bad, really. They got along well. And Robin could cook, something Kate hated to do. So even though the sex wasn't mind-boggling—or frequent—it was enough to sustain their relationship.

" So? What do you say? " Brenda asked, jarring Kate from her musings.

" New Mexico? "

" It would be good for you, Kate. A change of scenery."

" I don't know, Brenda." She looked at the endless traffic ahead of her and sighed, her glance going to her stash of cigarettes. " Tell me again what the temperature was today."



" New Mexico? But why? "

Kate looked at their bed, which was cluttered with clothes she'd pulled from her closet and drawers—jeans, shorts and practically every T-shirt Kate owned. Should she really trust Brenda's advice on packing? Casual clothes, darling. All casual. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to throw in some slacks and a dressy blouse or two.

" Kate? "

" Hmm? " She looked at Robin, forgetting that she was even in the room. " Sorry. What? "

" I asked why are you going to New Mexico? "

She paused. " To write. I have an October deadline and I'm on page twenty. Brenda seems to think a change of scenery would do wonders."

" Surely you don't plan to be gone until October, Kate."

" No. But you could always come visit, you know." The words were out before Kate could stop them. Brenda seemed to think


that it was Robin's presence in her apartment, in her life, that was causing Kate's writer's block. Of course, Kate didn't have writer's block.

" Well, I suppose I could take a long weekend here and there. I could even take some extended time in July, perhaps."

Kate shook her head. " We'll see. I may not have time for more than an occasional weekend, Robin. It's really going to be a working trip."

" I've never been to Santa Fe."

" Brenda's not in Santa Fe anymore. Some little town, up in the mountains—Coyote." Kate folded the clothes she'd tossed on the bed, surprised at the excitement she felt. Perhaps Brenda was right. A change of scenery might be just the thing she needed to kick-start her writing.

" Well, I know I'll miss you, " Robin said as she moved behind Kate, pulling her close.

Kate resisted the urge to stiffen. Instead, turning into Robin's embrace, she welcomed her gentle kisses. She didn't even protest when Robin pulled her to the bed, their weight crushing the neatly folded T-shirts. As Robin's hand slipped inside her panties, Kate noted absently that she'd have to refold her shirts again, perhaps even wash and dry them to get the wrinkles out.

/ wonder if I need to bring a jacket...



Brenda studied her painting, wondering why her sandstone cliffs looked nothing like the view spread out before her. Well, the colors were tliere, at least.

" It looks lovely, Simone."

Brenda turned, smiling at the petite young woman who was patiently teaching her to paint and who insisted on calling her Simone. Harmony was wearing her usual white. Today it was a long, comfortable sundress, her sandals and painted toes just peeking out beneath the hem.

" Lovely? I wouldn't go that far, " she said.

" You must have patience. Your colors are magnificent today." Harmony handed her a small crystal she had been fingering. " Here. Squeeze tight. Feel the energy, " she said quietly.

Brenda did as she was told, imagining energy pulses vibrating from the crystal she held in her hand. She knew she would pocket the crystal later, then add it to the growing collection she had. Harmony and Sunshine seemed to have an endless supply of them.



" Ariel tells me you have a friend coming. You must be excited." " Yes, a young friend from Dallas. She's a writer. She'll fit right


" I don't read much, I'm afraid. What's she done? "

" She writes a private investigator series. She's working on

number seven. The Masters. Paul and Jennifer. They pretend to be

a married couple in the books."

Harmony shook her head. " Sorry. Never heard of them." Brenda shrugged. The first three books in the series were best

sellers. The last three, well, she'd never tell Kate this, but the last

three were real stinkers.

" Come to dinner tonight, Simone. Sunshine says Ariel has a

new young thing and we want to meet her."

Brenda snorted. " Don't know why. She'll have another new

young thing next week."

Harmony laughed. " She does stay busy, doesn't she? "

Brenda smiled. Yes, Lee—or Ariel, as Harmony and Sunshine

called her—did stay busy with the young women who seemed to

flock to her. She'd become friends with the county sheriff, but

she'd long ago lost count of the number of women Lee brought


Brenda fanned herself as she waited for Kate's plane. Her straw hat and oversized sunglasses did nothing to keep the noontime sun at bay. As much as she'd enjoyed her stay in Santa Fe—spending endless hours visiting the art galleries—she was glad she'd moved up higher into the mountains. Not cold by any means, not this time of year, but the daytime temperatures had yet to reach eighty. Here in Santa Fe under a cloudless sky she figured it was above ninety already, reminding her of the cursed Dallas heat. Perhaps that was why only two others had braved the patio for lunch. The airport grill—famous for its green chili burgers, she was told—was packed inside, the air conditioning humming quietly in the background. But Brenda was anxious to see her friend,


so she sat at the edge of the patio, watching as a plane prepared to land.

" Flight four thirty-nine from Albuquerque, now approaching."

" Finally, " she muttered. She stood, watching as the plane touched down, its wheels bouncing only once, then taxied smoothly the rest of the short runway. It was a small jet, holding about twenty people, but on this Wednesday she doubted it was even half full.

Moving to the edge of the patio, she squinted into the sun as she watched the hatch open and the stairs descend. Kate was the fourth to deplane, a large backpack slung over one shoulder, and Brenda grinned, not realizing how much she had missed her young friend. She watched as Kate brushed the blond hair off her forehead, then slipped on her own sunglasses.

" Katie! " Brenda waved, watching as Kate shielded her eyes and lifted a hand in greeting.

Brenda walked down the steps of the patio, her sandals clicking on the hot asphalt as she hurried to the plane. She was engulfed in a tight hug, then surprised by a quick punch on the arm.

