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The ride to Jake's duplex was made in silence. Nicole sat staring straight ahead, and Jake looked at her often, wondering if she should say something, anything. But, before she could decide, she exited off the interstate and headed to her small duplex. It occurred to her then that one of them would have to sleep on the sofa. Jake would offer her bed. Nicole was probably in more need of rest.

" Who do you think it is, Jake? "

" We're thinking it's a husband of one of your patients. Frankie Nichols was released just six months ago. We're meeting with his PO--his probation officer--first thing in the morning."

" But I don't know him. And I wasn't involved in his trial, " Nicole said quietly.

" I'm sorry, but it's all we've got."

" And if it's not him? "

Jake glanced at her quickly. " We wait."

" Until he does it again? "

Jake nodded. " He dumps his victims. Usually a day or two after he kills them. My theory is he washes them before he dumps them. None of them have had any trace evidence. They are totally clean."

Nicole slowly moved her hand across the console and touched Jake's arm. " I'm really glad I know you. If not, I have this fear I'd be at my house alone tonight."

" I hate to say it, but yeah, you'd be pretty much on your own. Because, Nicole, really, we got shit on this case."

" And it's just your gut feeling that I'm in danger? "

" Yeah. Up until tonight, of course."

Nicole took a deep breath. " I was parked in the street, watching my house, wondering if I should wait for you there or drive off, when I saw this... this shadow cross the window from the inside of my house. It was just like before, " she said quietly.

" Before? "

" The stalker I told you about. The night he was at my house, it was just the opposite. I was inside, and I saw his shadow in the window as he walked in front."

" That's the night you called the cops? "

" Yes."

Jake pulled into her driveway and cut the engine. She opened the back, letting Cheyenne jump out before grabbing Nicole's overnight bag. The chill hit her immediately, and she watched as Nicole wrapped her arms around herself trying to keep warm.

" Why in the world would you wear something like that this time of year? "

" Don't ask."

Jake shook her head. " I never understood that... that fashion thing, " she said. " If high heels and pointed toes make your feet hurt, why do women wear them? "

" Why do women do most things? To please a man."

" And your reason would be? "

Nicole sighed. " I'll blame Catherine. She wouldn't let me wear the suit I had on."

Jake walked quickly to the front door, Nicole right beside her. Cheyenne waited patiently for the door to open, then preceded them both inside. Jake went around and turned on lights, then made sure the door was locked. Nicole stood at the edge of the living room, watching her.

" Jake? Can I change? "

" I'm sorry. Of course. The bedroom's in there, " she pointed.

Nicole picked up her bag from the sofa where Jake had tossed it and walked quietly into the room. It wasn't much different from the rest of the house although there was a lovely print hanging on one wall, a mountain scene, and Nicole stared at it for the longest. It brought a sense of peace, and she could almost smell the forest. She took a deep breath, then sat her overnight bag on the neatly made bed. Kicking off her shoes, she looked around, looking for anything personal of Jake's, something to shed a little light on her personality. But there was nothing. The dresser was clean, except for a wristwatch and two framed pictures. Before changing, she walked closer, bending over to peer at the pictures. One was of a cabin, tucked into the forest. Nicole smiled fondly. Cheyenne was on the porch, staring at the camera.

" Jake's cabin, " Nicole murmured. Beautiful. The other, the falls at sunrise. One of Jake's attempts to capture the colors, no doubt. It was beautiful, yes. But Nicole knew, having seen it in person, the picture just didn't do the falls justice, as Jake had said.

After changing into sweat pants, Nicole went into the bathroom. It, too, was neat, clean. She splashed water on her face, then took out her facial soap and washed off what was left of her makeup.

She found Jake and Cheyenne on the sofa. Jake's feet were resting on the coffee table, and Cheyenne was lying half on her lap, eyes closed as Jake rubbed her ear.

" She looks comfortable, " Nicole said.

Jake smiled. " There's room for you, too."

Nicole sat on the other side of Cheyenne and mimicked Jake's posture. She let out a contented sigh.

" Long day? "

" Yes." Nicole turned her head to look at Jake. " Thank you. I feel... safe here. With you."

Jake only nodded. She was thankful Cheyenne was there to separate them, because right now, Nicole looked too enticing to resist. Her face looked clean, soft, her hair still damp. She finally pulled her eyes away. " We need to get out of here early in the morning. You'll go straight to your office, right? "

" Yes, provided I have a car."

" Rick is having someone bring it by tonight. I'll talk to my lieutenant about having a patrol assigned to you."

" The thought of going to my house and staying there alone is frightening. I'm not sure I can do that."

Jake nodded. " We'll work something out. Let me talk to my lieutenant first." She gently lifted Cheyenne's head off her lap and stood, her leg cramping just a little as she put weight on it. " You look beat." Jake held out her hand to Nicole, who took it and let herself be pulled to her feet.

They stood together, hands still clasped. Nicole had this nearly overwhelming desire to nestle in Jake's arms and burrow herself against the other woman, where it was safe.

" Just let me grab a blanket and pillow, then it's all yours, " Jake said, pulling her hand away and leaving Nicole standing alone.

" Your bed? Jake, I can take the sofa, " Nicole offered.

" You'll be more comfortable in a bed. The sheets are clean. Well, two days clean. I can change them if you want."

" No, that's fine." She watched as Jake came out, limping slightly, and tossed the pillow and blanket on the sofa next to Cheyenne, who hadn't budged. " Is your leg bothering you? "

" It stiffens up on me when I sit."

Nicole nodded. " Well, thanks for your bed. I..."

" It's okay. I seldom sleep through the night anyway."

Nicole was about to ask why, then remembered Jake's aversion to personal questions and answers. But she asked anyway. " Why don't you sleep through the night? "

Jake just shrugged. " Dreams."

Nicole remembered another time when Jake had woken them both. And all Jake had said was " damn dream." But she wouldn't pry. Not now. So, she moved to walk past Jake, then she stopped and leaned over, lightly kissing Jake's cheek. " Thank you for coming to my rescue."

Jake took a step away from Nicole and simply nodded. " Good night."

As soon as Nicole was settled, Jake stretched out on the sofa and pulled the blanket over her, eyes wide open. Cheyenne lay on the floor next to her, and she let her hand drop, fingers curling into soft fur. No doubt her resolve was about to be tested by Nicole's nearness. A kiss on the cheek and you're getting all gooey-eyed? Geez.


Nicole snuggled under the covers, eyes closed contentedly. Jake's scent nearly overwhelmed her. It was a scent she remembered distinctly from another time... and another place. And despite her assertion that Jake was not her type-- at all-- she still couldn't fight the attraction she had for the other woman.

A cop. You're attracted to a cop. Could it be any worse?


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