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Structural patterns. 1. Would + infinitive in simple sentences

1. Would + Infinitive in Simple Sentences... it would be very hard for him to rest there in the city.

In simple sentences would + indefinite or perfect infinitive generally denotes an unreal action (the Analytical Subjunctive). The indefinite infinitive refers the action to the present or future, the perfect infinitive - to the past.

You would not have me in the house, I'd be very irritable. Вы бы не потерпели меня у себя в доме, я был бы очень раздражительным.
A month ago I would have doubted the truth of the story. Месяц назад я бы усомнился в правдивости этой истории.

Note: the phrases I should (would) think (have thought), I should (would) say (have said) are common and are generally used to lend the sentence a milder and more polite form. Their use in this case differs from the use of the Indicative Mood only stylistically.

" I should think, " said Mrs. Thayer, " it would be very hard for. him to rest there in the city." " Я полагаю, - сказала миссис Тейер, там в городе ему было бы трудно отдохнуть".
" How long did you wait? " - " I would say a good five minutes." " Сколько времени вы ждали? " - " Пожалуй (я бы сказал), не менее пяти минут".

2. Need + Infinitive

Не needn't tell anybody where he is.

The modal verb need denoting necessity is used only in negative and interrogative sentences. The time reference of the action is shown by the form of the infinitive.

The indefinite infinitive refers the action to the present; the per--fect infinitive refers it to the past.

Need + perfect infinitive expresses an action which has been performed though it was not necessary. It implies a waste of time and effort.

You needn't switch off the radio, I'm not going to read. Можете не выключать радио. Я не собираюсь читать.
Need you be so irritable? Стоит ли так раздражаться?
You needn't have bought the book (but you did). It is available at the library. Вам не надо было бы покупать эту книгу. Она есть в библиотеке.
You needn't have sent us the - telegram (but you did). We knew you were coming on Friday. Не стоило (не надо было) присылать нам телеграмму. Мы знали, что вы возвращаетесь в пятницу.

Note: Didn't have to do smth shows that the action did not take place.in the past because it was unnecessary.

I didn't have to buy the book as I had it at home. Мне не пришлось (не надо было) покупать эту книгу, так как она была у меня дома.
I didn't have to send them a telegram for they knew I was coming on Friday. Мне не пришлось (не надо было) посылать им телеграмму, потому что они знали, что я приезжаю в пятницу.

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