" You said it wasn't hot here, " Kate reminded her, her eyes moving over the shimmering asphalt around them.

Brenda grinned. " I said it wasn't hot where I was staying. Why do you think I moved up the mountain? "

Kate turned in a circle taking in her surroundings, her eyes widening at the beautiful mesas and plateaus in the distance. She turned back to Brenda, slipping her sunglasses on top of her head.

" But it's beautiful, Brenda. I haven't been here in ten years or more."

" We're in an airport, darling. It's not beautiful. Out there, " she pointed. " Now that's beautiful." She linked arms with Kate. " How much luggage do you have? "

Kate gave a wry smile. " Two somewhat large suitcases."

Brenda shook her head. " I told you to pack casual, didn't I? Jeans, shorts and the like." She pointed to herself. " I've worn these same capri pants three times this week."


Kate smiled. " I don't believe that's something I would be advertising. You do laundry, right? I mean, I know you have a housekeeper in Dallas, but you know how to do laundry, don't you? "

" I'm not that pampered, Kate. Of course I know how to do laundry. I just choose not to do it."

Kate rolled her eyes. " Don't tell me you have someone who does that for you here? "

" Well of course I do. I refuse to stoop to that level. She comes once a week and it's worked out beautifully. In fact, I'm thinking of having her come more often. She's a wonderful cook."

Kate nodded. " Will I get to take advantage of this service? "

" Mi casa es su casa, darling, " Brenda said with a wave of her hand.

" This might be a good summer after all."

" I'm glad you didn't insist on doing the Santa Fe thing today. It's just too hot to be walking the streets."

Kate grinned. " But as you told me, it's a dry heat."

" That was just to get you out here. We'll come down here one evening when it's cooled some, eat Mexican food, stay the night, then hit the galleries the next morning. And I know I'm being ridiculous, Kate, because we've shopped in Dallas before when it was a hundred degrees. Maybe it's my age. I just can't seem to tolerate the heat anymore."

Kate studied her friend as she drove them out of Santa Fe and headed up the interstate highway. Brenda looked different. But maybe it was just the casual clothes, the sleeveless blouse that threw her. Kate drew her eyebrows together. Brenda's trademark bright red lipstick was missing. Kate moved closer. My God, does she even have any makeup on?

" What are you doing? "

" Take those ridiculous sunglasses off."

" Whatever for? "

Kate reached over and pulled them off, her eyes widening. " Oh my God."


" What? "

" The Brenda I know would not even leave her bedroom without makeup, much less leave her house. What has happened to you? "

" Give me those, " Brenda said, snatching the sunglasses from Kate and putting them back on her face. " Nothing has happened. This is just a new phase in my life, darling."

" I thought painting was the new phase."

" Yes, it is. And I have met some wonderful people up here, all kind of... earthy people."

" Earthy? "

Brenda waved her hand. " Natural. Peaceful."

" Oh God, you haven't stopped shaving, have you? "

" No, I still shave and bathe, Kate. But you're right. Can you see me in Dallas, looking like this in public? "

" So, you've quit wearing makeup? Whatever for? "

" I have quit decorating myself, yes. It was as if I was trying to hide the true me beneath makeup and clothes and diamonds."

Kate's eyes flew to Brenda's fingers. Missing were the three rings Kate had never seen her without. " Brenda, please tell me you've not joined a cult and been brainwashed."

Brenda laughed, slapping Kate's leg affectionately. " Oh, Kate, darling, nothing that exciting, I'm afraid. I'm fifty-seven years old Kate, and for the first time in more years than I can remember, I am among strangers. They know nothing of my past, of my husband, of the wealth that I have. One day, while I was still in Santa Fe, I was dressing, fixing my face, finding the perfect, elegant dress to wear to dinner, sorting through my jewelry when it hit me. Nobody knew me here. I didn't have to dress the part. If I wanted to wear those cool linen shorts that I'd bought, no one would think me underdressed."

" Brenda, I've been telling you for years that you didn't have to dress the part. It's not like he's around any longer to force you."

" Oh, I know. But it was such a habit after twenty-five years. All of his so-called friends still thought I'd married him only for his money. So I had to be extra careful."

Kate smirked. " Well, he was thirty years older than you."


" I'll tell you now, Kate, I never was in love with him. I cared for him and grew to love him over the years, but I was never in love. And something his friends would be shocked at, for he was such a strong man, but he was impotent." She whispered the last word.

Kate smiled. " So, you did marry him for his money."

Brenda shrugged. " I grew up in Beaver's Creek, Oklahoma. It was an accomplishment just to graduate high school."

" You were twenty-five when you met him. Hardly high school."

" Twenty-four and it didn't matter. I was still in Beaver's Creek. Best waitress the Beaver Saloon had ever had, in case I haven't mentioned it before."

" You have, but I still don't know what it has to do with here and now, and why you've suddenly quit making yourself up."

Brenda laughed. " Kate, darling, the simple truth is, I don't have to make myself up any longer. Don't you see? In Dallas, around our old friends, around the wives of our friends, I had to play a part. And I was good at it, I admit. But here, it no longer applies."

" But Brenda, you can't just let yourself go just because you're away from your normal friends and your normal life."

" Kate, do I look like I've let myself go? "

" Actually, no, you look wonderful, " Kate admitted. Brenda's normally pallid skin had a healthy glow. Even her hair style had changed. The dull, hair-sprayed style she normally sported had been trimmed and left natural. Well, as natural as a bottle of blond hair color will get you.

" Thank you. I feel wonderful. And I can't wait for you to meet everyone. But Kate, you have to promise to keep an open mind."

