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A calculation on reduction of cost prices of the insurance bonuses (payments) actually prepaid by the subjects of agrarian market of the Melitopol district due to money of the state budget in 2007
Table 4 A calculation is on reduction of cost prices of the insurance bonuses (payments) actually prepaid by the subjects of agrarian market of the Melitopol district due to money of the state budget in 2008
On the whole in 2008 IC «Oranta-Sich» was insured the Melitopol branch 1245 hectare sowing on a lump insurance sum 2368537, 00 hrn. The middle insurance tariff on the celled contracts of insurance presents 3, 73%. Size of insurance payment prepaid by economies to the insurance company presented 94195, 00 hrn., from that 45097, 50 hrn. to the economies were compensated. On results work of market in Ukraine in 2011 [3] IC «Oranta-Sich» entered in the complement of 15 insurance companies - leaders of agrarian insurance market.
Passing an act of Ukraine " About the features of insurance of agricultural produce with state support" from 09.02.2012 № 4391-17 [7] defined the model of organization of the system of insurance of agricultural produce with state support, in accordance with that, insurance companies that render corresponding services must answer certain requirements [5], in particular, to get a license to realization of insurance of agricultural produce; to become the member of the Agrarian insurance pool; to have an experience of wears away insurance of agricultural risks and others like that.
IC «Oranta-Sich» plans to prolong active activity in industry of agrarian insurance, and thus to national committee of financial services a request and all necessary documents are given for the receipt of license to realization of insurance of agricultural produce. Upon receipt corresponding license IC «Oranta-Sich», must decide or enter to her to the Agrarian insurance pool (AIP), and thus to render services in industry of voluntarily insurance of agricultural risks with state support(by standard agreement), or to work on the rules of insurance company the specialists worked out directly. There is also a variant to get a license, and render services in industry of agrarian insurance on standard agreements, that the specialists of project of IFC offer " Development of agrarian insurance in Ukraine". It is suggested to consider the conditions of the standard agreement of insurance of sowing areas of agricultural cultures with state support, ratified committee of financial services, after that an insurance company can insure sowing of winter wheat in 2012. [6] And also to compare them to the standard contract of sowing insurance of winter-annual grain-crops on the period of feather wintering, worked out by the specialists of project of IFC " Development of agrarian insurance in Ukraine". (table. 5) On the basis of undertaken studies it is possible to define that from the contracts of insurance of agricultural cultures, with state support or without, will be most acceptable as for an insurer so for a agrarian producer and will provide effective advancement at the market of insurance product
Table 5 Comparative table of terms of sowing i ns urance contracts of winter crops (wheats) on the period of feather wintering with state support and worked out by the specialists of project of IFC " Development of agrarian insurance in Ukraine"
Doing the comparative analysis of data of table 5, and also considering the conditions of the insurance agreement of agricultural harvest cultures, that applies IC «Oranta-Sich» in the work, can do next conclusions: 1. Most acceptable to work at the market of agrarian insurance there are conditions of the standard agreement of insurance of winter sowing crops(wheats) on the period of feather wintering of the project of IFC worked out by specialists " Development of agrarian insurance in Ukraine": а) they are easily understood for an agricultural producer b) have more wide list of necessary insurance risks, in particular in an agreement with state support on the period of feather wintering such insurance risks as frost, ice-storm, hail are not used, blow lightnings that most credible in a period feather wintering of winter crops; c) the insurance cost of sowing on the contracts of insurance of project of IFC is set by approbation between an insurer and insure and takes into account a sum the real sum of charges on the production of corresponding culture. On the standard contracts of insurance with state support the already set size of charges on the production of certain culture for all commodity producers of Ukraine, without the account of features on its growing; d) on the contracts of insurance of project of IFC the worked out specialists also there is possibility to vary a size coverage (from 50 to 80% in the standard agreement worked out by the state is rationed – 80%; e) is set by the state insurance tariffs, is higher, than on the contracts of insurance of project of IFC. Yes, for a winter wheat by agreement of insurance ratified Нацкомфінпослуг the size of insurance tariff presents 70 hrn/hg, and by agreement of project of IFC - 6, 83%. And size of insurance payments - 17500 and 17074, 28 hrn. f) and the last advantage by agreement of insurance of project of IFC consists in that on a report about an accident insured is given 3 working days, at that time by standard agreement of insurance with state support - 72 hours from the moment of offensive of event. By advantage in the contract of insurance, ratified national committee of financial services, it is possible to define indemnification that returns to the agricultural commodity producers as part of the prepaid insurance payments. On 2012 the size of subsidy presents to the 50% bonuses, and thus in our case is a to 8750 hrn. Conducting the analysis of advantages and lacks of standard agreements of worked out the state and specialists of project of IFC, it is possible to assert that it is necessary to get a license to an insurance company " Oranta-sich" realization of voluntarily insurance of agricultural risks and cooperate with the project of IFC " Development of in Ukraine", rendering services in industry of agricultural insurance on their standard agreements, as do most - leaders insurance companies at the market of agrarian insurance.
