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CHAPTER THIRTY-ONE. There are forty-seven, Jake said

" There are forty-seven, " Jake said. " Well, forty-four that are still alive. But even then, it's not like we can watch them all."

" Some have maybe moved away, " Gina suggested.

" I'm sure they have. But we still can't do surveillance. How about this? Of these forty-four women, let's break it down to whose husband, boyfriend, whatever, is still on the inside. Or was incarcerated and is now out. And find out if Dr. Westbrook was involved in any of their trials."

" That still won't tell us how someone got his hands on this list, " Lieutenant Gregory said.

" The connection has to be the crisis center, " Rick said.

" But they don't keep records. Not on a computer, anyway. There's no way they could have gotten a list, " Jake reminded him.

" Maybe they didn't need a list. Maybe they work there and just... knew."

Jake shook her head. " That makes no sense. Two of our victims were referred three years ago."

" So maybe it's a former employee, " Gregory said. " Simpson, let's check that out. See if you can get employee records, going back at least three years."

" I think that Dr. Westbrook is the target, " Jake said.

" If she was the target, she'd have been popped by now, " Rick said.

" Why? He's in control this way. Picking off her patients, one by one. Making her watch her back, making her think that maybe it's her fault this is happening. Eventually, it'll affect her practice. I mean, who's going to want to see a shrink whose patients are get-ting whacked? And then, when he's had his fun, he takes her out."

Gregory shrugged. " Okay. I'll buy it. How cooperative is Dr. Westbrook? "

" Well, she's given us what we want so far, " Jake said.

" See if she's up for a detail. We can spare a unit to follow her home at night, hang out. But let's find our guy. Gina, you do background on our list."

" Yes, sir."

" Simpson? "

" Crisis center. I'm on it."

" Take Chase with you. Jake, can you handle Dr. Westbrook? "

Jake let a ghost of a smile touch her face and nodded. " I'm on it."


Nicole held the door open, smiling reassuringly to the women as they walked past. The group session had been good, beneficial even, for only their second meeting.

" Dr. Westbrook? "

" Yes, Joni? "

" I wasn't real enthused about this group session, you know."

Nicole smiled. " Yes, I know."

" But, I feel better today. It was good to listen to others."

" Good." Nicole affectionately squeezed her arm. " It helps, sometimes, to know that you're not alone in situations like this."

" Yeah, it does." The other woman smiled for what Nicole thought was the first time since she'd met her. " I'll see you next Tuesday, Dr. Westbrook."

" Have a wonderful weekend, Joni."

Nicole waited until the elevator doors opened for Joni before going back inside, but she stopped as a familiar figure got off just as Joni got on. Jake caught her eyes, a slow smile forming on her face, a smile that Nicole returned.

" Hanging out in the hallway? "

" I just had a group session. Joni was the last to leave."

" Group, huh? Any of them on my list? "

Nicole sighed and nodded. " A couple." She walked back into the small lobby with Jake following. " Has it helped at all? "

Jake shrugged. " Just getting started on it."

" I see. And what can I help you with today? "

Jake arched an eyebrow. " Actually, I came to talk to Catherine."

" Oh." Nicole hoped the surprise and perhaps disappointment didn't show on her face. She stepped aside and pointed at Catherine. " She's all yours. I have some paperwork to catch up on."

" Thanks."

Nicole met Catherine's eyes briefly, then walked into her own office and shut the door. She leaned against it for a second, eyes closed. Jealous of your secretary! God, you're pathetic.

" How are you doing today, Catherine, " Jake asked easily, walking to sit on her usual corner of the desk.

Catherine smiled, wondering why she wasn't immune to this woman's charm. No wonder Nicole had melted. " I'm fine, Detective."

" Jake, please. I hate all that detective stuff."

" Okay." Catherine leaned back to look up at the other woman. " You really came to see me? "

Jake smiled. " Well, you and the doc." Jake turned serious.

" Listen, have you been getting any strange phone calls, hang-ups, heavy breathing, anything like that? "

Catherine laughed. " All the time."