" Brenda, I am the most open-minded person you know."

" In your dreams, darling." Brenda pointed out the window. " That's the Rio Chama. We'll come upon the lake soon, but the canyons around here are magnificent. You won't believe the colors, Kate."

Kate looked out the window, for the first time admiring the scenery as they climbed higher into the mountains. Hard to believe that just that morning, she was fighting traffic around the


airport in Dallas and now here she was, far removed from the city and all its noise and hustle.

Brenda slowed as the highway came to an intersection. She pointed quickly to their right. " Taos is that way, " she said as she got in the left-hand lane. " Coyote is this way."

" What exactly is Coyote? "

" Oh, it's just a dot on the map, really. They do have a very nice lodge, though. I stayed there three days. But the area is filled with summer homes, most owned or rented by artists. I was lucky enough to find one to rent through the summer." She glanced quickly at Kate. " It's costing a small fortune, but I hardly care. It's well worth it. I can't wait for you to see the view in the mornings. The sunrise just brings everything to life. Now I know why Georgia O'Keefe found such inspiration there."

" In Coyote}" Kate asked. " Where you're staying? "

" Oh, yes, darling. The locals say she came often to paint the cliffs. Why, there are even pictures of her at the bakery."

Kate bit her lower lip. " Are there any real trees, Brenda? Other than this, " she said, pointing to the small, stunted trees that graced the landscape.

" Trees? "

" I mean, you're not taking me to a desert with cliffs, right? "

Brenda laughed. " I promise, no desert. Well, they call it the high desert, but really, there are trees. It's quite beautiful, Kate. And higher up in the mountains, there are pine and spruce forests."

Kate nodded, enjoying the scenery that sped past as Brenda drove them deeper into the wilderness. It could be fun, she thought. And if it wasn't, she could always head back to Dallas any time.

" So, tell me about these new friends of yours, " Kate suggested. " And why do I have to keep an open mind? "

" Well, there's Sunshine and Harmony. I have no idea their ages or real names. They're somewhere between twenty and forty. Very earthy. They're into crystals."


" Sunshine and Harmony} Are you joking? "

" Oh, no. Harmony is teaching me to paint. She's very talented. She has her own gallery in Santa Fe."

" Harmony? Who names their child Harmony? "

Brenda sighed. " Kate, I told you to keep an open mind. They are very nice. Now their friend Starlight, she's a little strange."

Kate rolled her eyes. " You're just messing with me, right? Starlight? "

" Obviously, those are not their real names, Kate. That's just what they go by. Harmony has this habit of naming people. It seems to stick."

" Okay. Who else? "

" Well, I can't wait for you to meet the sheriff."

" The sheriff? You're friends with the sheriff? "

" Yes. She's something else. I swear, Kate, if I was ever curious about playing for your team, she'd be the one I'd pick. She's got this magnetism about her. I can't explain it."

" Good Lord, Brenda! "

" I'm serious. Don't think I haven't thought about giving lesbianism a try, just because of her."

Kate laughed. " You don't give it a try, Brenda. You either are or you aren't."

" Well, that hasn't stopped a parade of young blond things from throwing themselves at her, most of them straight and curious. Apparently she's very talented."

" And she what? Teaches them? Sex? "

Brenda grinned. " What would you do, darling, if twenty-year-old blonds were begging to share your bed? "

" Brenda, I'm thirty-seven years old. Twenty-somethings do not beg to share my bed. And if they did, I'd send them home to their mothers, that's what I'd do."

Brenda nodded as she made a turn off the highway. " Yes, I'm afraid you would, kiddo. Lee, however, doesn't seem to have that problem." Brenda glanced at Kate. " Of course, she's not thirty-seven. In fact, I have no idea her age, either. Young, I'm sure."

Kate took a deep breath. " Okay, so far you've mentioned three


earth fairies and a sex maniac sheriff. Have you met anyone normal, Brenda? "

Brenda laughed as they topped a rise. " That's what I have you for, darling."

" Oh my God, " Kate murmured. She gripped the dash, her eyes scanning the vastness laid out before her.

Brenda nodded. " Those were my exact words, I believe, when I first saw this."

Kate pointed. " The mountains there, is that Taos? "

" No, no. Taos is to die east." Brenda motioned out her window. " That's actually south, from where we came. Polvadera Peak is over eleven thousand feet. But the main canyons are to our north. You'll learn much more about the area from Lee. She's agreed to be your tour guide. She's quite knowledgeable of the area."

" Wait. Lee} As in die sex person? "

" She's really very nice, Kate."

" Uh-huh. And we'll have so much in common. I'm in a monogamous, committed relationship. And she's teaching straight girls how to have sex. You know how I feel about promiscuous women, Brenda. They get you into trouble one way or die other."

" Well, if you leave your sex lives out of it, I believe you'll have something in common. Aside from you, she's probably the most normal person I know here. That's why I know you'll get along."

" Brenda, by now you know how I am. I've never been into the whole casual sex scene, " she said with a wave of her arm. " I think it's disgusting, actually. I mean, we're not animals. We're not fucking like bunnies."

" Obviously you're not, darling."

" And what is that supposed to mean? "

" You know what that means, you don't need me to spell it out."

Kate grabbed the dash again as Brenda turned off onto a bumpy dirt road. " You know where you're going, right? "

" Of course. If we'd stayed on the main road, it would have taken us into Coyote. We'll go there tomorrow and I'll show you around. This road will take us to our summer home, Kate. You're just going to love it."


" I'm sure I will, Brenda. But do you have any neighbors? " she asked as she looked around—trees, rocks and little else.