When in Ukraine the government program of subsidizing of agricultural commodity producers will begin to work in full, as partial indemnification of the insurance payments prepaid by them, and there will be the clearly prescribed operating of the Agrarian insurance pool conditions, then IC " Oranta-sich" can become a member of AIC and render services of insurance of agricultural produce in state support. Another direction of improvement of grant quality of insurance services in industry of agrarian insurance is creation of the complex system of preparation, retraining and in-plant training of workers IC " Oranta-sich" in this industry of insurance. In fact it is one of basic terms of receipt of license to an insurance company this type of insurance. Preparation of specialists in the field of agrarian insurance will occupy a few years, the anymore, that in Ukraine there are not educational establishments that this engaged in. That’s why, IC " Oranta-sich" must create separate subdivision - the managements of agrarian insurance, where experience profile specialists will work, are able simultaneously to carry out the reviews of the fields and conduct the settlement of accidents insured on all territory of Ukraine. Thus to render services of the greatest quality on the mutually beneficial terms to other insurance companies. CONCLUSIONS Thus, on the basis of the conducted calculations, it is found out, that insurances of agricultural produce with state support are expedient for our state. It is confirmed by the indexes of work of insurance companies that worked in the Zaporizhzhya area in industry of agrarian insurance during 2005-2008 Grant of subsidies from the side of the state and acceptance of the long-term program of support of agrarian insurance must become a main stimulus for agricultural producers to take part in the process of agrarian insurance It is set that size of insurance bonuses collected IC " Oranta-sich" for 2005-2008, in the period of action state support of agricultural producers through reduction of insurance prices of bonuses, was most among other insurance companies that worked in industry of agrarian insurance on the Zaporizhzhya area and presented 3 842 386 hrn. On this index presented IC " Oranta-sich" a 1 place in rating of insurance companies. By this company during 2005-2008 it was insured 75490, 3 hectare the landed areas on a lump insurance sum 103623 thous. hrn. In the Melitopol district the contracts of insurance with state sponsorship began to consist only from 2007. In particular, by the Melitopol branch IC " Oranta-sich " on a draught 2007-2008 was celled for 3 contracts of insurance with state sponsorship. Conducting the analysis of advantages and lacks of standard agreements of worked out the state and specialists of project of IFC, it is possible to assert that it is necessary to get a license to an insurance company " Oranta-sich" realization of voluntarily insurance of agricultural risks, to cooperate with the project of IFC " Development of agricultural insurance in Ukraine", rendering services in industry of agricultural insurance on their standard agreements and not to hurry to be the member of АIC, because terms of work of insurance companies in a pool are yet formed not enough and clearly certain. The IC " Oranta-sich must create the complex system of preparation, retraining and in-plant training of workers of company in industry of agrarian insurance. In fact it is one of basic terms of receipt of license to an insurance company this type of insurance. That’s why, IC " Oranta-sich must create separate subdivision - the managements of agrarian insurance, where experience profile specialists will work, are able simultaneously to carry out the reviews of the fields and conduct the settlement of accidents insured on all territory of Ukraine. Thus to render services of the greatest quality on the mutually beneficial terms to other insurance companies. LITERATURE 1. Аграрне страхування України. [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: https://agroins.com.ua 2. Аналітична записка, підготовлена Проектом «Розвиток агрострахування в Україні», Міжнародна фінансова корпорація (IFC, Група Світового банку) [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: https://agroins.com.ua 3. 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Рубцова Наталя Миколаївна Оцінка впливу державної підтримки на рівень ефективності роботи ПАТ СК «Оранта-Січ» в галузі страхування сільськогосподарських ризиків Стаття присвячена вивченню впливу державної підтримки на рівень ефективності роботи українських страхових компаній в галузі страхування сільськогосподарських ризиків. Ключові слова: сільськогосподарське виробництво, державна підтримка, страхування сільськогосподарської продукції. Рубцова Наталья Николаевна Оценка влияния государственной поддержки на уровень эффективности работы ПАО СК " Оранта-Сичь" в сфере страхования сельскохозяйственных рисков. Статья посвящена изучению влияния государственной поддержки на уровень эффективности работы украинских страховых компаний в сфере страхования сельскохозяйственных рисков. Ключевые слова: сельскохозяйственное производство, государственная поддержка, страхование сельскохозяйственной продукции.
Rubtsova Natalia Assessing the impact of state aid on the efficiency of the insurance company " Oranta-Sich" in agricultural insurance/ This article is devoted to studying the impact of state aid on the level of efficiency of Ukrainian insurance companies in agricultural insurance. Keywords: agricultural production, government support, insurance of agricultural products.
Відомості про автора Рубцова Наталя Миколаївна, к.е.н., доцент кафедри " Фінанси і кредит" Таврійського державного агротехнологічного університету Адреса: Запорізька область, м. Мелітополь, вул. Гризодубової 66, кв. 76 Телефон: робочій – 0619-423109, домашній – 0619-52068, мобільний – 098-4828202 E-mail: Tanusha16.2009@mail.ru