Jake pulled out her notebook and pen. " Oh, yeah? Tell me about it."

" Jake, I've worked here for years. We've always gotten calls like that."

" Oh. What about the mail? What about threatening letters and such."

" That, too."

" Great, " Jake said dryly. " Have you gotten anything recently? "

" Had a pretty good one last week. Normally, they just threaten Dr. Westbrook, but this one included me."

Jake's eyes narrowed. " Do you still have it? "

Catherine shook her head. " No. I don't keep those things. They make me nervous."

Jake leaned forward. " Tell me what you remember about it."

" Well, it was pretty typical. They mostly blame Dr. Westbrook for them losing their wives and families, and they vow revenge. This one was no different. It said something about taking away her life, little by little, including your loyal secretary. Something like that."

Jake scribbled quickly on her notepad, eyebrows drawn together. " Do you think this particular guy has written before? "

" I couldn't say. Usually, I get letters like that, I just throw them away without reading them."

" And you never thought to contact the police about these letters? "

" Jake, when I first started working here and got the first one, I freaked out. But Nicole said I'd get used to it. And I have. We get letters weekly."

Jake nodded. " Okay. Do me a favor? If you get another one, hang on to it. I'd like to see it." She pulled her card out and handed it to Catherine. " My cell is on there. You can reach me anytime." She stood up. " Now I'm going to bug your boss."

Catherine smiled. " Well, good luck. She's been in a mood the last few days."

" A mood? "

Catherine shrugged. " She won't tell me what's bothering her."

" I see. Well, hopefully, she won't bite my head off."

Nicole looked up as her door opened, and Jake walked inside, closing the door behind her.

" Busy? "

Nicole sighed. " Yes. Does that matter? "

Jake smiled. " No."

" I didn't think so, " she murmured. " I thought you wanted to talk to Catherine."

" I did. I also wanted to talk to you."

" Well, Detective, I can spare a few--"

" Let's stop this, Nicole, " Jake interrupted.

" Stop what? "

" Stop this bullshit. Stop pretending we don't know each other. Stop pretending that we... we haven't seen each other naked. Stop pretending that we're damn strangers."

Nicole stared at Jake's flashing eyes, trying to ignore that she was aroused by her words. " What brought that on? "

" This formality between us, Nicole. That's what brought it on. If you want to pretend that it didn't happen, you can. But don't pretend in front of me. Because I know it did happen." Jake walked closer. " And because it did happen, and because I know you, that's why I'm fucking concerned about this goddamn case, " Jake said, her voice rising.

Nicole swallowed, her eyes never leaving Jake's. " I'm sorry. I'm only pretending it didn't happen because I... I wish it hadn't. That's not me. You're not me."

Jake frowned. " I'm not you? What does that mean? "

Nicole sighed and leaned her head back. " You're not my type, Jake. I've never been... with anyone like you."

Jake raised an eyebrow. " And who is your type? "

Nicole stared. Why was she bothering with this discussion? " I normally go out with other professional women. It's very discreet."

" You're in the closet? " Jake asked incredulously.

" Sort of."

" You're kidding me."

" Why do I have to explain this to you? "

" But why? " Jake asked. " You are who you are, " she said simply.

" Exactly. And this is who I am."

Jake shook her head. " No. I don't think so. I think who you are is out there, " Jake pointed. " In the mountains."

" Look, do you have any... police questions? I really have work to do."

Jake nodded. " I want to discuss this case with you, yes. But not here."

" Not here? "

" No."

" Where do you suggest? "

Jake arched an eyebrow. " Your place or mine? "

" Very funny."

" I'm serious. Or, we could get dinner out."

" And why can't we discuss it here? "

" I'm hungry."

Nicole took a deep breath. They could go out somewhere or pick up a pizza and eat in. Out and they risked being seen. She frowned. Seen by whom? And should she care? But if they ate in, it would be far too intimate. Jesus, why did it have to be so difficult?

