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Although still daylight, the sun had long disappeared behind the mountains to the west. They were traveling down a familiar road, and Nicole was surprised that they were heading to Golden. As if reading her thoughts, Matthew shook his head.

" We're not going to your house. But up in the foothills, yes. My father has a cabin there." He grinned. " It's been very useful."

" So that's why it was so easy for you to get to my house, " she said quietly. " I am curious as to how you knew my alarm code."

He laughed. " Dr. Westbrook, with a computer, you can find out all sorts of interesting facts. Your alarm company has what I hesitate to even call a firewall. I was in their system in seconds."

" I'll take your word for it. I'm not really... into computers."

" And apparently, neither is your secretary. Your records are very vulnerable."

" I don't see how. Only our two computers are linked, but we're not open to the outside. Are we? "

" I sent an e-mail to your Catherine. As soon as she opened the attachment, I was in."

" Catherine's very strict about e-mail. I can't believe she'd open an attachment from someone she didn't know."

Again, that smug laugh. " It was disguised as coming from the Psychiatric Journal wanting updated information on you. It was a Trojan Horse virus that gave me remote access to her computer. So, at night, I could log on and view all your files."

" Which is how you gained access to the names of my former patients."

" See how easy that was? "

" But why? "

He shook his head. " We have plenty of time to talk, Dr. Westbrook." Matthew pulled off the main road and headed farther out into the foothills. " We'll be there soon enough."


By the time Jake got to her duplex and there was still no sign of Rick or Nicole, she was in panic mode. Steven did his best to calm her.

" We'd have heard something."

" From whom? " she nearly yelled, once again dialing Rick's cell. " Let's just go to Nicole's office and see what we find." She whistled for Cheyenne, pausing to grab two water bottles from her fridge, one of which she tossed to Steven. " Come on, Stevie. No time to waste."

Rick opened his eyes, then quickly shut them again. It hurt to blink, it hurt to move his eyes. He tried it again, a loud moan escaping as he struggled to sit up. He reached to the back of his head, feeling the wet stickiness.

" Fuck, " he whispered. He rolled to his side, finding his cell. He held it to his face, but his eyes would not focus. He punched caller ID, knowing that Jake's cell was the third number. His head rested against the carpet, and he was aware of his shallow breathing.

Jake snatched up her phone on the first ring. " McCoy, " she said tersely.

" It's me."

" Jesus Christ, Rick! Where are you? Are you okay? "

" I'm... I'm at Nicole's office... and no, not really okay, " he murmured.

" Where's Nicole? "

" I don't know. I don't... know, " he whispered.

" Hang on, buddy. I'm almost there." Jake disconnected, then tossed the phone to Steven. " Call it in. We need an ambulance."

" What about backup? "

" No time for that." She gripped the wheel tightly, speeding through downtown. " No time for Zeller."

Jake refused to speculate what was going on. It would do no good. So, she pushed her personal feelings aside and tried to focus on the situation. If Rick was injured, and he didn't know where Nicole was, chances were, she'd been... taken.

By him.

" Goddamn fucker, " she murmured, as she sped down the streets.

" So? What do you think? "


Nicole stood outside the small cabin, still handcuffed to Matthew Gregory. With dismay, she noted the seclusion of the cabin. She was on her own.

" Nice, " she finally said.

" It's cozy, I'll say that." He pulled her up the steps and opened the front door. Not exactly spacious, but the living room was indeed cozy as it was flanked on one side by the opened kitchen and a giant fireplace on the opposite wall. " I know it's cold, " he said. " And if you'll behave long enough, I'll get a fire going."

" Were you this courteous to your previous victims? "

He walked closer. " I was as courteous as I needed to be."

Nicole swallowed nervously, reminding herself to hold her tongue. This young man held her life in his hands. She stood still as he produced a handcuff key and unlocked them. She instinctively rubbed her wrist where the cuff had been.

" Did I hurt you? "

She shook her head. " No, I'm okay."

He nodded. " Please sit there, " he said, pointing to the worn sofa. " I'll get a fire going."

She silently watched him, wondering if she should make a run for the door. Common sense told her to stay put. For one thing, she doubted she could outrun a twenty-four-year-old kid. No matter how scared she was.


Jake pulled on one of the doors, surprised that it was unlocked. She'd had visions of having to shatter the glass doors to gain entrance. She walked quickly past the empty reception desk and punched the elevator button impatiently.

" You think this place stays unlocked? "

Jake glanced at Steven, then punched the button again. " Who the hell knows? With our luck, probably." The quiet tone of the elevator signaled its arrival, and Jake squeezed between the doors as soon as they opened.

" Once we get to the floor, stay behind me, " she said. " We don't know what we're going to find."

Steven nervously clasped and unclasped his hands as he watched the digital numbers announce each floor. " Ambulance should be right behind us. Right? "

" Right, " Jake murmured. The doors opened quietly, and she reached for her weapon, holding it out in front of her as she walked silently toward Dr. Westbrook's office. " The blinds are down, " she murmured.

" What? "

" The blinds. They're down. They're always up."

The office door was ajar, and Jake used her foot to ease it open slowly. Her gut told her it was clear, but she wouldn't take the chance. She motioned Steven against the wall, then slid her hand through the door, touching the light switches and illuminating the inner office. Nothing looked out of place.

" Rick? " she called. She moved into the room, weapon pointing out in front her. Her eyes flew to Nicole's office door. It, too, was ajar. She cocked her head, listening. " Ricky? " she called again. Nicole's office door moved, opening slightly.

When Steven moved forward, Jake stopped him. " Wait. Let's make sure, " she whispered. She moved silently against the wall, her eyes glued to the opening. But she needn't have worried. Rick's faint voice called to her.

" Jake. You there? "

Jake pushed the door open, hitting Rick's leg in the process. She flipped on the light switch by the door. Her partner lay sprawled, face down, eyes closed. She quickly knelt beside him, gently touching his head.

" Ricky? What happened, buddy? "

" Don't really know, " he whispered.

" You've got a knot the size of a baseball, " she said. " It's split open."

" I know." He showed her his bloody hand.

Jake bent close to his ear. " Where's Nicole? "

" He has her, " Rick murmured. " I'm sorry I... failed."

" You shut the fuck up. You didn't fail." Jake looked at Steven. " Where's the goddamn ambulance? "

" I'll... I'll go downstairs and wait."

" Call it in again. Tell them we have an officer down, " Jake said calmly, knowing that Steven was probably ready to piss in his pants.

" I'm on it, " he said and bolted from the room.

" Jesus, Jake... what have you done to him? He's a computer nerd, " Rick mumbled.

" I think he prefers computer 'geek'." Jake stretched out on the floor beside Rick, meeting his tired eyes. " Tell me what happened."

Rick closed his eyes for a second, then opened them and met Jake's. " She was in the room there. The file room... by Catherine's desk, " he murmured. He closed his eyes again. " I saw that her office door was open. It had been closed when we got here, " he said slowly. " He was in here." When he opened his eyes, Jake was there. " I walked right into it. He was behind the door. Nice looking young man, " he whispered.

" Okay." Jake reached out and squeezed his hand. " Just lie still, Ricky. Close your eyes, " she said softly. " We'll find her."


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