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I. Translate the following phrases and sentences from the text?

1. This all happened on the same day. And that day was a Saturday, the red Saturday on which, in the unforgettable football match between Tottenham Hotspur and the Hanbridge F. C. (formed regardless of expense in the matter of professionals), the referee would certainly have been murdered had not a Five Towns crowd observed its usual miraculous self-restraint. 2. His place of business - whatever high-class dentists choose to call it - was quite ready for him. 3. Specimen " uppers" and " lowers" and odd teeth were shining in their glass case. 4. The patient was a tall, stiff, fair man of about thirty, with a tousled head, and in inelegant but durable clothing. He had a drooping moustache, which prevented Mr. Cowlishaw from adding his teeth up instantly. 5. " Will you kindly sit down, " said Mr. Cowlishaw, pointing to the chair of chairs. 6. And thereupon he opened his mouth wide and displayed, not without vanity, a widowed gum. 7. " 'ont 'eeth, " he explained, keeping his mouth open and omitting preliminary consonants. 8. I should expect you to furnish me with new teeth for nothing... 9.... and every gazer would inevitably be familiarized with the name and address of Mr. Cowlishaw, and with the fact that Mr. Cowlishaw was dentist-in-chief to the heroical Rannoch. 10. " I'll put the job in as low as possible, " said Mr. Cowlishaw, persuasively.

II. Give the principal forms of the following verbs:

to buy; to choose; to shine; to sit; to set; to pay; to cost; to fight; to beat; to fall

III. Find in the text English equivalents for the following Russian phrases and sentences. Use them in situations based on the text:

Он приехал в Хэнбридж в пятницу вечером; сам факт, что...; на многие мили вокруг; несмотря на зубную боль; это был, действительно, пациент; вот в чем дело; как все это произошло?; это была удача!; вы могли бы поместить небольшую заметку в газете...; это стоило бы вам один шиллинг; как зачарованные, будут смотреть часами на...; завернуть

IV. Respond to the following questions or statements and correct them if necessary (see Unit One, Ex. IV, p. 22):

1. Mr. Cowlishaw was a grey-haired old bachelor. 2. Mr. Cow-lishaw's surgery wasn't ready for him when he arrived at Hanbridge, was it? 3. As soon as Mr. Cowlishaw set up in the district, the number of people in the town needing dental treatment increased surprisingly. 4. Mr. Cowlishaw stayed away from the match because he was not a football fan. 5. Mr. Cowlishaw didn't know that Hanbridge had been defeated, did he? 6. From the football edition of the paper Mr. Cowlishaw learned that Rannoch wasn't popular with the football fans. 7. When the doorbell rang Mr. Cowlishaw was sure it was a client. 8. When the client said his name was Rannoch, -that didn't mean anything to Mr. Cowlishaw, or did it? 9. Rannoch said he wanted to put a notice about Mr. Cowlishaw in the local newspaper. 10. Rannoch said a notice in the Signal would cost a pound. 11. Rannoch's scheme would not have been a good advertisement for Mr. Cowlishaw, would it? 12. Mr. Cowlishaw furnished Rannoch with new front teeth for a low fee, didn't he?

V. Answer the following questions:

1. Who was Mr. Cowlishaw and what kind of practice did he buy? 2. What were Mr. Cowlishaw's thoughts as he sat waiting for " dental sufferers" to come to him on his opening day? 3. What do we know about the Saturday football match and why did the author call it a carnage?

4. How did the ring at the door affect Mr. Cowlishaw? 5. What did the newcomer do when he stepped into the surgery? 6. What was the story the man told Mr. Cowlishaw? 7. What caused Mr. Cowlishaw's heart beat violently? 8. Why did Rannoch choose Mr. Cowlishaw as his dentist? 9. Did Mr. Cowlishaw like the patient's scheme? Then why did he refuse to accept Rannoch's terms? 10. Why did Rannoch call Mr. Cowlishaw " one of those amateurs"?

VI. Find evidence in the text to support the following statements:

1. The Saturday football match was a great event. 2. Mr. Cowlishaw was impatient to start work. 3. The attendant played his part with relish. 4. Mr. Cowlishaw's first patient surpassed his expectations.

5. The celebrated centre-forward lacked good manners. 6. Mr. Cowlishaw's first long-awaited patient disappointed him. 7. Mr. Cowlishaw and Mr. Rannoch interpreted the words " amateur" and " professional" differently.

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