" Not close neighbors like in the city, of course not. The house we're staying at sits on more than two hundred acres. I've walked most of it."

Kate stared. The Brenda she knew did not walk. In fact, she was known to get in her car and drive to the end of her driveway to check the mail. She closed her eyes. God, I hope she hasn't been brainwashed by some earthy cult!

" What? "

Kate shook her head. " Nothing, it's just... you're walking}"

" I'm telling you, darling, this is the best thing I've ever done for myself. You've known me for years, Kate. You know I've never really been into nature and all that crap, " she said with a laugh. " But out here, I'm actually learning the names of plants, if you can believe that."

" Well, I can't, " Kate murmured. Then, as she stared, " My God."

" Oh, yes. Beautiful."

The large adobe home came into view, but it was not the house that drew Kate's attention. No, the cliffs that spread out behind the house held her. The red sandstone reflected the afternoon sun, causing her to squint as she admired them.

" Oh, Brenda, now I see why you love it here."

" I told you my view was incredible. The house is built so that the cliffs are visible from nearly every angle."

As soon as Brenda parked, Kate was out, her arms spread wide. The heat that she was expecting was absent. It was pleasant, dry. The air smelled fresh. " Pine trees, Brenda? " she asked.

" Pinon pines and scrub oaks, primarily. There are some pon-derosa pines mixed in, mostly in the wetter areas and up higher in the mountains."

Kate grinned. " And you know the names of trees. Oh my."



Lee stared at her bed, watching the young woman sleep, wishing she could remember her name. She closed her eyes. Tiffany? Bethany?

She rubbed her face, smelling the remnants of their lovemak-ing. Perhaps she would enjoy it more if she could remember their names. She finally moved away into her bathroom. She closed the door before turning on the light. She stood there naked, the mirror reflecting back at her. She noticed two things. One, a bruise on her right breast. No doubt the blond had bitten down as she climaxed. And two, she needed a haircut. She dismissed the bruise, instead brushing at the dark hair that covered her ears, trying to tuck the errant ends. She deftly avoided meeting her own eyes in the mirror. She already knew what they would reflect—an emptiness that was getting harder and harder to hide.

Occasional sex with a cute young thing was one thing. But damn, she wasn't twenty anymore. She could hardly keep up.


Did I really just think that?

She shook her head as she stepped into the shower. Maybe she was just past all that. Jumping from bed to bed in college was considered an accomplishment, but hell, she was—

" Getting old." She stuck her head under the water. Her birthday was fast approaching and she was dreading it. Thirty was too young for a crisis. Surely she could wait until forty for that. She turned around, letting the warm water bounce off her back. Maybe she needed to talk it out with Brenda. Surprisingly, she had become friends with the older woman. Perhaps because compared to Harmony and the girls, Brenda seemed almost normal. Of course, the Indian chanting she'd taken up was suspect. And Lee didn't know why she'd agreed to show her writer friend around. She wondered if she'd be able to lie and tell her she liked her books when, really, she couldn't even make it through the last one.

Her eyes popped open when she heard the shower door open. Tiffany or Bethany stood there, stark naked, eyes traveling over Lee's wet body.

" You are something else, Sheriff." One manicured hand reached out, nails scratching lightly across Lee's breast. " My boyfriend could learn a thing or two from you."

" Yeah? Maybe you can teach him, " Lee murmured before pulling the young woman into the shower with her.



" What the hell is that? "

Kate rolled over, eyes still closed. Chanting? They had just gone to bed, why in the world was Brenda chanting} Kate sat up and leaned on her elbows, listening. She was surprised at the gentle pink color reflecting off the cliffs that greeted her through her opened window.

Dawn? Already?

She lay back down. She couldn't remember the last time she'd slept through the night. Up for water, up to pee, something. Never sleeping like a rock all night. But still, who got up at this ungodly hour? To chant no less.

But she couldn't get back to sleep, the monotone chanting was drifting in through the window. She tossed off her covers, enjoying the cool crispness of the morning air. Grabbing her robe from the end of the bed, Kate walked barefoot through the open house, staring. Everywhere she looked, the cliffs reflected the sunrise.


Now she knew why no curtains or blinds were hung. Who would want to close out this sight?

The French doors were left open to the patio, and she walked there, finally seeing Brenda. She was perched on a rock, not far from the expanse of the deck, her head bobbing slowly as she continued to chant. For some reason, the sound was comforting as the sun rose. Kate watched a bit longer, then silently crept back inside, not wanting to disturb Brenda. She would start coffee instead. It was only then that she glanced at her watch.

" Five thirty! That's insane, " she murmured.

But soon, the smell of coffee had her waiting somewhat patiently, as she drummed her fingers on the marble countertop, watching the last of the drops fall before snatching the pot and filling her cup. After her first sip, she gave an audible approval, turning to find Brenda watching her.

" You like? "

Kate nodded. " Kinda nutty."

" Pinon coffee."

" Pinon? Like the tree? "

Brenda moved past her, filling her own cup. " Yes, from the pinon nuts." She smiled when she took a sip. " So, how did you sleep, darling? "

" Like a rock. You were right. Leaving the windows open was a good idea. I had the covers up to my neck, feeling almost like winter."

" Yes, it's so pleasant sleeping in the cool air, isn't it? And speaking of fresh air, I've noticed that you've not had a single cigarette since you've been here."

Kate stared. " Actually, I haven't even thought of it."

" How long has it been? "

" Well, if I don't count the one I had while waiting at the airport, it's been over two weeks."

" Wonderful, darling. I knew you could do it."

