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CHAPTER FIFTY-TWO. Nicole put the bag on the table and waited for Cheyenne's greeting
Nicole put the bag on the table and waited for Cheyenne's greeting. She wasn't disappointed as the dog danced excitedly around her. " So either she likes me or she wants me to give her one of our burgers, " Nicole said, rubbing both her palms across Cheyenne's face. " I'd guess both, " Jake said. She opened the fridge, staring inside at the nearly empty compartment. " No beer. One Coke." She turned to Nicole and cocked an eyebrow. " There's a bottle of chardonnay, " she said almost apologetically. " Yes, please." " Wine and burgers." Jake shook her head disgustedly, as she pulled the bottle of wine from the fridge. " Just doesn't go together. And it's certainly not what you're used to." Nicole walked over and stilled Jake's hands as she fingered the corkscrew. She drew Jake to her, wrapping both arms around her. Nicole moved her lips over Jake's neck to her ear. " Burgers and wine with you beat a blind date at the fanciest restaurant any day, " she whispered. Jake dropped the corkscrew on the counter, pulling Nicole close, letting their bodies meld together. They just held each other, nothing more. She finally loosened her grip, and Nicole slipped slowly away from her. " So, where are you taking me hiking tomorrow? " Jake picked up the corkscrew, smiling at Nicole. " Thanks, " she said quietly. Damn, but she sometimes felt so inadequate around Nicole. Out of her league, her mind screamed. And yes, she knew that. Jesus, they'd had cheap takeout every time Nicole had been here. " You know, I really do like to cook. I just rarely do it." She shrugged. " I didn't want you to think I did takeout every night." " It's not like we've had time to cook a meal, Jake." " Well, maybe tomorrow, after our hike, we'll cook in. How's that? " " That'd be great. But you never said where you were taking me." " We'll have to see how much snow the mountains got. I like going out around Mount Evans." Jake brought the wine and two glasses to the table, shoving Cheyenne out of the way as she opened the wrap on her burger. " But we may have to stay in the lower elevations. Red Rocks Canyon, maybe." Nicole bit into her burger, nodding. " Yes, I've hiked Red Rocks before. But if the weather is okay, I'd prefer to go farther up in the mountains. Get away from the city, you know? " Jake nodded. She knew exactly what Nicole meant. Run away from all this madness for at least a day. But in the end, the case would still be here, hanging over their heads. " I love to hike the old mining roads around Mount Evans. We could maybe try that, " she suggested. " I haven't been on a hiking trail since... well, since I met you out there, " Nicole said quietly. " Although you and I never actually hiked together." Jake grinned. " We didn't hike, no." Nicole put her half-eaten burger down and leaned toward Jake. " Do you do that often? " Jake raised an eyebrow. " Do what? " " Seduce stranded hikers? " Jake reached across the table and lightly fingered Nicole's hand. " Actually, I can honestly say that you were a first." " Really? " " Really." Nicole nodded and picked up her burger again, trying to hide the very pleased smile that threatened. It was a silly question to begin with. How many lesbians could possibly get lost and end up at Jake's hot springs? Jake was surprised at the hint of jealously in Nicole's question. For all they had been through--back then in the mountains and now here, with this case--they had yet to talk about their personal relationship. It was almost as if that part of things existed only when they were alone and only when they were in bed. And even then, they didn't really talk about what was happening with them, between them. It was just... there. And when the case was over, that would be over, too. They both knew it. Perhaps that was why they didn't talk about it. Jake lost interest in her burger, and a very happy Cheyenne was the beneficiary, finishing it off in two large bites.