" Nicole, you look almost frightened. What's wrong? "

" Do I? "

Jake put her hands on her hips and stared. " Are you scared of me? "

" No, no. Of course not, " Nicole said quickly. " Look, can we maybe grab a pizza and... I don't know, go somewhere? I live out near Golden."

" I'm a lot closer. Besides, Cheyenne is waiting for me."

Nicole couldn't help but smile at the mention of the dog's name. " Okay. How about I follow you? "

Jake nodded. " I'll call one in. Anything you don't like? "

" No. Get whatever you want."

Nicole parked behind Jake in the tiny driveway. The entire street as far as she could tell seemed to be nothing but duplexes. Identical duplexes. It was depressing. She got out and locked her car, then followed Jake. She silently took the pizza from her as Jake struggled to unlock the door.

Jake pushed it open and flipped on a light, motioning Nicole inside. A high-pitched bark and a thud on the back door signaled Cheyenne wanted in.

" Let me get her before she knocks the door down. Make yourself at home."

Nicole put the pizza on the small table just off the kitchen and looked around. This is not how she pictured Jake's home. There was nothing here to indicate the woman loved the mountains, as Nicole knew she did. Then she spotted something familiar. Jake's cane. It was leaning against the wall, not far from the recliner.

" Heads up, " Jake called, as Cheyenne burst into the room.

Cheyenne wagged her tail excitedly as she sniffed Nicole, finally nudging Nicole's hand with a wet nose.

" Hi girl, " Nicole said, bending down to pet the dog.

" She remembers you, " Jake said.

" You think so? "

" Yeah. She never greets anyone."

Nicole straightened up and smoothed her skirt, one hand still rubbing Cheyenne's ear. " How long have you lived here? "

Jake shrugged. " Since I've been in Denver. Five years or so." She pulled out two plates and handed them to Nicole. " What would you like to drink? "

" It doesn't matter."

" Wine? Beer? Coke? "

" What will you have? "

Jake grinned. " Pizza and beer."

Nicole nodded. " Okay. I'll have the same." Nicole put the plates on the table and sat down, still looking around the duplex. No pictures. No... stuff. It was odd. She wondered if Jake's bedroom was any more personal. She looked up as Jake sat a beer bottle in front of her and a pile of napkins.

" Would you like a glass for the beer? "

Nicole smiled. " No, this is fine, " she said, reaching for the bottle and taking a drink. It was cold. And good. She didn't often drink beer. Most of the dinner dates she went on were at expensive, upscale restaurants, and wine was the norm.

" How long did it take you to reach St. Elmo? " Jake asked unexpectedly.

Nicole paused as she was opening the pizza box. " Three days."

" You made good time, " Jake said. " Must not have stopped at many hot springs."

Nicole smiled. " The ones I came across were crowded." She took a large piece of pizza and placed it on Jake's plate. " You're not limping at all, " she stated.

" Not much, no. If I overdo it, it still aches a bit."

" Going to tell me what really happened? "

" What do you mean? "

" All you said was, you had an accident."

Jake took a bite and nodded. " I forget sometimes, that you're a professional at this." She took a swallow of beer before continuing. " There was a shooting. Three ended up dead. I survived."

Nicole leaned forward. " You're leaving out an awful lot of detail, Jake."

" Yeah? Well, maybe I'll tell you about it sometime." She motioned to the pizza. " You're not eating."

Nicole picked up the piece of pizza on her plate and took a bite, her eyes never venturing far from Jake. It was so familiar, sitting here eating with her, that it was almost eerie. Cheyenne leaned against her leg, her eyes darting between the two of them, hoping for a treat.

" So, Catherine tells me you're single, " Jake said.

Nicole stopped chewing and stared. " Catherine talks too much."

Jake shrugged. " Beautiful woman like yourself... successful, why are you single? "

Nicole reached for a second piece of pizza. " And you? "

Jake took another piece, too. She smiled. " Haven't yet met that one person who wants to give up this life and retreat to the mountains with me." Jake raised an eyebrow. " Might not ever meet her. Might have to live in my cabin all by myself."