Kate watched her friend as she poured more coffee. She was still puzzled by her appearance. The wealthy widow she knew from


Dallas was considered nothing if not glamorous. Always impeccably dressed, makeup applied to perfection and not a hair out of place. The woman who stood before her now, clad in loose khaki pants, soft leather moccasins and an oversized cotton shirt that appeared to be hand-painted, would never pass for her Brenda.

" So, are you going to tell me what all that noise was? "

Brenda laughed, nearly spilling her coffee. " I think I should be offended."

" And I think you should have warned me. I thought it was the middle of the night. Of course to some, five thirty is the middle of the night."

" Well, that noise is a form of meditation. Some call it Indian chanting, but it's a little more than that. Starlight has been teaching me."

" Uh-huh, I see. Starlight. Figures, " Kate murmured.

" Oh, Kate, I told you to keep an open mind. It gets me outside at the very cusp of dawn. I'm able to completely close my mind to everything. It's wonderful. It's very relaxing. Maybe you should try it."

Kate shook her head. " Don't think it's for me, Brenda."

" Oh, well, I was the same way at first. I thought she was loony, but Harmony said it might help with my painting."

" Speaking of that, when are you going to show me what you've done? "

" Oh, I don't know, Kate. Maybe I'll be like you. You won't let me even peek at your books until they're finished."

" And maybe that was a mistake. Maybe the last one wouldn't have sucked if I'd let you read it first."

Brenda raised her eyebrows.

" Okay, the last two, then."

Brenda nodded. " I really hope you'll be able to write here, darling. I think being out here will allow you to clear your mind."

" Why do you think my mind needs clearing? "

Brenda lowered her coffee cup, looking Kate straight in the eyes. " Because you've not been writing, and because your last few


were stinkers. I think you need to refocus, get something fresh going."

" Stinkers? "

" No offense, darling, but yes, stinkers."

Kate went to refill her coffee, nodding. " You're right. They stunk. I just feel like I'm muddling along in their lives, not going anywhere. I mean, I hardly know these characters anymore."

" And that's exactly how the last few books have panned out. And as a fan who has read every book you've written, I didn't recognize the characters, either. My only advice, because as you know, I'm not a writer, is to do something with them. I mean, move them along in their relationship or have them end this silly cat-and-mouse they've been doing."

" Silly? "

" Yes, silly. At the beginning, you wanted them to get together and it was cute how they pretended to be married. Even your take on their flirting seemed real, even though I know you have no idea how to flirt with a guy."

" What do you mean by that? "

" I mean that in a nice way, darling, but you're gay. And even though you pretend to be straight sometimes, you're still gay. And I have been around you in straight bars before and you have no clue."

" I do not pretend to be straight! "

" Darling, your publisher doesn't know you're gay. Hell, some of your so-called friends don't know you're gay."

" Brenda, just because I don't announce it to them doesn't mean they don't know."

Brenda dismissed her comment with a wave of her hand. " As usual, we are talking in circles about this subject. And if you choose to be secretive about it, that's your business. But we were talking about Jennifer and Paul."

Kate nodded. " So you're tired of their flirting? "

" Darling, after six books and they've not even kissed... yes, it's time to move on."

" That's just it. I don't know where to go. It just doesn't feel


right to have them as a real couple. I mean a real couple that has sex. You know, I view them almost as a brother and sister, so to make their relationship sexual is just gross."

Brenda patted her hand. " You'll think of something, but please don't keep it going in the same direction. I'm not sure your readers could suffer through another one."

Kate stared out die windows, the sun now fully over the cliffs, the gentle pinks of the canyons changing to a brighter orange. She couldn't decide which color was more beautiful.

" I tliink I'll take a few days to relax, Brenda, tlien open up die book again. You may be right. This could be good for me out here."

" We'll have a grand time, darling. In fact—"

Her sentence was cut short by a quick knock on the patio door only seconds before it opened.

Brenda smiled. " That'll be Harmony."

" Good Lord, it's barely six."

A petite woman with long flowing blond hair walked in, her white sundress reaching below her knees. She paused, taking a deep breath.

" Ahhh, pifion, " she murmured, closing her eyes. She then looked up, nodding briefly at Kate. " How are you this morning, Simone? "

Kate's eyes widened and she quickly looked behind them, wondering who the hell Simone was. Her eyes widened further when Brenda answered her.

" So wonderful, Harmony. Good morning to you. This is my friend, Kate. Kate, this is Harmony."

Kate stared, trying to force a smile onto her face. " Hello... Harmony.'''1

" Oh my." Harmony spread her arms. " Such negative energy, Simone. Do you feel it? "

" Oh, yes."

Harmony held out her hand to Kate. " Here, take this. Squeeze it. Feel the energy."

Kate opened her palm, seeing the stone that Harmony had placed there. She arched one eyebrow. " It's a rock, " she said dryly.


The audible gasp from Harmony nearly caused Kate to laugh, but she bit her lip, fingering the stone in her hands.

" That is no rock. That is an elestial crystal. It is very powerful." She then snatched the stone from Kate's open palm. " Perhaps you're not quite ready. Your negative energy is very strong."

Kate opened her mouth to speak, then closed it again. She turned to Brenda, eyebrows raised.

Brenda smiled, giving Kate a subtle wink.

" We should go, Simone. The colors will fade soon."

" I'm ready. My bag is already on the deck." Brenda turned to Kate. " Time for my lesson. I'll be back before noon, so make yourself at home. We'll eat lunch in Coyote, and I'll show you around."

Kate nodded silently, her frown more pronounced as the two women walked out onto the deck.

Simone? Who the hell is Simone?