" Oh, God, it's beautiful, " Nicole said, her breath frosting around her as she turned a circle, surveying the snowcapped mountains around them. " I haven't been up here in the winter in so long, I'd forgotten how breathtaking it could be." Jake smiled as she watched Nicole trudge through the snow, Cheyenne at her heels. The upper elevations got over a foot of snow, but here, the old mining roads were still visible. Unfortunately, they weren't the only ones to take a chance on the snow. Three other cars were already in the lot. Nicole turned around, waiting. Then she frowned as Jake grimaced when she took a step. " Is your leg bothering you today? " Jake shook her head. " Oh, it's just stiff from the long drive and with the cold, it just takes it longer to loosen up." And it was mostly true. However, last night, as Nicole climaxed, her knee hit Jake square on the fading scar, sending shooting pain down her leg. Pain, yes, but nothing so severe that it squelched her own pleasure as Nicole straddled her hips. Just the thought of their lovemaking caused her stomach to clench. She locked glances with Nicole, acknowledging the lingering desire still there. Their shower together this morning had turned into more and Jake wondered, if they were to have a real relationship, would the physical part remain as intense as it was now? Nicole walked closer, stopping but a breath away from Jake. " Did I hurt you last night? " she asked quietly. She blushed, remembering how she'd wantonly taken Jake last night. She simply couldn't get enough, and she'd straddled Jake's body in her desire to get as close as possible to the woman. It scared her, this physical need she had of Jake. When it ended, how was she going to survive? Jake shook her head. " No. You didn't hurt me." Nicole nodded. " We don't have to hike for long, Jake. Just say the word." " I'm fine. I'm looking forward to this as much as you are." Nicole flashed a bright smile before turning down the trail. Cheyenne followed her, looking back once to make sure Jake was coming. " Fickle dog, " Jake murmured. " Perfect weather for stew, " Nicole said, as she blew on the spoon to cool it. She smiled after taking her first bite, her eyes meeting Jake's across the table. " Delicious." Jake passed the homemade bread across the table, secretly pleased that Nicole liked it. She'd wanted to cook today, not settle for takeout. Well, the homemade bread came from the bakery down the street. They were both chilled from their hike in the mountains, and Jake got the stew going, quickly chopping onions and potatoes while Nicole showered. By the time Nicole had emerged from the bathroom, Jake had a fire going in the tiny fire-place, and the smell of their simmering dinner wafted through the small duplex. " I checked e-mail earlier. There was only a brief note from Steven, " Jake said. " He's found something but he wouldn't go into it. He wants to meet in the morning." Nicole noticed the worried expression on Jake's face. " And you're afraid of what he's going to tell you? " " It's got to do with Gregory, I'm sure. And you know, he's a good lieutenant. He's always been by the book. That's why this whole thing just blows me away. I can't believe he's involved in something like this." " If you have evidence, who will you go to? " " Captain Zeller, if I'm sure he's not involved. From there, Internal Affairs." Jake dipped the bread into the stew, taking her first bite. " Of course, we may be solving a six-year old stalker case. I'm not certain how this is going to help us on this case." " I read the Post online this morning. There wasn't a big write-up about the murders, just a follow-up on Jena Nichols. Nothing about Lori." " Probably tomorrow. I get the Sunday paper delivered so we'll know soon enough. With our luck, the story will make the front page." " Wonder why there hasn't been more written about it? " Nicole shrugged. " Four women's bodies dumped over a three-month period should cause suspicions, don't you think? " " There hasn't been an official announcement from the police department, it would only be speculation by the crime beat reporter. And unless they are absolutely positive, the paper is not going to suggest we have a serial killer on the streets." " But your lieutenant said they are going to report it as a serial killer so they must have something." " My guess is Dr. Benson may have let something slip. She's notorious for that. She doesn't care how it impacts an investigation." Nicole nodded as she ate more of the stew, wondering if it would be impolite to request a second bowl. " Have you talked to Rick today? " " No. I'll call him tonight. I want to make sure Michelle is gone." " You two really get along, don't you? " " Me and Rick? Yeah, he's the best partner I could ever hope to have." Jake met Nicole's eyes for a second. " That and... you know, he saved my life." " He seems like a really nice guy." " Yeah. And he understands me, he accepts that I'm gay, he... loves me." What's not to love? But Nicole managed to keep her thoughts to herself. She was again envious of the freedom Jake had by being open about her lifestyle. How much easier would it be to not have to pretend to be straight? And how foolish was it really? How many people knew the truth but played along with the lies, just to save face? " Steaks and football tomorrow? " she asked instead. " Yes. Depends, of course, on what Steven has for us."