" Your cabin's home, isn't it? " Nicole motioned to the living room. " This place is just... what? A place to sleep? "

Jake nodded. " Is it that obvious? "

" Yes, Jake. It's as stark as a motel room."

Jake put her pizza down and took a swallow of beer. " Catherine tells me she gets threatening mail weekly."

" Is that what she tells you? "

" And phone calls, too."

" Like I said, she talks too much."

" And you just dismiss it? "

" Jake, I've been getting threatening mail for years. I told you that."

" It's different now, Nicole. This is for real."

" You're saying that someone is so pissed at me that they are willing to kill my former patients? For what, Jake? "

" Revenge. It's always about revenge, Nicole."

" But why? I've only testified in a handful of cases over the years. Usually, by the time I get them, the court cases are set. I encourage them to go through with it, of course. But I rarely have to testify."

" We're going over every person on the list, looking at old cases, seeing who is still in prison and who is not. That sort of thing, " Jake said.

" And you're convinced it's not just coincidence? "

" It's not coincidence, Nicole. Don't even think that."

" It makes no sense, Jake."

" Killing rarely makes sense."

Nicole shoved her plate away and picked up the beer bottle, draining the last of it. " So, do you think I'm at risk? "

" Yes. Maybe not right now, but... soon."

" Because he's targeting women to get back at me but eventually, that won't be enough."

" Exactly."

" And he'll come after me."

" Yes."

Nicole twirled the empty beer bottle in her hands. " I had a stalker once, " she said. " About five years ago. Maybe six now."

Jake stood up, going to the fridge and grabbing them each a fresh beer. " Oh yeah? "

" Scared the hell out of me when he showed up at my house."

" And Denver's finest came and rescued you? "

" Something like that."

Jake frowned. " What happened? "

" They shot him. Killed him on my front lawn."

Jake slid the beer bottle toward Nicole. " Why? "

Nicole met her eyes. " I'm not really sure. He wasn't armed."

Jake reached across the table and captured Nicole's hand, squeezing gently. " I'm sorry."

Nicole stared at their hands, surprised that she felt comforted by such an innocent gesture. She looked up, again falling into dark eyes and wanting to stay there. It was odd, the familiarity between them. They had only spent a day and a half together in the mountains, yet Nicole felt more comfortable in Jake's presence than almost anyone else in her life. Yes, it was scary. So, she pulled her hand away. It was the only sensible thing to do.

Jake leaned forward and smiled. " Don't be afraid of me. Whatever happened between us is in the past. I'm on a case, and you're a part of it. And I don't ever mix business... with pleasure, " she said quietly. Her eyes locked on Nicole's again. " Okay? "

Nicole nodded. " Okay."

Jake smiled. " Good. And because we do know each other, sort of, I'd like to think that you'd trust me with your files, if I need them."

" Jake..."

" I know. Confidential. But maybe, off the record, we could have an understanding? " Jake reached across the table again and captured Nicole's hand. " I'm serious. This could get very personal."

" I'm worried about my integrity."

" And I'm worried about your life, " Jake said.

Nicole sighed. " You think it's that serious? "

" Of course I do, " Jake said, her voice rising. " He's killed three women."

Nicole lowered her head. " The profession I'm in, Jake, there are threats. I know taking clients from the crisis center is risky, but they have no place else to go, and they need help." Nicole shrugged. " So, you live with the risks."

" Not this time."

" Jake, I have a job to do. I have obligations. I can't just run because there might be complications."

" Complications? Nicole, trust me, if it points to you, you're in protective custody so fast you won't have time to protest."

" Like hell! Jake, I won't have my life disrupted. I won't have my practice disrupted. No! "

" And you know what? I don't care, " Jake said easily. " My job is to protect you. And if that means disrupting your life and your practice--so be it."

" You can't do that. Not without my cooperation."

Jake smiled. " Watch me."


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