" That's the only grocery store in town, " Brenda pointed as they drove slowly down the main street of Coyote.

" Why does she call you Simone? Furthermore, why do you answer to it? "

" Will you get over the Simone thing already! It's just what she calls me, darling. Can't you leave it at that? "

" But it's not your name, " Kate said for the fourth time.

Brenda loosened her grip on the steering wheel and squeezed Kate's leg affectionately. " Perhaps we need to work on your negative energy. Bad karma, Harmony says."

" Bad karma, my ass, " Kate muttered.

Brenda laughed. " That's my Kate." Then she pulled over to the curb and pointed. " The best bakery I have ever been in. Their pastries are out of this world, but it's the lunch menu that draws most. Green chilies on practically everything, so be prepared."


" I like spicy food."


" Yes, but this is not Tex-Mex." Brenda opened her door, then stopped. " Oh, my, " she whispered. " Look. Have you ever seen a sexier sight? "

Kate followed her gaze, watching long bare legs swing out of a dusty Jeep. Her eyes moved past scuffed hiking boots and up very toned thighs, her mind not quite acknowledging the gun and holster strapped to the woman's waist. A brilliant white sleeveless shirt contrasted nicely with her healthy tan but it was the hazel, laughing eyes that held Kate's attention as the woman pulled her sunglasses off.

" Brenda! Good to see you, " the woman said as she walked toward their car.

" Lee, " Brenda greeted. She got out, motioning for Kate to do the same. " I want you to meet my friend, Kate."

Lee bent at the waist, peering into the car as Kate fumbled with the door. Lee opened it for her, stepping back as an embarrassed Kate crawled from the car. This was the sex maniac sheriff?

" Thank you."

Lee grinned. " All my pleasure."

" Kate, this is Lee, the county sheriff. Lee, Kate Winters."

" I've read your books, Miss Winters. Well, I don't think I've managed to get through the last one yet. Very nice to meet you."

Kate stared at the hand that was held out to her. She was nearly afraid to touch it. But she politely extended her own, surprised at its softness.

" Nice to meet you too. Brenda has told me a little about you." Kate could hear the distaste in her own voice and hoped this woman wouldn't notice. She didn't intend to be rude to the sex maniac.

Again, the laughing eyes captured Kate's. " She has? " Lee turned to Brenda. " Spreading nasty rumors, Simone? "

" Hardly rumors and hardly nasty, darling." Brenda glanced down the sidewalk. " In fact, I believe here comes a member of your fan club now."


" Sheriff Foxx! There you are! "

Kate's eyebrows shot up as she realized the woman was barely out of her teens. Sheriff Foxx? Surely to God that couldn't be her real name. Foxx?

" What can I do for you? "

" I'm Tiffany's friend. Erin."

" Tiffany? "

" From last night."

Lee nodded. " Oh, yes. That Tiffany."

" Well, I'm having some... some car trouble. I thought maybe you could help me. Tiffany said you were very good with your hands."

Lee smiled. " Of course." She turned back to Brenda and Kate. " Duty calls, ladies. Nice to meet you, Miss Winters. Brenda asked me to show you around a bit. I'll come by this evening to collect you. We'll do a quick tour before dark."

Kate stared, shocked that this young girl was so blatantly flirting with the local sheriff. Not only that, but Sheriff Foxx seemed to be taking her up on it. Kate shook her head. She had no desire to spend time with this woman whose actions she found to be repugnant and repulsive, not to mention irresponsible and immature. " No, that's okay. I'm fine. Besides, I'm sure you'll be plenty busy."

Lee's eyes twinkled. " Oh, this won't take all day, trust me. Just seems these girls have a lot of car trouble."

" Well, lucky you're available to assist them, then, " Kate said, unable to keep the sarcasm out of her voice.

Lee laughed. " Brenda, exactly what have you been telling her? "

Brenda waved her away. " Oh, don't mind Kate. Go help the young girl with her car."

Kate purposefully turned her head as those long legs walked away from her. But as she followed Brenda into the bakery, she couldn't help but sneak a peek at the local sheriff. Her hair was dark, nearly black, cut in a short, attractive style. Grudgingly, Kate admitted that a young, twenty-something—gay or straight—


would have a hard time resisting the attractive sheriff. Animal magnetism was something she'd never used to describe a woman before, but this one was oozing with it.

" I swear, I don't know how she does it, " Brenda said as she slid into a booth. " They just flock to her. I doubt she has a spare minute alone."

" Car trouble, " Kate murmured. " Can't they think of something a little more original? "

Brenda laughed. " I'm sure they've used all the excuses they can think of. One friend tells a friend and so on."

Kate leaned forward. " You don't think she was taking that girl somewhere to have sex, do you? "

Brenda shrugged. " You never know with Lee. Her reputation precedes her, so it's assumed, I suppose."

Kate shook her head. " It's disgusting. Not to mention, they are complete strangers. You could get as much satisfaction from a hooker."

" Well, I see you're doing so well with keeping that open mind, darling."

" But Brenda, don't you find it disturbing that the local sheriff is out banging the tourists? My God, that one wasn't even of legal age! "

Brenda laughed. " Banging? Oh Kate, darling, we have got to get you out more."

" I'm serious. Isn't the county afraid of a lawsuit or something? "

" Lawsuit? For what? And it's not like she's going to get one of them pregnant, Katie. And trust me, they come on to her, not the other way around." Brenda patted Kate's arm, her voice turning serious. " You need to lighten up, darling. Lee has become a friend. What she does with her private life is none of my business."

Kate frowned. " Do you think I'm being judgmental? "

" You think? "

Kate nodded. " Probably. And after meeting Harmony, the sheriff did seem almost normal."

Brenda laughed. " Harmony will grow on you." She pointed at


the menu Kate had yet to look at. " Ten lunch burritos to choose from. I've tried them all except the portabella mushroom and spinach."

" What? Too healthy for you? "

" Yes. A burrito should be greasy and spicy."

" And despite all that, you look like you've lost weight."

" Oh, I've shed a few pounds, " Brenda said. " It's just being outdoors and having activity, I think. And of course, the weekly dinners at Harmony and Sunshine's place. They are total vegetarians, so it is nothing but healthy there."

" Weekly dinners? "

" Oh, yes. Most weeks. And you'll join us, of course. Sometimes it's only six or eight of us. Other times, there will be twenty or more. Just depends who Harmony meets during the week."

" Every week? "

" Tuesdays. And if not every week, then at least two out of the month."

" You don't do like... chanting and stuff, do you? "

Brenda laughed. " I swear, Katie, I never knew you were such a stick-in-the-mud! "

Kate closed her menu, her eyes moving among the patrons in the small bakery. It was then that she realized that she was probably the most conservatively dressed one there, something she would never have considered herself in Dallas. But here, among all these earthy people in their leather hiking sandals and cotton shorts, all looking tanned and fit, she felt a bit old and out of place. Even Brenda, still clad in her baggy khakis and soft moccasins, looked more suited to the atmosphere of this local eatery.

" What will you have? "

Kate smiled. " I think I'll live dangerously and try the portabella and spinach."

" Figures." Brenda waved to a waitress who came over immediately. " Hi Remmy. Meet my friend Kate. She's from Dallas."

" Hello, Kate. You must be the one with writer's block."

Kate glared at Brenda. " I'm the writer, yes."


" Well, I hope you like it here as much as Simone does."

Kate ignored the quiet laugh Brenda gave her and pointed at the menu. " I'll have the portabella mushroom and spinach, please."

" Of course."

" Remmy, make mine the black bean and beef, extra cheese."

" The usual tea? "

" Oh, yes. For both of us." Brenda grasped Kate's hand as soon as Remmy walked away. " The most fabulous herbal tea you'll ever taste."

Kate leaned forward. " Does anyone here call you Brenda? "

" Mostly just Lee. She doesn't quite get Harmony."

" Well, at least we have that in common."

" Is this your car? " Lee asked. They stopped next to a candy apple red sports car. It looked like it was fresh off of a showroom floor. Lee couldn't imagine that it wouldn't start.

" Yes. You like it? "

Lee nodded. " Nice. Looks fast."

" Oh, it's very fast, " Erin purred. " Maybe you want to take it for a spin? "

Lee's lips twitched. " I thought it wouldn't start? " She smiled as the young woman had the grace to blush.

" Well, I mean if you can get it to start, then you're welcome to take it out. I mean, maybe we could take a drive this evening or something."

Lee studied her. It would be so easy. A quick drive in the sports car, then take her back to the house. And like her friend Tiffany, she would be eager and willing to try anything. All because their young boyfriends didn't have a clue as how to please them.

But for some reason, Lee wasn't in the mood. No, tonight she craved some normal, adult conversation with a woman who wanted nothing from her. She just didn't have the energy to repeat the night she'd just spent with Tiffany.


" You know, as much fun as that sounds, I've already got plans this evening, " she said quietly. The stricken look on the girl's face almost made her change her mind. Almost.

" Oh." The girl shifted her feet. " Well, maybe some other night, you know, when you're free."

Lee nodded. " Sure, Erin. How long will you be in town? "

" Until the end of next week."

" Okay. Well then maybe we'll hook up." Lee pointed at the car. " Let's see about getting her started."



" Promise me you'll be nice to her."

" I just don't know why you set this up. I don't need a babysitter or someone to show me around."

Brenda had just gotten off the phone with Lee who was on her way over. Kate remained adamant that she did not need a tour of the county.

" I told you, she's knowledgeable of the area and you'll enjoy it. It's so beautiful out there, darling. I think you just need to relax a little and open your mind."

Kate pointed a finger at Brenda. " Do not mention my so-called negative energy again. I have no negative energy, " she stated loudly.

Brenda only smiled. " Of course not, darling."

" And I'm not entirely convinced that you've not been brainwashed by this cult of earth fairies."

Brenda laughed and dismissed her with a wave of her hand.


" Think what you like, but I've never felt better in my entire life. So if they are brainwashing me with positive energy and meditation, all the better."

Kate sighed. " You're right. In the eight years I've known you, I've never seen you more relaxed. Maybe I do have a little negative energy, " Kate admitted.

Brenda nodded. " It'll be good for you here, Katie. Take a few days to relax, then find you a cool spot outside to sit and write. It'll flow for you here, darling. You watch."

Kate stared out the windows to the cliffs. The colors in this early evening light were almost as brilliant as the mornings were. Yes, she could imagine taking her laptop out and sitting in one of the many nooks of their multi-leveled deck. Of course, she wondered how much writing she would get done with the view of the cliffs distracting her. A quick knock on the side patio door brought her out of her musings.

" That'll be Lee. No one ever uses the front door and Harmony and the girls always come around to the deck, " Brenda said as she moved to open the door. " For some reason, Lee has taken to using the side patio."

It was with annoyance that Kate acknowledged the sexual magnetism the local sheriff exuded—and this just from walking into the room. A twenty-year-old wouldn't stand a chance. Yes, this woman was nothing but trouble.

" Hi, Brenda. Miss Winters, " Lee greeted.

" It's Kate, please. You'll have me looking around for my mother if you continue with Miss Winters."

" Of course."

Twinkling eyes captured Kate's without trouble and she mentally kicked herself for not being able to pull away. This woman was a player, she reminded herself. And as soon as they were alone, she was going to make it perfectly clear to the sex maniac sheriff that she was involved with someone. Robin was no doubt sitting at home, alone. It was only then that Kate realized they had not spoken since Robin had dropped her off at the airport the previous


morning. She had not even thought to check her cell phone for messages much less service.

" I brought you some wine, Brenda." Lee held up a jug. " You mentioned the other night that you were running low."

" Oh, darling, how sweet of you." Brenda took the jug, then showed it to Kate. " Sangria wine. Lee makes the best."

" You make your own wine? "

Lee shrugged. " Secret recipe." Then she winked. " But it's got some kick."

" Why don't you have a taste before you go? " Brenda offered.

Kate shook her head. " No, thanks." Did she just wink at me?

" Maybe after our tour, she'll feel like a glass, " Lee said, her twinkling eyes still able to hold Kate's.

" Where will you take her this evening? " Brenda asked.

" Oh, we'll just do the cliff road. Won't have time for much else before it gets dark. I thought maybe Saturday, we could go out earlier and do a real tour."

Kate watched the two as they planned her week. Brenda had something up her sleeve, Kate was almost certain. And if it had anything to do with trying to set her up with this... this sheriff person, Kate would kill her.

" Well, you should go before the suns gets too low. The colors are still good, " Brenda said as she nearly shoved them out the door.

Kate glared at her. " We need to talk, " she hissed just as the door was shut in her face. She found herself alone with Lee Foxx. She smiled, hoping it looked more genuine than it felt. " Lead on, Sheriff."

" The Jeep hasn't seen a top since winter. I hope you won't get cold, but the temperature drops once the sun sets."

Kate paused, glancing at her own bare legs before looking at Lee's.

Lee smiled, a smile that made her eyes twinkle and Kate was again held by diem.

" I'm used to it. But we won't be out long, so you should be fine."

Soon, Kate was sitting in the dusty Jeep, bouncing down the




dirt road toward the cliffs. There was no door to hold on to, so she grasped the dash with one hand and the seat with the other. Lee finally slowed.

" Sorry, but I wanted to try to catch it before the sun set, but I guess we're too late."

Kate looked to the west, still seeing the orange sun barely hanging on to the day. " Catch what? "

" There's a spot where it overlooks the river. The cliffs reflect beautifully at sunset." Lee too looked to the sky. " Might have to catch it another day though."

Kate relaxed a little, the rocks outside her opened door not speeding by quite as quickly.

" Have you started writing yet? "

Kate blinked. " Excuse me? "

Lee shrugged. " Brenda says you have writer's block."

" I swear, is there anyone here she hasn't told? "

" I liked the first few books. The last few, well, no offense, but they sucked."

Kate's eyes widened. She couldn't believe this woman, this stranger, had just said her writing sucked.

" You're a literary critic, I take it? " Kate asked, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

But Lee laughed. " No. I just read them. And I think I've figured out what the problem is."

Kate forced a smile. " Well, please tell me."

" Jennifer. She's the problem."

" What's wrong with Jennifer? "

" Well, there's nothing wrong with her, except she's still pretending to have an interest in Paul. And Paul, he's a nice guy and all, but he just doesn't get Jenn's juices flowing."

Kate's eyes widened. " Excuse me}"

Lee grinned. " Jenn is obviously a lesbian. Why are you holding her back? "

" A lesbian} Where in the world did you get that idea? "

" Oh, come on. She's strong, she's cute as hell, she can kick butt and she's in her thirties and never married, never had a steady


boyfriend. And you try to make us believe that she's got a romantic interest in Paul? Hell, if it wasn't for the forced flirting with these characters, I'd think Paul was gay too."

" Oh my God! I cannot believe you are even saying this. Paul is in love with Jennifer."

" In love? You call that love? Have they even kissed? It's gotten to the point where I'm not sure they even like each other. And that's why I haven't been able to finish your last book. I want to scream at them, I want to scream at Jennifer! Get a clue! You're a dyke! "

Kate was too shocked and angry to even notice the laughing eyes of this... this maniac. If the Jeep had been going any slower, she would have thrown herself out! Instead, she turned, glaring at Lee.

" You obviously have no idea how to weave a story together, " she said through gritted teeth. " The little escapades you have with your young, straight girls cannot pass as life experiences that you want to share in book form. Jennifer Masters is no lesbian."

Lee slowed the Jeep, the grin on her face showing the laugh lines around her eyes. Despite her anger, Kate wondered how old this woman was. She'd assumed, at first meeting, that Lee was barely twenty-five.

" Escapades} What in the world has Brenda been telling you? "

" She didn't have to tell me much. Besides, I was there today when your little friend showed up. Car trouble}"

Lee laughed. " Oh yeah. Forgot about that."

" I take it you were able to help her."

" Whew, it was fast and sleek."

" I don't need details, " Kate said dryly.

" I'm talking about her car. Candy apple red, two-door sports car, ragtop. She let me take it for a spin."

" No doubt. I guess the car trouble wasn't serious."

" Battery cable was loose. Didn't take but a second. Then we had a spin. It was fast."

" Hope you enjoyed it."

" Oh, I did. She could fly."


Kate stared out the window, biting her tongue. It didn't matter in the least what this woman did in her spare time. If she chose to fuck every eighteen-year-old tourist that visited the county, what business was it of Kate's? And if the locals didn't mind their sheriff cavorting arou

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